Can Dr Gho\'s stem cell HST transplant work in strip scars?

I can’t believe I get sucked into this Gho controversy but out of curiosity does anyone know if Gho’s HST stem cell transplant works in previous hair transplant strip scars? Has this been discussed or proven before? I have a strip scar that I have been wanting to fix for many years, I wonder if Gho’s HST works for strip scars.

» I can’t believe I get sucked into this Gho controversy but out of curiosity
» does anyone know if Gho’s HST stem cell transplant works in previous hair
» transplant strip scars? Has this been discussed or proven before? I have a
» strip scar that I have been wanting to fix for many years, I wonder if
» Gho’s HST works for strip scars.

Sure …

In this case, mostly they inject the HST grafts. Sometimes they use the “stick & place” method as for burn victims …

yes, but Gho is not the only FUE doctor who can do it. Go to the HT forum, and ask, I believe most of them can do it.

» I can’t believe I get sucked into this Gho controversy but out of curiosity
» does anyone know if Gho’s HST stem cell transplant works in previous hair
» transplant strip scars? Has this been discussed or proven before? I have a
» strip scar that I have been wanting to fix for many years, I wonder if
» Gho’s HST works for strip scars.

Thank you SPanishDude you destroyed a serious thread where someone asked a legit and important question

» yes, but Gho is not the only FUE doctor who can do it. Go to the HT forum,
» and ask, I believe most of them can do it.

Sure, if someone wants a low growth rate - especially ín scars …

… when the growth rate in general is lower with “FUE”.

» yes, but Gho is not the only FUE doctor who can do it.

Correct. Besides Dr. Gho, Dr. Kristel van Herwijnen, Dr. Freek Broekhuijse and some others Hair Science Institute doctors can do HST too - but NONE of them is a “FUE doctor”.

» » yes, but Gho is not the only FUE doctor who can do it. Go to the HT
» forum,
» » and ask, I believe most of them can do it.
» Sure, if someone wants a low growth rate - especially ín scars …
» … when the growth rate in general is lower with “FUE”.

Isn’t Gho discarding 16% of grafts even when he used the manual punch, and dedicated 37.5 seconds per graft extraction?

» » yes, but Gho is not the only FUE doctor who can do it.
» Correct. Besides Dr. Gho, Dr. Kristel van Herwijnen, Dr. Freek Broekhuijse
» and some others Hair Science Institute doctors can do HST too - but NONE of
» them is a “FUE doctor”.

Yes, they are FUE doctors. HST is a kind of FUE.

» Isn’t Gho discarding 16% of grafts …

Correct. Seems this percentage is still unchanged.

“Discarting” means:

case 1) Too less tissue is attached to those harvested grafts = no problem at all for regrowth of such graft(s) at the DONOR site;
case 2) Too much tissue is attached to those harvested grafts = no problem at all for growth of such graft(s) at the RECIPIENT site;

In other words - practically NOTHING is lost, meaning, these 16% are not lost (either they regrow -again- in the donor site or either they grow in the recipient site anyhow - nothing is lost).

» Yes, they are FUE doctors. HST is a kind of FUE.

No Spanish Dud,
just because something “looks like FUE”, it doesn’t mean it’s the same.

Since its beginnings, and UNTIL TODAY, the biggest CONCERN among FUE doctors is to carefully extract FUE grafts completely INTACT.

And every FUE doctor out there knows, that you simply CAN’T harvest INTACT FUE grafts with 0.5 - 0.6 needles - NO WAY!

No way? Let me look …

Dr. John P. Cole: “Another concept to understand is the size of the hair follicles and their surrounding dermal sheath. The average scalp follicle is 0.42 mm wide from dermal sheath to dermal sheath. A two hair follicular unit averages 0.82 mm wide. This means you can use a 0.5 mm punch all you want, but the two hair follicular unit will not fit into it.”


Spanish Dud,
do you think Dr. Cole is a liar?? :expressionless:

Stitchmeup i will answer your question simple. Yes you can use HST for filling scars because HST was used for scar tissue in the first place (burn victims)

» Stitchmeup i will answer your question simple. Yes you can use HST for
» filling scars because HST was used for scar tissue in the first place
» (burn victims)

That’s correct …

… and e.g. Igli’s physicians are are very proud of what they achieved.

» And every FUE doctor out there knows, that you simply CAN’T harvest INTACT
» FUE grafts with 0.5 - 0.6 needles - NO WAY!
» No way? Let me look …
» -----------------------------------
» Dr. John P. Cole: “Another concept to understand is the size of
» the hair follicles and their surrounding dermal sheath. The average scalp
» follicle is 0.42 mm wide from dermal sheath to dermal sheath. A two hair
» follicular unit averages 0.82 mm wide. This means you can use a
» 0.5 mm punch all you want, but the two hair follicular unit will not fit
» into it.”
» Source:
» -----------------------------------
» Spanish Dud,
» do you think Dr. Cole is a liar?? :expressionless:

Seems that other experts think he isn’t a liar …

Interesting …

Who claims to use a 0.6mm punch? That is ridiculously too small and potentially detrimental to the dermal sheath in a follicular unit graft.

… or funny? :smiley:

I wonder what this guy thinks when he hears “0.5 needles for FU’s extraction”.