Astressin B Test Update

That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants to read it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full results from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!

» That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants to read
» it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full results
» from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!

Am i being naieve here but i always thought that success in mice has been achieved in the past without the same success in humans…

» » That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants to
» read
» » it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full
» results
» » from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!
» »
» »
» Am i being naieve here but i always thought that success in mice has been
» achieved in the past without the same success in humans…

I have already said this before and I say it again. Show me ONE study that has pictures that proves that after only 5 injections that the amount, density, and quality of hair regrown on mice is ANYWHERE close to the equivalent of Astressin-B and you will have swayed me, and I will not have any faith left in Astressin-B. But until you do that, you have absolutely no reason to downplay this because people showing interest in chemicals that are shown to have a Profound effect on hair growth can only help us come closer to a cure, so if you want your hair back you shouldn’t downplay potential research. Especially potentially game changing research. Bimatoprost, propecia, avodart, spiro, hair multiplication, prp, acell, all show little if any improvement for your hair. This has been proven to show astounding results…why act like its not worth further testing? Get lost if you want to fear monger and downplay legitimate worthwhile research.

You guys always keep saying

Astessin b has proven to be cosmetically significant

But where are those exactly studies or proofs. Sorry even if people investigate those toppicals further it wont bring us near to the solution, because the solution can and only will be in combination with stemcells and growth factors.

Everything else will be “temp” at best

And i am honest, if someone could guarantee m almost 100 donor regeneration by extracting follicles, i would opt for it, way over some fance sounding medics

» » » That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants to
» » read
» » » it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full
» » results
» » » from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!
» » »
» » »
» »
» »
» » Am i being naieve here but i always thought that success in mice has
» been
» » achieved in the past without the same success in humans…
» I have already said this before and I say it again. Show me ONE study that
» has pictures that proves that after only 5 injections that the amount,
» density, and quality of hair regrown on mice is ANYWHERE close to the
» equivalent of Astressin-B and you will have swayed me, and I will not have
» any faith left in Astressin-B. But until you do that, you have absolutely
» no reason to downplay this because people showing interest in chemicals
» that are shown to have a Profound effect on hair growth can only help us
» come closer to a cure, so if you want your hair back you shouldn’t downplay
» potential research. Especially potentially game changing research.
» Bimatoprost, propecia, avodart, spiro, hair multiplication, prp, acell, all
» show little if any improvement for your hair. This has been proven to show
» astounding results…why act like its not worth further testing? Get lost
» if you want to fear monger and downplay legitimate worthwhile research.

Get lost?.. snigger… not heard that expression for years…
Keep your toupee on… no downplaying on my part…
Simply stating a fact…
With the excitement coming thru the article you would think the author of the article isn’t aware growing hair on mice isn’t that groundbreaking

Now if that statement upsets you then…Get lost!.. he he…

» You guys always keep saying
» Astessin b has proven to be cosmetically significant
» But where are those exactly studies or proofs. Sorry even if people
» investigate those toppicals further it wont bring us near to the solution,
» because the solution can and only will be in combination with stemcells and
» growth factors.
» Everything else will be “temp” at best
» And i am honest, if someone could guarantee m almost 100 donor regeneration
» by extracting follicles, i would opt for it, way over some fance sounding
» medics

i couldn’t disagree more… surgery is the last resort.

This is your opinion and i respect that, but if this will be the only solution, without scars, i would opt for it

» This is your opinion and i respect that, but if this will be the only
» solution, without scars, i would opt for it

what would bother me about hair restoration surgery is that i would need to shave my head and walk around with a red scalp for a few weeks… you would have to explain it to your friends/collegues etc…

also those half a zillion PRP/ACell injections look painful and i remember reading a user complain that it was a painful procedure and that he had pain in his scalp for several days…

just having to take some kind of medication to make your hair start sprouting seems a lot more subtle than full blown HT surgery… but i guess the thought of simply eating a pill and sitting back is a bit blueeyed… such a cure is miles away i’m sure.

» » This is your opinion and i respect that, but if this will be the only
» » solution, without scars, i would opt for it
» what would bother me about hair restoration surgery is that i would need to
» shave my head and walk around with a red scalp for a few weeks… you would
» have to explain it to your friends/collegues etc…
» also those half a zillion PRP/ACell injections look painful and i remember
» reading a user complain that it was a painful procedure and that he had
» pain in his scalp for several days…
» just having to take some kind of medication to make your hair start
» sprouting seems a lot more subtle than full blown HT surgery… but i guess
» the thought of simply eating a pill and sitting back is a bit blueeyed…
» such a cure is miles away i’m sure.

