BIOLOGIX HAIR --- New Webseite Online --- Product available soon


First of all, I know its my first Post but I’m not advertising for this product. Since a lot of Germans trolling this Board, simply go to the German version of this Platforn and check for my NickName there, I have a long running history there.

Thats that, now on to the real post

The Company Biologix Hair has been on here I think some time ago. Today they release their new homepage replacing the temporary one that has been online for I think almost 2 years.

Here some basic Facts:

  • Injection that fertilizes follicles and helps beating inflammation of the follicles that occur during Hairloss

  • Produkt claims to be tester for safety and effectiveness since 2004

  • 5000 people received the product, 30.000 injections made —> everyone has seen results

(I know, I think the same. Where the F*** are these 5000 people and why we never heard of anybody if that stuff is legit ???
They say they did not hold all rights of the formula till late 2011, maybe that explains why we never heard of anybody using it since they were not allowed to tell + it has been administered in South american clinics )

  • results within 6 to 8 weeks

  • Price 450 - 750 $ per injection

  • several injections needed and a visit + injection yearly follow up

  • The product will be available in clinics in Mexico and the Caribbean starting in the next months.

  • They HAVE NO FDA APPROVAL yet. They say they are working on it and hope to have it in 2 to 4 years.

Take a look at the side. Almost everything is explained in detail there.

Now I know a lot will scream SNAKE OILLL !!! But if you have half a brain and compare effort to harness you will quickly realize that this bares any sense since putting this entire thing up was to expensive for a cheap fake. Especially when they advertise results in a few weeks and once someone who has been testing it reports BS. There would be no big bugs in this …

Again I’m not advertising this stuff. But maybe someone in California goes south of the boarder to try it out. Would make us all smarter.

Snake Oil come on mate have you seen those pictures flash light vs dark shot come on

» Snake Oil come on mate have you seen those pictures flash light vs dark
» shot come on

Especially the picture on the starting page, you are right. Your reaction was my reaction at first sight as well. I think if you want to convince someone with pictures on the internet you already failed.

Video would have been way better !

But then I started to dig a little bit. There are some people involved in this on the members board that have a really high profile. Free call in lines, and consultations. An agreement with the Beijing Institute of Technology, keeping a temporary site online for almost 2 years and feed it with news post and stuff even if you could not buy anything there at that time.

I think the money that was put in this is to big to be complete fake. There would never fly enough people to the Caribbean or Mexico for the treatment to make money with this once the word is out that it is fake.

I contacted the company with a few questions that popped up while I was reviewing the website. They immediately replied to me and said if I had more questions I should call them up.

Here are the questions and answers.


I have been following your company for quite some time. I’m sure you are aware that this industry has a very bad reputation and so me as well as other people tend to be very skeptical towards companies that promise an easy solution. Now that you launched your new website and this product is about to be available, I would like to ask some questions.

  1. You say this product is safe and that it was given people in an clinical environment for almost 7 years. But you have no FDA or EMA approval for this product. How come you did not pursue this since you are working with this substance since 2004 ?

The doctors and scientists were in South America and only treated local clients there hence they had no reason to pursue the FDA or EMA. We now have the therapy and are proceeding with this.

  1. You claim to have 5000 people treated. I’m from europe and contribute to Hair Loss Forums here as well as in the US. How come in all these years never ever anybody showed up in these Forums who had been treated with Biologix Hair and had results ?
    I think the Hair loss community is very well cross-linked worldwide. Still nobody knows about this.

The name is relative new as is our company and again all of this was previously done on a local basis by a few physicians working with the inventor of the therapy.

  1. Are there already clinics in Mexico or the Caribbean where you can get the treatment ?

Right now there is one in Colombia and more to follow in central and South America.

  1. Would you offer a test treatment ?

Probably not but this would be up to the individual therapy center not us.

  1. How likely is you will get FDA approval for this in the next 2 years ?

Not very likely as we believe it will be probably 3 - 4 years. All of this is explained in our very detailed website.

I suggest after reviewing the website in detail that you then contact our hair consultants for more information.

Best, Ron

What is the claimed science behind this?
(Something discovered in the 1990s? WTF?)

What docs?

Is there anything on paper/file that we can look at? Patents anywhere? Papers published, peer-reviewed journals, etc?

Hair Multiplication research is a very small world. I would be pretty surprised if something like this could go under everyone’s radar for so long and then suddenly emerge. The patients might not have spilled the beans but the science had to come from somewhere.

