Any hope for a new treatment?

Hi guys,

I was very hopeful for OC000459 at first, since the science behind it seemed very legit, but the results of Kane’s OC have been very disappointing.

I’m really fed up with having a sparse head of hair and having to apply dermmatch on a daily basis and hoping that whenever I spend the night at a girls house that she has a dark pillow case etc.

I wish I wasnt so vain but I am and I dont see that changing any time soon. I need this issue to stop having such a grip on my life.

I plan on starting one last attempt to halt the progression of my hair loss by applying Cromolyn for a couple of weeks/months. If I don’t see any improvement, stabilization, then I think I am going to have to opt for a hair transplant procedure. In fact I am considering scheduling an appointment Dr. Gho and some other conventional FUE clinics (any suggestions are welcome).

The grip that hair loss has taken on my life is becoming worse and worse as I lose more and more hair and I dont see much hope for any new treatments down the line:

  1. follica - i’m just going to say they are most probably dead

  2. aderans - the results seen from them have not been great at all.

  3. histogen - hair count numbers sound impressive, but eventhough Histogen must have cherry-picked their best responders to make photographs of, the pictures were not nearly as impressive.

  4. PGD2 - blockers. I simply fail to understand why Dr Cots has not tried to regrow hair on balding mice that exhibit an over-expression of the PGD2 synthase, by applying a GPR44 blocker such as OC/Ramatroban/etc. Why has he or anyone else still not tried this? If this is a block buster, then why does the article, after so many months, only have so few citations of serious journals?

  5. Dr. Nigam - i wont even comment on this jokster

  6. Dr. Roland Lauster - I still have hope that some day down the line we will be able to mass produce artificially grown hair follicles and implant them, but I doubt that this will happen any time soon or that they will be affordable. It will still require the work of a cosmetic surgeon, plus the added expenses for the lab work etc.

am I missing any other potential treatments?

yours sincerely,
a depressed hairman2

I am feeling the same.
But ive got some kind of hope left.Thank god someone bumped the sulfasalazinethread. My doctor said i should take Azufildine the german version because of my athritis. I remember it started the same time as i started loosing hair. After reading the links i got really exited. I will take it anyway right now i figuring out the smartest way for a sunburn i think ill take the sunbed :wink:
Tomorrow morning ill get a blood check and if everythings ok ill start friday.
maybe not all hope is lost

» Hi guys,
» I was very hopeful for OC000459 at first, since the science behind it
» seemed very legit, but the results of Kane’s OC have been very
» disappointing.
» I’m really fed up with having a sparse head of hair and having to apply
» dermmatch on a daily basis and hoping that whenever I spend the night at a
» girls house that she has a dark pillow case etc.
» I wish I wasnt so vain but I am and I dont see that changing any time soon.
» I need this issue to stop having such a grip on my life.
» I plan on starting one last attempt to halt the progression of my hair loss
» by applying Cromolyn for a couple of weeks/months. If I don’t see any
» improvement, stabilization, then I think I am going to have to opt for a
» hair transplant procedure. In fact I am considering scheduling an
» appointment Dr. Gho and some other conventional FUE clinics (any
» suggestions are welcome).
» The grip that hair loss has taken on my life is becoming worse and worse as
» I lose more and more hair and I dont see much hope for any new treatments
» down the line:
» 1) follica - i’m just going to say they are most probably dead
» 2) aderans - the results seen from them have not been great at all.
» 3) histogen - hair count numbers sound impressive, but eventhough
» Histogen must have cherry-picked their best responders to make photographs
» of, the pictures were not nearly as impressive.
» 4) PGD2 - blockers. I simply fail to understand why Dr Cots has not tried
» to regrow hair on balding mice that exhibit an over-expression of the PGD2
» synthase, by applying a GPR44 blocker such as OC/Ramatroban/etc. Why has he
» or anyone else still not tried this? If this is a block buster, then why
» does the article, after so many months, only have so few citations of
» serious journals?
» 5) Dr. Nigam - i wont even comment on this jokster
» 6) Dr. Roland Lauster - I still have hope that some day down the line we
» will be able to mass produce artificially grown hair follicles and implant
» them, but I doubt that this will happen any time soon or that they will be
» affordable. It will still require the work of a cosmetic surgeon, plus the
» added expenses for the lab work etc.
» am I missing any other potential treatments?
» yours sincerely,
» a depressed hairman2

Sorry Hairman but I think Histogen is our best bet, I think it will work, but I think it’s years away. I think you’re looking at 2015. If you get a hair transplant by the time you get done getting the hair transplant done and completed you could have gotten the same result waiting for Histogen and you wouldn’t have had doctors rip up your scalp.