If i can have a permanent full head of hair afterward, i just wouldnt care if they cut my hair and i got a red head a few weeks its a small price for permant hair which is sure

» » » » That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants to
» » » read
» » » » it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full
» » » results
» » » » from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!
» » » »
» » » »
» » »
» »
» » »
» » » Am i being naieve here but i always thought that success in mice has
» » been
» » » achieved in the past without the same success in humans…
» »
» » I have already said this before and I say it again. Show me ONE study
» that
» » has pictures that proves that after only 5 injections that the amount,
» » density, and quality of hair regrown on mice is ANYWHERE close to the
» » equivalent of Astressin-B and you will have swayed me, and I will not
» have
» » any faith left in Astressin-B. But until you do that, you have
» absolutely
» » no reason to downplay this because people showing interest in chemicals
» » that are shown to have a Profound effect on hair growth can only help us
» » come closer to a cure, so if you want your hair back you shouldn’t
» downplay
» » potential research. Especially potentially game changing research.
» » Bimatoprost, propecia, avodart, spiro, hair multiplication, prp, acell,
» all
» » show little if any improvement for your hair. This has been proven to
» show
» » astounding results…why act like its not worth further testing? Get
» lost
» » if you want to fear monger and downplay legitimate worthwhile research.
» Get lost?.. snigger… not heard that expression for years…
» Keep your toupee on… no downplaying on my part…
» Simply stating a fact…
» With the excitement coming thru the article you would think the author of
» the article isn’t aware growing hair on mice isn’t that groundbreaking
» Now if that statement upsets you then…Get lost!.. he he…

You typed out “snigger”? Wow. You are a raging homo. I still have a completely full head of hair, have just noticed my hair line slightly receding and, contrary to your idiocratic, unsubstantiated remarks, this is actually huge. Growing hair on mice is hard when we’re talking about regrowing upwards of 75-95% of hair regrowth and just from 5 injections, not to mention the effects could last for years in humans. You stated your “naive” and that was a correct statement on your part. In fact, I have done quite a bit of research and reading and as far as everyone thinks “growing hair on mice is so easy”, it in fact, is not. Sure, peach fuzz, or very tiny gains like with the experiments with minoxidil, but this compound is actually legitimate enough to be a CURE. An affordable cure that doesn’t make your head bleed for weeks on end because some doctor had to make 5,000 incisions on your head. So before you go spouting how “it’s so easy to grow hair on mice” why don’t you actually read some of the hard core facts and research done on this compound and get back with me. Until then, go act like a presumptuous little twerp somewhere else because you don’t have any clue what your talking about.

If you read the website they got mice after they repeated the tests on ones that were genetically bred to overproduce CRF-OE and instead just got normal mice that were showing signs of alopecia for no known reason and the compound is still showing amazing results. So for all you people out there that care, this is promising stuff so follow along at your own will. And if you would rather opt for waiting 10 years for stem cells, or a hair transplant, then go to a different thread and post your unwanted retorts there.

» You guys always keep saying
» Astessin b has proven to be cosmetically significant
» But where are those exactly studies or proofs. Sorry even if people
» investigate those toppicals further it wont bring us near to the solution,
» because the solution can and only will be in combination with stemcells and
» growth factors.
» Everything else will be “temp” at best
» And i am honest, if someone could guarantee m almost 100 donor regeneration
» by extracting follicles, i would opt for it, way over some fance sounding
» medics

Stevie.Dee… are you serious? I have posted multiple links to websites that are doing studies. Look for just a couple of weeks ago at the link I posted to the patent. It has an extensive, THOROUGHLY documented list of exactly what procedures were used in the experiment along with plenty of pictures to show the mice went from very little hair on their backs to FULL REGROWTH in weeks. Show me anything that even comes close to that. You too Tony UK. I’m still waiting on you to show me that “growing hair on mice is so easy” lets see your studies with actual documentation showing FULL REGROWTH. I’m not talking “slight improvement” or “slowed hair loss” but FULL REGROWTH. I’ll be waiting.