This is the sort of progress that makes a researcher’s career and also makes someone a fortune. Somebody must have taken some steps to protect their intellectual property at some stage of the game. That should have left a paper trail somewhere.

If this operation is legit then we should be able to find out more about it than just what they advertise on their site.



I don’t understand why do you guys call this website/product a sc4m.

I know that if I were to bump into it I would think it’s a sc4m ONLY BECAUSE I HANG ON THIS FORUM AND I KNOW YOU GUYS WOULD CALL IT A SC4M.
But what do you base your opinion on?
The website is very legit. The science is not very clear but again, wouldn’t a direct proof be the only way to know (like is gho’s case)?

I want to know how can you tell it’s just another snake0il, so I’ll be able to catch them myself next time. Again, the only way I can tell is they don’t have a line of product I’ve ever heard of (it’s not histogen, ari, replicel etc). And again, the fact that nobody ever talked about them on this forum would tell me it’s not legit. What else do you guys do to find a fake?

It’s like telling if a pair of boobs is fake, I have many methods. Wanna know the methods you use with snake0ils, thanks!

I’m not necessarily declaring them a sc_am. But so far they have disclosed about as much as we would hear on a 30-second TV commercial. I see little reason to get our hopes up just yet.

» Hello,
» First of all, I know its my first Post but I’m not advertising for this
» product. Since a lot of Germans trolling this Board, simply go to the
» German version of this Platforn and check for my NickName there, I have a
» long running history there.
» Thats that, now on to the real post
» The Company Biologix Hair has been on here I think some time ago. Today
» they release their new homepage replacing the temporary one that has been
» online for I think almost 2 years.
» --------------------
» Here some basic Facts:
» --------------------
» - Injection that fertilizes follicles and helps beating inflammation of the
» follicles that occur during Hairloss
» - Produkt claims to be tester for safety and effectiveness since 2004
» - 5000 people received the product, 30.000 injections made —> everyone
» has seen results
» (I know, I think the same. Where the F*** are these 5000 people and why we
» never heard of anybody if that stuff is legit ???
» They say they did not hold all rights of the formula till late 2011, maybe
» that explains why we never heard of anybody using it since they were not
» allowed to tell + it has been administered in South american clinics )
» - results within 6 to 8 weeks
» - Price 450 - 750 $ per injection
» - several injections needed and a visit + injection yearly follow up
» - The product will be available in clinics in Mexico and the Caribbean
» starting in the next months.
» - They HAVE NO FDA APPROVAL yet. They say they are working on it and
» hope to have it in 2 to 4 years.
» Take a look at the side. Almost everything is explained in detail there.
» Now I know a lot will scream SNAKE OILLL !!!
» But if you have half a brain and compare effort to
» harness you will quickly realize that this bares any sense since putting
» this entire thing up was to expensive for a cheap fake. Especially when
» they advertise results in a few weeks and once someone who has been
» testing it reports BS. There would be no big bugs in this …
» Again I’m not advertising this stuff. But maybe someone in California goes
» south of the boarder to try it out. Would make us all smarter.

Stop messing with SNAKE OILS.If you have a good donor, get your Gho on and move on with your life. Life is short.

I’ll be banned from this thread after this post, so feel free to hate on me.

Go read the title of this forum again, Moawk. You don’t seem to understand it.

You should be ashamed of yourself for promoting a fake medication to a community of people desparate to find a cure for their disease. Would you do the same thing to a cancer community or diabedes? What a loser.

» I don’t understand why do you guys call this website/product a sc4m.
» I know that if I were to bump into it I would think it’s a sc4m ONLY
» But what do you base your opinion on?
» The website is very legit. The science is not very clear but again,
» wouldn’t a direct proof be the only way to know (like is gho’s case)?
» I want to know how can you tell it’s just another snake0il, so I’ll be able
» to catch them myself next time. Again, the only way I can tell is they
» don’t have a line of product I’ve ever heard of (it’s not histogen, ari,
» replicel etc). And again, the fact that nobody ever talked about them on
» this forum would tell me it’s not legit. What else do you guys do to find a
» fake?
» It’s like telling if a pair of boobs is fake, I have many methods. Wanna
» know the methods you use with snake0ils, thanks!

to compare the evidence of Gho to the evidence we have for these guys is… not possible

Gho is not the yardstick that we must measure every other HM story by.

There is another forum to discuss his deal.