It gets down to Histogen. The treatment works. It’s likely compoundable. It will solve our problem but the thing is that we can’t get it now. I figure we’re looking at 2015.

The results from Aderans look as as good as anything else we’ve seen yet.

Their results are disappointing because the operation has been so big and expensive and long running. But we would be a lot more upbeat if that stuff was coming from a small-time operation that just got onto our radar in 2008 or 2010.

IMHO we have every reason to think Aderans can stop ongoing loss and probably regrow partially-miniaturized hairs. And we have every reason to think it is really coming to market inside of this decade.

» The results from Aderans look as as good as anything else we’ve seen yet.
» Their results are disappointing because the operation has been so big and
» expensive and long running. But we would be a lot more upbeat if that
» stuff was coming from a small-time operation that just got onto our radar
» in 2008 or 2010.
» IMHO we have every reason to think Aderans can stop ongoing loss and
» probably regrow partially-miniaturized hairs. And we have every reason to
» think it is really coming to market inside of this decade.

I think Histogen looks better.

How long do you think it will be till Histogen comes to market??

I think that’s our ticket.

» If I don’t see any
» improvement, stabilization, then I think I am going to have to opt for a
» hair transplant procedure.

Are you out of your mind.

The Third Law of Baldness :
A hair transplant is a road to a whole new set of miseries down the line.

What you gonna do as your hair continues to fall out and those few transplants are strangely poking out.

I hold the Olympic record in spotting a transplant at a distance. If I were a marksmen, the guy would be dead from a gun shot wound to his bald crown from many yards out.

» Hi guys,
» I was very hopeful for OC000459 at first, since the science behind it
» seemed very legit, but the results of Kane’s OC have been very
» disappointing.
» I’m really fed up with having a sparse head of hair and having to apply
» dermmatch on a daily basis and hoping that whenever I spend the night at a
» girls house that she has a dark pillow case etc.
» I wish I wasnt so vain but I am and I dont see that changing any time soon.
» I need this issue to stop having such a grip on my life.
» I plan on starting one last attempt to halt the progression of my hair loss
» by applying Cromolyn for a couple of weeks/months. If I don’t see any
» improvement, stabilization, then I think I am going to have to opt for a
» hair transplant procedure. In fact I am considering scheduling an
» appointment Dr. Gho and some other conventional FUE clinics (any
» suggestions are welcome).
» The grip that hair loss has taken on my life is becoming worse and worse as
» I lose more and more hair and I dont see much hope for any new treatments
» down the line:
» 1) follica - i’m just going to say they are most probably dead
» 2) aderans - the results seen from them have not been great at all.
» 3) histogen - hair count numbers sound impressive, but eventhough
» Histogen must have cherry-picked their best responders to make photographs
» of, the pictures were not nearly as impressive.
» 4) PGD2 - blockers. I simply fail to understand why Dr Cots has not tried
» to regrow hair on balding mice that exhibit an over-expression of the PGD2
» synthase, by applying a GPR44 blocker such as OC/Ramatroban/etc. Why has he
» or anyone else still not tried this? If this is a block buster, then why
» does the article, after so many months, only have so few citations of
» serious journals?
» 5) Dr. Nigam - i wont even comment on this jokster
» 6) Dr. Roland Lauster - I still have hope that some day down the line we
» will be able to mass produce artificially grown hair follicles and implant
» them, but I doubt that this will happen any time soon or that they will be
» affordable. It will still require the work of a cosmetic surgeon, plus the
» added expenses for the lab work etc.
» am I missing any other potential treatments?
» yours sincerely,
» a depressed hairman2

  1. Follica is so secretive that I don’t know what to make of them. They could already be giving up or they could come out of left field at any moment with a major breakthrough. Nothing would surprise me with Follica. If they went bk tomorrow I would not be surprised or if they announce tomorrow that they wrapped up phase 3 and will release a treatment in a few months that would not surprise me either. One hopeful thing is that their treatment is kind of similar to Histogen’s treatment, and Histogen’s treatment looks pretty good, so I do think that Follica does have a chance of coming up with something good. On the other hand, Follica’s treatment does have some significant differences compared to Histogen’s treatment so perhaps Follica’s treatment won’t work but Histogen’s treatment will work. Follica’s treatment idea incorporates a lot, but not all, of the growth factors that Histogen’s treatment does, but Histogen’s growth factors are produced in an embryonic-like environment which makes Histogen a lot different from Follica. Histogen turns back the clock on the growth factors that they produce, but Follica does not, and Histogen’s treatment involves more growth factors than Follica does. Follica might still pull the rabbit out of their hat but I am kind of thinking that the sun has set on them because they’re pretty quiet.