» » » This is your opinion and i respect that, but if this will be the only
» » » solution, without scars, i would opt for it
» »
» » what would bother me about hair restoration surgery is that i would need
» to
» » shave my head and walk around with a red scalp for a few weeks… you
» would
» » have to explain it to your friends/collegues etc…
» »
» » also those half a zillion PRP/ACell injections look painful and i
» remember
» » reading a user complain that it was a painful procedure and that he had
» » pain in his scalp for several days…
» »
» » just having to take some kind of medication to make your hair start
» » sprouting seems a lot more subtle than full blown HT surgery… but i
» guess
» » the thought of simply eating a pill and sitting back is a bit blueeyed…
» » such a cure is miles away i’m sure.
» If i can have a permanent full head of hair afterward, i just wouldnt care
» if they cut my hair and i got a red head a few weeks its a small price for
» permant hair which is sure

And no its not, this hair can still fall out. You state you know tons about all these hair transplants but it clearly states that they promise no results that you will keep all this hair or that it won’t fall out after some time. And many people have posted stating that exactly this has happened, so yes, we know that in fact transplanted hair does not last forever. The underlying cause of hair loss is still there, these hairs are just resistant but not impervious to the same effects that made the original hair fall out.

» » » » » That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants
» to
» » » » read
» » » » » it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full
» » » » results
» » » » » from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!
» » » » »
» » » » »
» » » »
» » »
» »
» » » »
» » » » Am i being naieve here but i always thought that success in mice has
» » » been
» » » » achieved in the past without the same success in humans…
» » »
» » » I have already said this before and I say it again. Show me ONE study
» » that
» » » has pictures that proves that after only 5 injections that the amount,
» » » density, and quality of hair regrown on mice is ANYWHERE close to the
» » » equivalent of Astressin-B and you will have swayed me, and I will not
» » have
» » » any faith left in Astressin-B. But until you do that, you have
» » absolutely
» » » no reason to downplay this because people showing interest in
» chemicals
» » » that are shown to have a Profound effect on hair growth can only help
» us
» » » come closer to a cure, so if you want your hair back you shouldn’t
» » downplay
» » » potential research. Especially potentially game changing research.
» » » Bimatoprost, propecia, avodart, spiro, hair multiplication, prp,
» acell,
» » all
» » » show little if any improvement for your hair. This has been proven to
» » show
» » » astounding results…why act like its not worth further testing? Get
» » lost
» » » if you want to fear monger and downplay legitimate worthwhile
» research.
» »
» » Get lost?.. snigger… not heard that expression for years…
» » Keep your toupee on… no downplaying on my part…
» » Simply stating a fact…
» » With the excitement coming thru the article you would think the author
» of
» » the article isn’t aware growing hair on mice isn’t that groundbreaking
» »
» » Now if that statement upsets you then…Get lost!.. he he…
» You typed out “snigger”? Wow. You are a raging homo. I still have a
» completely full head of hair, have just noticed my hair line slightly
» receding and, contrary to your idiocratic, unsubstantiated remarks, this is
» actually huge. Growing hair on mice is hard when we’re talking about
» regrowing upwards of 75-95% of hair regrowth and just from 5 injections,
» not to mention the effects could last for years in humans. You stated your
» “naive” and that was a correct statement on your part. In fact, I have done
» quite a bit of research and reading and as far as everyone thinks “growing
» hair on mice is so easy”, it in fact, is not. Sure, peach fuzz, or very
» tiny gains like with the experiments with minoxidil, but this compound is
» actually legitimate enough to be a CURE. An affordable cure that doesn’t
» make your head bleed for weeks on end because some doctor had to make 5,000
» incisions on your head. So before you go spouting how “it’s so easy to grow
» hair on mice” why don’t you actually read some of the hard core facts and
» research done on this compound and get back with me. Until then, go act
» like a presumptuous little twerp somewhere else because you don’t have any
» clue what your talking about.
» If you read the website they got mice after they repeated the tests on ones
» that were genetically bred to overproduce CRF-OE and instead just got
» normal mice that were showing signs of alopecia for no known reason and the
» compound is still showing amazing results. So for all you people out there
» that care, this is promising stuff so follow along at your own will. And if
» you would rather opt for waiting 10 years for stem cells, or a hair
» transplant, then go to a different thread and post your unwanted retorts
» there.

I don’t know if it’ll work the same way on humans or if it will work at all but I really hope it does and I’m on board with you Takeela, I just wanna know if there is anyway it can get to humans without having to wait years for a product, I’m sick of waiting as I’m sure many of you are.

» I don’t know if it’ll work the same way on humans or if it will work at all
» but I really hope it does and I’m on board with you Takeela, I just wanna
» know if there is anyway it can get to humans without having to wait years
» for a product, I’m sick of waiting as I’m sure many of you are.

