Best Hairline Doctor

I am 23 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 16. I got on propecia when I turned 18 and have been using it ever since. I am also using rogaine. It seemed to have slowed my loss down in the crown area but not too much in the hairline. I was planning on getting a hair transplant with Dr. Armani since I felt he was the best hairline surgeon but after a lot of research I am not convinced with his FUE results. I am about a NW 2 and Armani had recommended that I do 3000 grafts in zone 1 and 2. I know thats a lot of grafts to waste in the front but I feel there will be major advances in treating hairloss in the next 5-10 years. Right now it looks like Hasson & Wong are my number one choice because I saw their videos on YouTube and they’re very legitimate with how they present their results. The ony problem with them is I haven’t seen them do a transplant for a patient that didn’t have a really bad case of hairloss. I am not trying to get back the hairline I had when I was 16. I just want to thicken up the existing hairline and close the temples a little bit. Do you think Hasson and Wong would be good for this type of transplant? Does anyone have any other recommendations.

» I am 23 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 16. I got on
» propecia when I turned 18 and have been using it ever since. I am also
» using rogaine. It seemed to have slowed my loss down in the crown area but
» not too much in the hairline. I was planning on getting a hair transplant
» with Dr. Armani since I felt he was the best hairline surgeon but after a
» lot of research I am not convinced with his FUE results. I am about a NW 2
» and Armani had recommended that I do 3000 grafts in zone 1 and 2. I know
» thats a lot of grafts to waste in the front but I feel there will be major
» advances in treating hairloss in the next 5-10 years. Right now it looks
» like Hasson & Wong are my number one choice because I saw their videos on
» YouTube and they’re very legitimate with how they present their results.
» The ony problem with them is I haven’t seen them do a transplant for a
» patient that didn’t have a really bad case of hairloss. I am not trying to
» get back the hairline I had when I was 16. I just want to thicken up the
» existing hairline and close the temples a little bit. Do you think Hasson
» and Wong would be good for this type of transplant? Does anyone have any
» other recommendations.

You should see patients of all the doctors you are considering in person. You get a better grasp of the results then from a video or picture.

So with all your research you finally realised dr Armani’s FUE results were not impressive (not convincing as you put it).

But, at the same time you had a consultation with him, and he said that you needed 3000 grafts? … Why would you go in for a consultation if you weren’t satisfied with his FUE results during your research in the first place?

You consider 3000 grafts planted in zones 1 and 2 is a waste??? :expressionless:

If you tell ANY surgeon that you ONLY want to thicken up your existing hairline and not lower it, they will NOT argu with you and say no you MUST lower it to when you were 16! Nice try!

You feel it is a waste especially due to your hidden knowledge that a hair loss miracle will be out within the next 5-10 yrs??? Where they inject you with a SuperNeedle and immediately start seeing hairs popping out right?
And this future hairloss anecdote is a guarantee, right??

So if you’re so sure that in 5-10 yrs a hair loss miracle will be out, then why would 3000 grafts into zones 1 and 2 be a waste? You will have a super dense, handsome, natural, and beautiful hairline by the time the miracle comes out atleast right? I mean, why wait for it bald when you can wait for it like a stud, right?

Tell me something, you come out of nowhere and start your first post as an attack on dr armani’s fue results and the number of grafts he uses… who are you really and what’s your agenda? Would have made more sence to come in here and announce which doctor you were going to for your hair transplant, not announce a claimed encounter you;ve had with a doctor during your research mission.

By the way, you do notice that you are the first to EVER say that you were unsatisfied with dr Armani’s FUE results. Congradulations.

I’ve been reading these forums long enough to know a con when I see one.

You’ve been spotted :smiley:

» » I am 23 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 16. I got on
» » propecia when I turned 18 and have been using it ever since. I am also
» » using rogaine. It seemed to have slowed my loss down in the crown area
» but
» » not too much in the hairline. I was planning on getting a hair
» transplant
» » with Dr. Armani since I felt he was the best hairline surgeon but after
» a
» » lot of research I am not convinced with his FUE results. I am about a
» NW 2
» » and Armani had recommended that I do 3000 grafts in zone 1 and 2. I
» know
» » thats a lot of grafts to waste in the front but I feel there will be
» major
» » advances in treating hairloss in the next 5-10 years. Right now it
» looks
» » like Hasson & Wong are my number one choice because I saw their videos
» on
» » YouTube and they’re very legitimate with how they present their results.
» » The ony problem with them is I haven’t seen them do a transplant for a
» » patient that didn’t have a really bad case of hairloss. I am not trying
» to
» » get back the hairline I had when I was 16. I just want to thicken up
» the
» » existing hairline and close the temples a little bit. Do you think
» Hasson
» » and Wong would be good for this type of transplant? Does anyone have
» any
» » other recommendations.
» You should see patients of all the doctors you are considering in person.
» You get a better grasp of the results then from a video or picture.

» So with all your research you finally realised dr Armani’s FUE results were
» not impressive (not convincing as you put it).
» But, at the same time you had a consultation with him, and he said that
» you needed 3000 grafts? … Why would you go in for a consultation if you
» weren’t satisfied with his FUE results during your research in the first
» place?
» You consider 3000 grafts planted in zones 1 and 2 is a waste??? :expressionless:
» If you tell ANY surgeon that you ONLY want to thicken up your existing
» hairline and not lower it, they will NOT argu with you and say no you MUST
» lower it to when you were 16! Nice try!
» You feel it is a waste especially due to your hidden knowledge that a hair
» loss miracle will be out within the next 5-10 yrs??? Where they inject you
» with a SuperNeedle and immediately start seeing hairs popping out right?
» And this future hairloss anecdote is a guarantee, right??

This bit is supposed to be true.Armani himself is working on something,thats at least what one of his fan club reps have stated in the past,check back its on hairsite somewhere - The rest of this post seems to be an attack on Dr Armani

» So if you’re so sure that in 5-10 yrs a hair loss miracle will be out,
» then why would 3000 grafts into zones 1 and 2 be a waste? You will have a
» super dense, handsome, natural, and beautiful hairline by the time the
» miracle comes out atleast right? I mean, why wait for it bald when you can
» wait for it like a stud, right?
» Tell me something, you come out of nowhere and start your first post as an
» attack on dr armani’s fue results and the number of grafts he uses… who
» are you really and what’s your agenda? Would have made more sence to come
» in here and announce which doctor you were going to for your hair
» transplant, not announce a claimed encounter you;ve had with a doctor
» during your research mission.
» By the way, you do notice that you are the first to EVER say that you were
» unsatisfied with dr Armani’s FUE results. Congradulations.
» I’ve been reading these forums long enough to know a con when I see one.
» You’ve been spotted :smiley:
» » » I am 23 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 16. I got
» on
» » » propecia when I turned 18 and have been using it ever since. I am
» also
» » » using rogaine. It seemed to have slowed my loss down in the crown
» area
» » but
» » » not too much in the hairline. I was planning on getting a hair
» » transplant
» » » with Dr. Armani since I felt he was the best hairline surgeon but
» after
» » a
» » » lot of research I am not convinced with his FUE results. I am about
» a
» » NW 2
» » » and Armani had recommended that I do 3000 grafts in zone 1 and 2. I
» » know
» » » thats a lot of grafts to waste in the front but I feel there will be
» » major
» » » advances in treating hairloss in the next 5-10 years. Right now it
» » looks
» » » like Hasson & Wong are my number one choice because I saw their
» videos
» » on
» » » YouTube and they’re very legitimate with how they present their
» results.
» »
» » » The ony problem with them is I haven’t seen them do a transplant for
» a
» » » patient that didn’t have a really bad case of hairloss. I am not
» trying
» » to
» » » get back the hairline I had when I was 16. I just want to thicken up
» » the
» » » existing hairline and close the temples a little bit. Do you think
» » Hasson
» » » and Wong would be good for this type of transplant? Does anyone have
» » any
» » » other recommendations.
» »
» » You should see patients of all the doctors you are considering in
» person.
» » You get a better grasp of the results then from a video or picture.

No this is not an attack at all on Dr. Armani. If you read my post again I never said I thought 3000 grafts in zone 1 and 2 was a waste. I feel like a lot of people would have told me that it would be a waste since you have a limited donor supply. Thats why I said I didn’t care about wasting grafts because I just need my looks to last for 5-10 years before something better comes out (or I get married, lol). I want a thick natural hairline which is why I was considering Dr. Armani. I don’t doubt that he did amazing hairlines when he was doing the strip procedure. I have just been questioning him lately because the rep I’ve been talking to has not gotten back to me when I told him I wanted to meet a person that has only done FUE. He e-mails me back trying to set up an appointment with someone who did strip or with someone who did a strip and then FUE which is not what I’m looking to see. I would much rather do FUE over strip but I would like to be able to meet with someone who had just had that one type of procedure done. Maybe you guys can help? And by the way I do not have any agenda. I’m just a 23 year old looking for options right now…

Without the FUE Sara Armani performed on me, my hairline was crap (three failed strip surgeries). FUE completely redid my hairline, closed my temples, and built temple points that I NEVER had…I’d have to say there’s no one better at hairlines currently IMHO. (

Hey Mike, we have a pretty similar story, loss at 16 been on propecia, etc. I have actually had a HT by both docs you mentioned and if you have a virgin scalp you really need to look at FUE more closely. I dont know what FUE results you have looked at but I am happy with the route I chose. This is obviously a big decision for most so just make sure you do your due diligence.

» Hey Mike, we have a pretty similar story, loss at 16 been on propecia, etc.
» I have actually had a HT by both docs you mentioned and if you have a
» virgin scalp you really need to look at FUE more closely. I dont know what
» FUE results you have looked at but I am happy with the route I chose. This
» is obviously a big decision for most so just make sure you do your due
» diligence.

Glad to here someone was in the same boat as me. Can you post some pics floridaboy? Golfjunkie, I’ve seen your results and they are amazing I have a little more loss in the front than you but even if my transplant turned out half as good as yours did I would be happy. I was considering Antonio for my transplant bc I only want the best (cost is not an issue) but I must say if Sara can do for me what she did for u I would be more than happy to go with her. Does anyone know patients I can meet with? I live in the US but I can travel anywhere.

sure, just click on my journal.



I am a former Dr. Armani patient and I can say with the utmost honesty that everything about his establishment is entirely legitimate. I had the best experience I could ever hope for, and that is no exaggeration. I actually visited the clinic weeks before my procedure to make sure that it was up to my standards, so believe me, I was going through the same things you are right now. It is an extremely difficult decision to make. Listen, go to my blog and see my results for yourself. They literally speak for themselves. It talks about my entire procedure from begining to end in detail and documents my progress with photos. I did however have the FUSS done but now Dr. Armani has gotten so efficient at FUE he no longer does FUSS. To me that says alot about the quality of the doctor. Feel free to ask me any questions you might think of. I’m glad to help because I was in the exact same predicament you were not too long ago.

» I am 23 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 16. I got on
» propecia when I turned 18 and have been using it ever since. I am also
» using rogaine. It seemed to have slowed my loss down in the crown area but
» not too much in the hairline. I was planning on getting a hair transplant
» with Dr. Armani since I felt he was the best hairline surgeon but after a
» lot of research I am not convinced with his FUE results. I am about a NW 2
» and Armani had recommended that I do 3000 grafts in zone 1 and 2. I know
» thats a lot of grafts to waste in the front but I feel there will be major
» advances in treating hairloss in the next 5-10 years. Right now it looks
» like Hasson & Wong are my number one choice because I saw their videos on
» YouTube and they’re very legitimate with how they present their results.
» The ony problem with them is I haven’t seen them do a transplant for a
» patient that didn’t have a really bad case of hairloss. I am not trying to
» get back the hairline I had when I was 16. I just want to thicken up the
» existing hairline and close the temples a little bit. Do you think Hasson
» and Wong would be good for this type of transplant? Does anyone have any
» other recommendations.

» Mike,
» I am a former Dr. Armani patient and I can say with the utmost honesty
» that everything about his establishment is entirely legitimate. I had the
» best experience I could ever hope for, and that is no exaggeration. I
» actually visited the clinic weeks before my procedure to make sure that it
» was up to my standards, so believe me, I was going through the same things
» you are right now. It is an extremely difficult decision to make. Listen,
» go to my blog and see my results for yourself. They literally speak for
» themselves. It talks about my entire procedure from begining to end in
» detail and documents my progress with photos. I did however have the FUSS
» done but now Dr. Armani has gotten so efficient at FUE he no longer does
» FUSS. To me that says alot about the quality of the doctor. Feel free to
» ask me any questions you might think of. I’m glad to help because I was in
» the exact same predicament you were not too long ago.
Hi Reddog,

I fully agree with Mike. I also was in the same situation as yourself and was extremely happy with the treatment and results that I received from Dr. Armani. I am especially happy with the attention to detail when it came to my hairline. Dr. Armani placed great importance on creatively placing the hairs which was very important to me. I would not even consider ever going to another doctor again. (had a previous FUSS at another doc). I think you will be very happy with Dr. Armani. It IS a huge decision though so take your time. Feel free to check out my journal. Best wishes.


I was planning on getting a hair transplant with Dr. Armani since I felt he was the best hairline surgeon but after a lot of research I am not convinced with his FUE results.

Hey Mike,

I can say that after working for the clinig for the last 8 motnhs I am convinced that Dr. Armani Fue Hairlines are just as natural looking and dense as what was being achieved using strip. I have a bunch of examples I can show you if you;d like t oemail me

Here are just a few:

Hey Mike…

I too went to Armani for my transplant. My experience has been great. I am just giving my opinion but the entire reason I went there was for the hairline and overall FUE results. I am in my mid 20’s and did not like some of the results I was seeing from other places.

During this time when you research do not listen to people in this forum, go with what you feel is your best decision. There are way too many people in these forums talking up or putting down clincs. When it comes down to it, this is a big decision for you to make with your own input and nobody elses.

Mike, there are many things to consider when getting an HT. You are on the right track just being in here and doing research. Armani is well known for doing some of the very best hair lines. Something to consider when getting an HT via strip is the scar that it will leave you. I wish you much luck, and I hope you find the right doctor that will make you happy.

Hey Mike,

I would suggest looking into Dr. Armani, especially since he is renowned for doing great hairlines. I have met with one of his patients before I got my procedure, not to mention a few others that work at the clinic and they really are the best. Credit needs to be given where due.
Do your research and make sure you include Armani in the decision making process, just my two cents.

Keep us updated.


Hey Mike,

Take a look at my pics & the hairline that once was not & is now lol…
Dr Armani just created an entire new hairline for me which changed my life & stopped me being depressed.
If its a hairline you want. I think what Dr Armani can do is better than anyone else out there at the moment.

Feel free to contact me if you need anything further because it was my hairline which was my main concern when I had my procedure & was re-searching it.