  2. Histogen - a major breakthrough. I think it’s the silver bullet that we are all waiting for. But it’s about 2 years away. Still, it would take about 2 years to complete a hair transplant, a hair transplant won’t give you exactly what you want, and a hair transplant tears up a person’s scalp skin. I would rather wait for Histogen at this point. I anticipate Histogen likely coming to market in late 2014 or early 2015 somewhere in the world.

  3. Aderans - could also be a major breakthrough. At minimum Aderans has a solid treatment better than anything on the market. I think they have a shot at being comparable to Histogen. They were producing good results and they were hoping to tweak their results in phase 2 studies. They are still working out the details and they have multiple phase 2 trials ongoing. They are almost done with phase 2 trials. We will be hearing news from them this February, and then it’s onto phase 3 and then to market. I think that the results that they have already shown the world from the previous study ascertain that they will be bringing their treatment to market because their already publicized treatment results are already better than anything on the market and their treatment could be improved upon. In other words I have a hunch that their next round of results will be better than the last round of resuls. I also think that that one could use their treatment to get back a lot of hair and then add minoxidil or bimatoprost and improve on those results. Also, unless Follica shows back up in the picture Aderans will probably be the first of the new revolutionary treatments to hit the market - sometime in 2014. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Aderans could turn it’s last study (Phase 3) that should start early 2013 into a 6-month study. If they do that then they could release their treatment in late 2013 somewhere in the world. Most likely their last study will be 12 months but it could be just 6 months since their early scientific work involved lengthy studies. Their phase 1 studies were almost 3 years long. The FDA can fast track Aderans treatment since Aderans has gathered a lot of data, they have a revolutionary treatment, their treatment will work on people who presently can’t be treated, and people are clamoring for a treatment.

  4. Bimatoprost - a surprisingly good treatment I don’t think it’s a major breakthrough along the lines of Histogen’s treatment but I do think it will be an unexpected improvement over the treatments that are already available. It should be available in late 2013 or early 2014. It might be available sooner - like the next few months - because doctors are asking the FDA for permission to buy the pure powder and create home made versions to sell to patients. I think that this treatment will likely be a very pleasant surprise for balding people. I think that this treatment is coming soon enough, and will be effective enough, that getting a hair transplant at this point is downright foolish. I anticipate that this treatment is going to give the overwhelming majority of balding people at least 25% more hair. I think people are going to be surprised at how good it is. I’m hearing a lot of very good rumors about this medicine.

  5. I don’t know who Nigam is so I have no comment on him.

  6. Dr. Lauster’s research and other Stem cell ideas cropping up in foreign countries - given the recent much-publicized and photographed Japanese success of using stem cells to grow hair on a mouse I would say that it’s possible to use stem cells to recover lost hair. I think it’s possible that over the next year or so some outfit could possibly market some stem cell treatment that might actually work. They are getting very very close. Scientists all over the world are tinkering with stem cells. Some global locations have little or no FDA-type regulations. The Russians are tinkering with stem cells a lot. If some major breakthrough becomes public knowledge doctors in some parts of the globe might start using it quickly.

  7. Acell + PRP + anything else - not worth the money or trouble.

  8. PGD2 blockers - Presently trying it but I don’t know what to make of it yet.

I think that within 2 years baldness will be defeated. And it could be sooner. There are a lot of hopeful things going on right now.

» 3. Aderans - could also be a major breakthrough.
» … Aderans will probably be the first of the new
» revolutionary treatments to hit the market - sometime in 2014.

Where this time frame comes from? From Aderans’ site, as of today:

Experts suggest that a marketable solution is less than a decade away.

In my mind this means that if anything is going to come out from them, it is not going to happen before 2020. Can you explain why are you so much optimistic in that regard? Same for Histogen. They seem many years away from anything reasonable. And in all their tests they seem to apply the treatment on scalp areas that have already some hair. What about slick bald skin? Can we go from zero hair/cm^2 to, say, 70 hair/cm^2? There is so much talk about waking up dormant follicles on bald head and nothing to back up the claims, that all this discussion seems a wishful thinking and nothing more.