To answer your question, there is no possible way that this will get to us as a commercial product inside 5 years (most likely not inside 10 years) if it in fact works. The patent was filed 5 years ago and they havent to our knowledge even attempted it on a person. The only way we will know if it works is if someone has it made and experiments on themselves and with all the talk I thought that would have happened by now but those who seemed so intent on it have apparently lost interest.

We are talking about stressed out mice and dubious people on forums who claim something.

Still not sold on that.

Transplanted hair is immune to the cause of prior hair loss buddy, thats the reason why the pluggy work from the 80s is pretty much detectable because the hair stays

» We are talking about stressed out mice and dubious people on forums who
» claim something.
» Still not sold on that.
» Transplanted hair is immune to the cause of prior hair loss buddy, thats
» the reason why the pluggy work from the 80s is pretty much detectable
» because the hair stays

Sorry Stevie, i wish this was true but sadly i know from experience that transplanted hair is still at risk.I’m still happy with my results but some of the transplanted is defo on its way out.

Just look around you at all the guys who have thin wispy horseshoes around their head,It’s very common for the donor area to thin, maybe not entirely as on the scalp, but enough to affect a transplant ,in some cases very badly. If these guys had gone the transplant route earlier in life with hair taken from the zone then it’s highly likely there would have been loss of transplanted hair.

Takeela - Raging Homo?.. he he…ok i guessed i asked for that ,i did tease you a little with the toupee’ dig. :slight_smile:

Re growth on mice- i said it was not groundbreaking , never said it was easy…

I’m glad your passionate about Astressin B,i’m an objective guy and nothing would give me more pleasure than you being completely vindicated with your hopes for this, time will tell, i will even go so far as to offer to chip in to the pool bulk buy if this develops further…

» That website I was talking about posted an update if anyone wants to read
» it. It’s pretty short, but they say that they will be posting full results
» from their tests in 2 months. Very promising!

there was a user on here named baldy who claimed his friend worked in a lab and could get it
for him and i think he was intending on getting some, was there any update on that?

i would gladly chip in for a bulk buy as well.

GoGiants- any updates on your PRP+ ACell treatment? Hoping for the best for you.




what are your thoughts regarding the use of this compound in humans, specifically, a formulation via a topical/transdermal delivery directly to the scalp (and hopefully to the hair follicles and associated structures) or through injection directly into the scalp, which would seem to have a greater chance of systemic effects?

i am uncertain if a topical would penetrate so far as to be taken up through the blood but i suppose that would depend on the delivery vehicle. also, i’m uncertain if we (humans with hairloss) would want that. It would seem to increase the potential for adverse effects.

i appreciate your feedback.



» TaKeeLa,
» what are your thoughts regarding the use of this compound in humans,
» specifically, a formulation via a topical/transdermal delivery directly to
» the scalp (and hopefully to the hair follicles and associated structures)
» or through injection directly into the scalp, which would seem to have a
» greater chance of systemic effects?
» i am uncertain if a topical would penetrate so far as to be taken up
» through the blood but i suppose that would depend on the delivery vehicle.
» also, i’m uncertain if we (humans with hairloss) would want that. It would
» seem to increase the potential for adverse effects.
» i appreciate your feedback.
» regards,
» jonesing

Well I don’t claim to be any type of scientist or anything but I have researched and read quite a lot about this. If you made a topical/transdermal delivery directly to the scalp it will take quite a lot more astressin-b in order to have the same effect. Again, in the link I posted to the patent application it states that if you were to make a topical then it would take up to or even more than 100X what it would take through sub cutanious injections.

This would have be a safe (still don’t know 100% about side effects in humans though) way to do it, it would not pass the blood brain barrier this way because the size of Astressin-b is too big. The same for injections, as long as you didn’t have some dummy with a huge needle that happened to be strong enough to pierce your skull. The compound would still not pass the blood brain barrier this way either, although it would take much less compound in order to have the same effect. This would save money if someone or a group of people were to order this. However, this could also have a negative effect. If you do do the injections to save money it would also be very easy to undershoot or overshoot the amount it would take to have the same results in a person as the mice. The bad part about this is that is one of the reasons they have clinical studies is to find the correct amount to be used in humans with still have good results. This would, to be 100% honest, just take some guesswork as to the amount to be used for injections or for a topical…

If you have any other questions feel free to ask! :slight_smile: