Are Gho\'s HT Talents Below Par Because He\'s a Dermatologist?

Long ago, on the original GHo clinic website, and elsewhere, Gho was identified as a “dermatologist”.

On the HSI website, they kind of evade this issue by referring to Gho as a “medical doctor and researcher” repeatedly, without clearly indicating his specialization. I think they do this to avoid having to state that Gho is a dermatologist, and not a surgeon.

Clearly, as has been mentioned before here, his hair transplantation skills are weak – he can’t recreate good hairlines, he shows no evidence of being able to transplant hair aesthetically. Could this be that he is not a trained surgeon?

I’m not giving a negative opinion about HST here – I think there is some validity to it. I think there’s a lot of evidence – including on the HSI website – that it really works and is the closest thing we really have to a “cure”.

I’m just giving my opinion about Gho’s HT skills.

» Long ago, on the original GHo clinic website, and elsewhere, Gho was
» identified as a “dermatologist”.
» On the HSI website, they kind of evade this issue by referring to Gho as a
» “medical doctor” repeatedly, without clearly indicating his
» specialization.
» Clearly, as has been mentioned before here, his hair transplantation skills
» are weak – he can’t recreate good hairlines, he shows no evidence of being
» able to transplant hair aesthetically. Could this be that he is not a
» trained surgeon?
» I’m not giving a negative opinion about HST here – I think there is some
» validity to it. I think there’s a lot of evidence – including on the HSI
» website – that it really works and is the closest thing we really have to
» a “cure”.
» I’m just giving my opinion about Gho’s HT skills.

dont get your hopes up, its not Gho himself performing the sessions

I think they are much more careful with celebrities. Their transplants look better than those they do on ordinary people.

» » Long ago, on the original GHo clinic website, and elsewhere, Gho was
» » identified as a “dermatologist”.
» »
» » On the HSI website, they kind of evade this issue by referring to Gho as
» a
» » “medical doctor” repeatedly, without clearly indicating his
» » specialization.
» »
» » Clearly, as has been mentioned before here, his hair transplantation
» skills
» » are weak – he can’t recreate good hairlines, he shows no evidence of
» being
» » able to transplant hair aesthetically. Could this be that he is not a
» » trained surgeon?
» »
» » I’m not giving a negative opinion about HST here – I think there is
» some
» » validity to it. I think there’s a lot of evidence – including on the
» » website – that it really works and is the closest thing we really have
» to
» » a “cure”.
» »
» » I’m just giving my opinion about Gho’s HT skills.
» dont get your hopes up, its not Gho himself performing the sessions

Good point, it also shows the lack of ethics in Ghos way. I mean what should we expect from someone

  1. Who went bancrupt in the early 2000s

I think Gho is claiming he can perform HM only to get money and then after a few years he will vanish

» I think Gho is claiming he can perform HM only to get money and then after
» a few years he will vanish

There is no doubt that making money is a big consideration for Gho (otherwise why would he be so obsessed with patenting things and even displaying a patent seal on his website?)…

However, in many other ways, Dr. Gho is far, far better than most US hair transplant surgeons. They suck. They are all about greed, 24/7.

At least Gho has consistently pushed the envelope of cutting-edge research. He has continuously advanced research. Gho’s research may not be the most world-class research or perfectly scientific, but it beats anything accomplished by the American HT community. They have done nothing but engage in smoke and mirrors.

» » I think Gho is claiming he can perform HM only to get money and then
» after
» » a few years he will vanish
» There is no doubt that making money is a big consideration for Gho
» (otherwise why would he be so obsessed with patenting things and even
» displaying a patent seal on his website?)…
» However, in many other ways, Dr. Gho is far, far better than most US hair
» transplant surgeons. They suck. They are all about greed, 24/7.
» At least Gho has consistently pushed the envelope of cutting-edge research.
» He has continuously advanced research. Gho’s research may not be the most
» world-class research or perfectly scientific, but it beats anything
» accomplished by the American HT community. They have done nothing but
» engage in smoke and mirrors.

Hey i never said his stuff doesnt work, but he simply is unable to work with it. Yes he pushed the envelope but what or who can benefits from a technique with

a) many red flags

b) too small sessions

c) too expensive

d) shi*ty hair lines

When i had to choose, i would sleep better if other docs like Feller and Armani (for example) would do this.

And to me this is by far the saddest part and such an irony to all of us, we have/have not a possible solution, but this solution is standing in one corner, while the docs stay in another corner and patients also in another corner