Before and after FUE – Top area coverage 3300 grafts – HDC Hair Clinic – Dr Christina

This is a 37-year-old patient that wanted to cover his whole bald area. HDC advised him that this should be achieved in two visits to the clinic. The front and top area was transplanted first, with 3300 grafts and the remaining crown will need about another 2500 grafts. This procedure was executed from our Physician, Dr Christina with the technicians team of HDC.

One procedure approaching 6000 grafts was not recommended, to avoid donor depletion. Examine the before and after of the donor, being ready to give another 2500 grafts without problem and still expecting no depletion.

You can see the before and after result in the recipient. Note the high and natural hairline which maintains the naturality and appropriateness of the image of the patient. Also note the natural blending of the transplanted with the native hair.

A successful hair transplant is not about density, but about naturality. We try hard to explain this to our young potential patients, but they need to be educated correctly before going for hair Transplant surgery.

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Immediately after

15 months after

Donor 15 months after