ARTAS system

Being computer controlled they should be able to use very small needles and do Gho’s method or better yet use it to pluck hairs plus Acell and have unlimited donor hair.

» Being computer controlled they should be able to use very small needles and
» do Gho’s method or better yet use it to pluck hairs plus Acell and have
» unlimited donor hair.

Nice find

» » Being computer controlled they should be able to use very small needles
» and
» » do Gho’s method or better yet use it to pluck hairs plus Acell and have
» » unlimited donor hair.
» »
» »
» Nice find

How does this help to improve Acell?

Also, i have wavy brown hair so does that mean this would be useless for me?

» » Being computer controlled they should be able to use very small needles
» and
» » do Gho’s method or better yet use it to pluck hairs plus Acell and have
» » unlimited donor hair.
» »
» »
» Nice find

Great find. I thought that there were alredy kind of robotic systems but with bad results, lets hope this make the thing better.

sigh. this thing was supposed to implant the grafts as well.

» Being computer controlled they should be able to use very small needles and
» do Gho’s method or better yet use it to pluck hairs plus Acell and have
» unlimited donor hair.

» » » Being computer controlled they should be able to use very small
» needles
» » and
» » » do Gho’s method or better yet use it to pluck hairs plus Acell and
» have
» » » unlimited donor hair.
» » »
» » »
» »
» »
» » Nice find
» How does this help to improve Acell?
» Also, i have wavy brown hair so does that mean this would be useless for
» me?
He said " pluck hairs plus Acell "
Is the same than a normal Hts but faster, wich means cheaper . Easy now to understand ? Anyway, you spouse to found the cure with the anti-stress drug :smiley: , so whats your problem? You should have a full head of hair by now :smiley:
Anyway googoo, your real problem is not outside your head.

» sigh. this thing was supposed to implant the grafts as well.

I was just about to say I’m sure rev had a thread about this a few years ago. Is this the same thing?

Yes, it’s the very same device. The Berman Skin Institute was doing the trial.

This was the original thread

and this was the original promise:
Once the “harvest” is over, the patient sits up to let the robot implant the follicles into the top of their head.”

» I was just about to say I’m sure rev had a thread about this a few years
» ago. Is this the same thing?

» » sigh. this thing was supposed to implant the grafts as well.