Astressin-b Preliminary Report and Final Report (soon)

The researchers have posted a preliminary report. The final report is supposed to be posted on November the 5th. To see the new information follow this link.

Still looking great! Well over 90% showed full regrowth in the normal mice! Even in ones that were SIGNIFICANTLY made to overproduce CRF levels it was still around 30-50% Full regrowth depending on the level of overproduction! Check out the results though, looks great! :smiley:

» The researchers have posted a preliminary report. The final report is
» supposed to be posted on November the 5th. To see the new information
» follow this link.
» Still looking great! Well over 90% showed full regrowth in the normal mice!
» Even in ones that were SIGNIFICANTLY made to overproduce CRF levels it was
» still around 30-50% Full regrowth depending on the level of overproduction!
» Check out the results though, looks great! :smiley:

Yes, and the final paragraph…

We have also been in contact with an organization that is interesting in proceeding with the Human Trials. There will be a post on this subject as the week progresses..

» » The researchers have posted a preliminary report. The final report is
» » supposed to be posted on November the 5th. To see the new information
» » follow this link.
» »
» »
» »
» » Still looking great! Well over 90% showed full regrowth in the normal
» mice!
» » Even in ones that were SIGNIFICANTLY made to overproduce CRF levels it
» was
» » still around 30-50% Full regrowth depending on the level of
» overproduction!
» » Check out the results though, looks great! :smiley:
» Yes, and the final paragraph…
» We have also been in contact with an organization that is interesting in
» proceeding with the Human Trials. There will be a post on this subject as
» the week progresses.

Yes very interesting indeed! I can’t wait till they release the final report and the comments on the human trials. Even though they release updates every couple of weeks, it seems like years in between updates!

Good for mice. These numbers mean little until we see similar results with humans.
Remember Intercytex and Aderans got mice sprouting with hair. We know what happened to the first. The second might soon end up the same way.

» Good for mice. These numbers mean little until we see similar results with
» humans.
» Remember Intercytex and Aderans got mice sprouting with hair. We know what
» happened to the first. The second might soon end up the same way.

You cannot compare the two. The differences in the amount and quality of hair are staggering not to mention I guarantee their efficiency wasn’t well over 90% that lasted for 4-6 months at a time if not longer. Yes, it still needs to be proven in humans, but I feel that this is much different than any other of the treatments that have “proven effective” on mice.

Waiting for the human trials. I am in this forums since around 2000, so waiting a few months is easy as cake. :slight_smile:

» The researchers have posted a preliminary report. The final report is
» supposed to be posted on November the 5th. To see the new information
» follow this link.
» Still looking great! Well over 90% showed full regrowth in the normal mice!
» Even in ones that were SIGNIFICANTLY made to overproduce CRF levels it was
» still around 30-50% Full regrowth depending on the level of overproduction!
» Check out the results though, looks great! :smiley:

yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:

» yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:

They are starting human trials around Dec 2011-March 2012. Can you not read what I just posted? If it’s effective we will know after results are released from the first human trials. Who knows it could be as little as 3 months but it could be longer. I personally am thinking about 6 months after they have started.

» » yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:
» They are starting human trials around Dec 2011-March 2012. Can you not read
» what I just posted? If it’s effective we will know after results are
» released from the first human trials. Who knows it could be as little as 3
» months but it could be longer. I personally am thinking about 6 months
» after they have started.

The researchers have already made a small post about human trials. Check it out.

» » yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:
» They are starting human trials around Dec 2011-March 2012. Can you not read
» what I just posted? If it’s effective we will know after results are
» released from the first human trials. Who knows it could be as little as 3
» months but it could be longer. I personally am thinking about 6 months
» after they have started.

I love the optimism but it does make you seem like a noob.


» » » yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:
» »
» » They are starting human trials around Dec 2011-March 2012. Can you not
» read
» » what I just posted? If it’s effective we will know after results are
» » released from the first human trials. Who knows it could be as little as
» 3
» » months but it could be longer. I personally am thinking about 6 months
» » after they have started.
» The researchers have already made a small post about human trials. Check it
» out.

» Waiting for the human trials. I am in this forums since around 2000, so
» waiting a few months is easy as cake. :slight_smile:
» » The researchers have posted a preliminary report. The final report is
» » supposed to be posted on November the 5th. To see the new information
» » follow this link.
» »
» »
» »
» » Still looking great! Well over 90% showed full regrowth in the normal
» mice!
» » Even in ones that were SIGNIFICANTLY made to overproduce CRF levels it
» was
» » still around 30-50% Full regrowth depending on the level of
» overproduction!
» » Check out the results though, looks great! :smiley:

So our SpanishDude is lurking around since more then a decade now :slight_smile: no wonder he in his little mind is so overwhelmed by Gho and others.