» 4) PGD2 - blockers. I simply fail to understand why Dr Cots has not tried
» to regrow hair on balding mice that exhibit an over-expression of the PGD2
» synthase, by applying a GPR44 blocker such as OC/Ramatroban/etc. Why has he
» or anyone else still not tried this? If this is a block buster, then why
» does the article, after so many months, only have so few citations of
» serious journals?

How do you know he hasn’t tried this? Dr. Cots works on an academic timeline. He designs his experiment and then carries it out in a meticulous way that takes months, up to a year sometimes, and only then does he write a paper and publicize the results. He’s always worked in this way, as far as I know. He never publicly announces what he’s doing while he’s doing it.

This is a fairly easy experiment. Even if Cots isn’t publishing anything why hasnt any of the zillion other research labs out there tried this already and published something on it? Sounds really weird to me.

» How do you know he hasn’t tried this? Dr. Cots works on an academic
» timeline. He designs his experiment and then carries it out in a
» meticulous way that takes months, up to a year sometimes, and only then
» does he write a paper and publicize the results. He’s always worked in
» this way, as far as I know. He never publicly announces what he’s doing
» while he’s doing it.

» » 3. Aderans - could also be a major breakthrough.
» » … Aderans will probably be the first of the new
» » revolutionary treatments to hit the market - sometime in 2014.
» Where this time frame comes from? From
» Aderans’ site, as
» of today:
» Experts suggest that a marketable solution is less than a decade
» away.

» In my mind this means that if anything is going to come out from them, it
» is not going to happen before 2020. Can you explain why are you so much
» optimistic in that regard? Same for Histogen. They seem many years away
» from anything reasonable. And in all their tests they seem to apply the
» treatment on scalp areas that have already some hair. What about slick bald
» skin? Can we go from zero hair/cm^2 to, say, 70 hair/cm^2? There is so much
» talk about waking up dormant follicles on bald head and nothing to back up
» the claims, that all this discussion seems a wishful thinking and nothing
» more.

Vox, my time frame comes from common sense. And my time frame is correct.

  1. Aderans is in phase 2 right now and their phase 2 will be finished in February this year. We’re talking about one month here. In their first study they got a 60% success rate and I’m sure they tweaked their treatment and so they will have a better success rate. I thought their pics looked good given the difficulty of reversing hair loss. At any rate, given that they have at least a 60% success rate that means they have a better mouse trap than what is already available. They don’t want to sit on it forever. They know Histogen is coming up right behind them. I’m very confident that Aderans will go straight from phase 2 to phase 3 and their phase 3 will likely be one year long, but could be just 6 months long. We will find out in a month or two how long their phase 3 will be. I read that they are already screening for phase 3 patients/subjects. They are almost in phase 3 man. I don’t care what people say about 10 years. Their phase 3 will start in a few months and it’s not possible to drag phase 3 out for 10 years. Phase 3 will be 6 months to 1 year and that is all. Phase 3 is the last study unless they find a problem with their treatment. People likely say 10 years because they don’t want to be accused of over-hyping their treatment.

  2. Histogen is in phase 1/2. They may or may not have to do another phase 2. If they don’t have to do another phase 2 then they will go to phase 3 when their phase 1/2 is completed. Their phase 2 will be completed in just a few months here. If they have to do another phase 2 then they will complete that in early 2014 and then complete a phase 3 in early 2015. That would put them on the market in 2015 somewhere in the world. I just watched in interview with their lead investigator done by Kobren and he said they’re looking at 2015. Also, they know Aderans is ahead of them and they do not want to let Aderans get a major foothold into the marketplace before they get to market. They are going to do whatever it takes to get it to us asap. Worse case scenario is 2015 but they might find ways to get it to us sooner so they can compete with Aderans. They also know that Allergan’s bimatoprost is coming and there are very positive rumors swirling around that product.

  3. Allergan’s bimatoprost recently completed phase 2 and should be starting phase 3 any second now. They may have already started phase 3. Their phase 3 will be one year long at the most. Allergan’s Bimatoprost is maybe a year to a year and a half away and I am hearing nifty things about it. I saw an interview on Kobren’s show where that guy “Joe” said that doctors are already asking the FDA for permission to secure the bimatoprost powder and turn it into a liquid topical right now. It could happen in a few weeks or a few months. They would be allowed to do that until Bimatoprost brings its’ treatment to market.

