Baldness discovery paints molecule as potent stimulator of new hair growth

Is this the stuff?

Yes - that should be it, and I’m surprised at how big it is - 993 amino acids. Which means it’s pretty expensive to synthesize, and the price shows that.

Also, look at this part - " Transgenic over-expression of SCUBE3 can cause progressive cardiac hypertrophy (3). SCUBE3 and its active fragment are frequently over‑expressed in lung cancer tumor tissues, and can promote epithelial to mesenchymal transition by enhancing TGF-beta signaling pathways (2)."

Haha! I checked back on Hairsite after many years of not looking at it and you’re still here. I’ve had successful transplants and have moved on. You’re still holding onto the hope of a miracle cure. Maybe it will ride in on a unicorn! Better luck in your next life! Well, at least you’re the king of the baldies in a hair loss forum! Bahaha!!

I’m sorry you got your head sliced and diced up into mince meat. A pretty desperate move which probably you’ll regret when something really effective comes along and your depleted donor area will be useless. Here we’re just interested in science, not regretful people bragging about butchery sessions.


Yes, I had mentioned that SCUBE3 seems to be associated with cancer, which is of course concerning. I do wonder however in terms of hair growth if SCUBE3 can be injected into some layers of the dermis without injecting it into the bloodstream so that it remains localized in the scalp area. It would be nice if is not absorbed systemically.

It seems that Amplifica is working on a compound which activates TGF-beta but is not precisely SCUBE3. I wonder if this is due to the known downsides of SCUBE3?

“When something really effective comes out.” That’s hilarious! You’ll be the hottest guy in the nursing home! You’re interested in the science of hair loss. That’s a science that literally nobody else cares about except a bunch of baldies with a pipe dream. A dream that will probably never come true, and, if it does, you’ll be too old for it to matter. In the mean time, I be enjoying my life living in the now! Keep living your pathetic existence in your scientific fantasyland! LOL LOL LOL!

So the only thing I can say is, there is only ONE reason why a guy like you who’s had hair transplants would return to a forum about hair loss treatments, and that’s because he deeply regrets having had the hair transplants and is preoccupied with that. There is no other reason. If you were satisfied with your hair transplants and if you didn’t think it was a mistake to go and permanently disfigure your scalp, you wouldn’t just come here out of the blue after years and start arguing and picking fights. It’s that simple! Can it be any more obvious? The longer you sit there and argue with me the more obvious it gets. Bahaha!

Um, yeah. It’s because I decided to check out the forum out of curiosity after several years. When I came here, I found that it is completely different than I remembered. But, when I came here, I saw a few names that I remember from the past. Your’s was one of them. I remember you being a “know it all” many, many years ago…just as you are now. An A$$, if you will. I think that it’s hilarious that you’re still here 15-20 years later, spreading all of your “knowledge” about hair loss. What’s hilarious about it is that you’re still HOPING for a cure that will never come…at least not in time for it to matter to you…lol. What’s sad about it, is that you’re leading young guys in this forum down the same oblivious path that you’ve followed. I feel sorry for them. As far as it goes for you, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy! Now…keep dreaming! (Maybe you’ll hit the lottery too! At least you actually have a chance at that one!)

None of the guys who get their hair back come back here to harass the guys still dealing with hair loss, except you. I also think that you’re unhappy with your hair transplant or else you would be enjoying your life rather than come here to harass guys who haven’t gotten their hair back yet, Why don’t you admit that you don’t like your hair transplant and hang out with the rest of us guys who don’t like our hair. Multiple research groups claim they have ways around the hair-inductivity problem so these could be exciting days and there are other compounds like SCUBE3 being examined. Why don’t you stop being rude and share your issues? You would feel a lot better if you get your unhappiness with your hair transplant off your chest.

Now you guys are psychologists! I thought that you were scientists…haha! There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun at the expense of a few A-holes who harassed me in the past. I really just came here out of curiosity, to see if the site still existed. When I say the same clown spewing his “genius” ideas, I had to call him out on it. He’s been here for at least 10 years touting this BS. It’s probably more like 15 plus years. When and IF anything ever shows true promise and goes to clinical trials, it will be another 10 years after that. That’s the cold hard truth. If it ever comes to market, most of the people following here will be too old for it to really matter. A lifetime wasted, waiting for a false hope. I don’t find it amusing that the guys here are going to suffer that fate, just a few of the idiots that I’ve dealt with in the past. A few jackasses who are doing the same thing that I’ve seen them doing over 10 years ago…haha! I feel sympathy for most of the guys that come here every day wishing upon a fantasy that will never happen.

Whether you believe that I’m happy with my hair is irrelevant to me. I really am not that interested in what a few baldies think of my motivations. Think what you want, it’s a free country! You are correct about one thing…I do have better things to do than waste my time here. I just popped in for a little fun!

See you guys in another 10 years!!

No idea why you are ripping on @roger_that of all people. Imho he literally is one of the few sane people here and the only person who seems to have some scientific background in bio-chemistry. I personally value his opinion more highly than anyone else’s here. The only reason i came back here was to shit on jarjar and hear what roger_that has to say :smiley:

You’re delusional. It’s laughable that an irrelevant bald guy like you thinks he shit on me. And you’re obviously a person of low character since you’re a troubled bald guy who admits that he comes to a hair loss website to try to “shit on” another troubled bald guy.

And you yourself said you also came back here to find out what Roger thinks of SCUBE3, which means you also came back here because you’re still searching for a hair loss cure, just like the rest of us. And yet your defensive response to Willy’s remarks indicates Willy shook you up pretty good since you try to make it sound as if you coming here is different from the rest of us coming here.

And why did you even respond to Willy after he said he’s not coming back for 10 years? Can’t you read, chimp?

““When something really effective comes out.” That’s hilarious! You’ll be the hottest guy in the nursing home! You’re interested in the science of hair loss. That’s a science that literally nobody else cares about except a bunch of baldies with a pipe dream. A dream that will probably never come true, and, if it does, you’ll be too old for it to matter. In the mean time, I be enjoying my life living in the now! Keep living your pathetic existence in your scientific fantasyland! LOL LOL LOL!”

– Willy in 2022

“I can’t even imagine why these “negative” posters come here. They ridicule every potential product that comes to market. They say it in a way that actually sounds like they want these products to fail. Why would they come to a research forum about hairloss and act this way? I think it’s because they must lead a pathetic existence. They must have nothing better to do with their time and , as previously stated, lack attention in the “real” world. If they came here and posed legitimate issues and questions, I wouldn’t feel this way, but that is not the case. They do nothing but “cheerlead” against any potential advancements in the field.”

– Willy in 2008

Speak it, forget it! Type it, regret it!! Remember, never argue with an idiot, the people around you will not know who the idiot is!

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interesting articles on scube3 and tgf-beta

Good article, but why is the author calling the researchers (Drs Wang and Plikus) “mathematicians”? As far as I know they’re biochemists.

The article claims that at least Dr Wang is a “mathematical biologist”

Yes, I think so and I believe Dr Plikus’ PhD is in Pathology but he works in the field of mathematical biology.

I am still a bit baffled as to why people here show so little enthusiasm for these discoveries… To me it seems like we have unlocked a kind of holy grail to kick-start hair growth.

No doubt they are finally on the right path. Can’t wait for human trials!