So one decade that means IronMan seems correct with his remakr that SpanishDude only got around 5 to 8 donor hairs left

» » Waiting for the human trials. I am in this forums since around 2000, so
» » waiting a few months is easy as cake. :slight_smile:
» »
» » » The researchers have posted a preliminary report. The final report is
» » » supposed to be posted on November the 5th. To see the new information
» » » follow this link.
» » »
» » »
» »
» » »
» » » Still looking great! Well over 90% showed full regrowth in the normal
» » mice!
» » » Even in ones that were SIGNIFICANTLY made to overproduce CRF levels it
» » was
» » » still around 30-50% Full regrowth depending on the level of
» » overproduction!
» » » Check out the results though, looks great! :smiley:
» So our SpanishDude is lurking around since more then a decade now :slight_smile: no
» wonder he in his little mind is so overwhelmed by Gho and others.
» So one decade that means IronMan seems correct with his remakr that
» SpanishDude only got around 5 to 8 donor hairs left

Stevie.Dee, again you come to a post where you are not welcome, and do not post anything relevant or of any value and you straight out attack more members. Why don’t you go somewhere your welcome. And since that is more than likely not anywhere I suggest you slink back in your hole and disappear.

» » » yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:
» »
» » They are starting human trials around Dec 2011-March 2012. Can you not
» read
» » what I just posted? If it’s effective we will know after results are
» » released from the first human trials. Who knows it could be as little as
» 3
» » months but it could be longer. I personally am thinking about 6 months
» » after they have started.
» I love the optimism but it does make you seem like a noob.

Yes, a noob. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen any other experiments carried out in the speed, and quality at which these researchers have been performing? Have you ever seen anyone else ever even care to update the community about how research is going? If you have then I guess I am a noob and this is like Replicel and tricho whatever it’s called where they never ever release any information and take years to release anything. But since I believe this is real science and not some company just out to try to get rich and is actually PRODUCING REAL RESULTS, they opt to keep the community in the loop and are making exciting progress. Not to mention the FDA will more than likely pay more attention to this than any other baldness treatment because it is more than just a baldness treatment. At every single dosage administered mice with Cushing’s Syndrome were completely cured. So this is a matter of people’s physical health around the country as well as mental.

So, maybe I’m a noob, but at least I have an open mindset.

You open minded? Can i laugh out loud? You are ignorant at best, you dismiss everything else except your assasin b mouse cure stuff.

Do you know how many products have been EFFICIENT on mice? On humans it is something different.

To make it simple for you ok so that you understand this in all your open mindness

“If a mouse looses lets say 200ml of Blood, its more dramatic then when a human looses the same amount of blood”

Do you agree? I think you would because you are open minded when you bash other possible treatments except assassin b

» You open minded? Can i laugh out loud? You are ignorant at best, you
» dismiss everything else except your assasin b mouse cure stuff.
» Do you know how many products have been EFFICIENT on mice? On humans it is
» something different.
» To make it simple for you ok so that you understand this in all your open
» mindness
» “If a mouse looses lets say 200ml of Blood, its more dramatic then when a
» human looses the same amount of blood”
» Do you agree? I think you would because you are open minded when you bash
» other possible treatments except assassin b

I don’t post on anyone elses threads or bash anyone elses treatments unless they come and bash mine for absolutely no reason. You are the only person I have bashed their ideas and it may have happened… two times? you have consistently barraged my threads and ideas with complete stupidity and ridiculous claims that don’t even make sense. Hell, half the time I don’t even know what your saying because your english is so poor. Why don’t you stop worrying about going bald and go learn English and educate yourself first so you don’t look like a fool.

I don’t post on anyone elses threads or bash anyone elses treatments unless they come and bash mine for absolutely no reason. You are the only person I have bashed their ideas and it may have happened… two times? you have consistently barraged my threads and ideas with complete stupidity and ridiculous claims that don’t even make sense. Hell, half the time I don’t even know what your saying because your english is so poor. Why don’t you stop worrying about going bald and go learn English and educate yourself first so you don’t look like a fool.

bwahahahaaaa. I envision his response will be along these lines:
"Me fail english? That’s unpossible. "

Absolutely stellar results on mice are still just results on mice. I’ll get interested when they get human results.

Mouse results don’t typically just perform “better” than human results. What happens is usually not that something regrows 100 hairs on a mouse but only 10 hairs on a human. What usually happens is that no matter how few or many hairs it regrows on the mouse, it still turns out to regrow zero hairs on humans. Which is why IMHO we just don’t know jack sh*t until we see human results.

Cason October 19, 2011 at 1:27 am

Thanks Sarah,

is it too far fetched to think that someone could have a full head of hair from this treatment? Or is it more likely that you expect some significant re-growth? Thx.

Sarah Campeau October 20, 2011 at 6:16 pm

Cason, while I don’t personally belive it is too far feched at all, only after the Human Trials should we a clearer answer.

Andy, really appreciate your kind words. Did you have a bad experience with Finasteride?

Xaris: Thank you, however it is not our place to make such demands, it is really up to the PHA.Research team to decide how to handle press and communication. Regarding the cortisol question, excellent query. It is my belief that most patients suffering from hair loss do not have normal cortisol levels, however if they did, I do not believe that the compound not be as effective.

» yes…now it is to wait up to 2025 to be using of this technology.:smiley:

This stuff is already available so what is needed with this stuff is a human study. Why can’t the scientists who are working with it just do a simple human study? They could easily do a small pilot study with humans and find out if it works or not.

Testing on mice means nothing.