  4. There are already doctors trying true stem cell treatments, such as Nigan. I don’t know what to make of him but I do know that evidence is starting to mount that stem cell treatment may work if it’s done correctly. Scientists are looking at adipose stem cell treatments too, and I think that adipose stem cell therapy is already available so if they can figure out a way to make it work then they might be able to start doing it tomorrow. In any case, scientists the world over are making discoveries, and doctors the world over are incorporating the new discoveries into their treatments.

I think that we will be out of this mess in 2 years or less.

» » 4) PGD2 - blockers. I simply fail to understand why Dr Cots has not
» tried
» » to regrow hair on balding mice that exhibit an over-expression of the
» PGD2
» » synthase, by applying a GPR44 blocker such as OC/Ramatroban/etc. Why has
» he
» » or anyone else still not tried this? If this is a block buster, then why
» » does the article, after so many months, only have so few citations of
» » serious journals?
» How do you know he hasn’t tried this? Dr. Cots works on an academic
» timeline. He designs his experiment and then carries it out in a
» meticulous way that takes months, up to a year sometimes, and only then
» does he write a paper and publicize the results. He’s always worked in
» this way, as far as I know. He never publicly announces what he’s doing
» while he’s doing it.

Of course you’re right. Cots is not a bath-tub chemist like us here.

» » 3. Aderans - could also be a major breakthrough.
» » … Aderans will probably be the first of the new
» » revolutionary treatments to hit the market - sometime in 2014.
» Where this time frame comes from? From
» Aderans’ site, as
» of today:
» Experts suggest that a marketable solution is less than a decade
» away.

I said new and better treatments will start hitting the market in months (bimatoprost) to 2 years. Experts said “less than 10 years” and I do believe that months to 2 years is “less than 10 years.” So the experts are not contradicting what I’m saying. I’m saying within 2 years and they are saying within 10 years and 2 years is within 10 years.

Experts don’t want to sound overly optimistic. They’re being needlessly over cautious.

» In my mind this means that if anything is going to come out from them, it
» is not going to happen before 2020.

Why do you say this? The experts did NOT say that a cure will come in 10 years; they said a cure will come WITHIN 10 years. That could mean tomorrow. Within 10 years means any amount of time inside of 10 years. The could mean months. It could mean a couple years. You don’t have to take it all the way to the furthest possibility.

These experts are hedging their bets in case none of these new breakthrough treatments work. Some of these new breakthrough treatments are going to be very good treatments. I can tell by their results so far.

Can you explain why are you so much
» optimistic in that regard? Same for Histogen. They seem many years away
» from anything reasonable.

They do not seem many years away from something reasonable. I think they are getting pretty close to figuring out the correct dosing and intervals for injections. They just did a study and found out that multiple injections is best so that will be incorporated into their next studies. They are wrapping up phase 1/2 right now. They will likely have to do another phase 2 but could shoot straight to phase 3 if the FDA will let them. They should be releasing study results in a few months and then they will either go to phase 2 or phase 3. Like I said, they are working out the bugs on dosing and intervals and the information they are gathering is looking pretty darn good.

And in all their tests they seem to apply the
» treatment on scalp areas that have already some hair. What about slick bald
» skin? Can we go from zero hair/cm^2 to, say, 70 hair/cm^2? There is so much
» talk about waking up dormant follicles on bald head and nothing to back up
» the claims, that all this discussion seems a wishful thinking and nothing
» more.

I disagree. I think they have said that they are growing hair in all regions of the scalp. They are also working out the dosing. By the next round of studies (phase 2 or 3) they will be ready for more optimum dosing and injection intervals. They’re learning.

Plus, we already see that Aderans is growing at least peach fuzz in slick bald skin. If Aderans can grow peach fuzz in bald skin in 2014, then in 2015 Histogen will turn that peach fuzz back into terminal hairs. Not to worry. The only problem is that I don’t want to wait 2 more years but I have to. I think even slick bald is going to be defeated soon. And remember that bimatoprost is coming so if you can get peach fuzz back from Aderans in 2014 then bimatoprost will likely turn that peach fuzz back into real hair.

I just hope another year or two brings them better results. Those before and after pictures are very disappointing.

I think it is a mistake to wait for these treatments to appear and to base your own treatment options on their chances for success. I think Follica is promising scientifically, but IMO they likely did not get enough yield in their trial, Aderans is scientifically sound, but their cell-based protocol is likely very difficult to implement. I don’t think Histogen has anything. Replicel has failed AFAIK, Nigam and Lauster are not relevant.

Simply put, medical research takes years and years to progress, and I feel that over the last 5-10 yrs we have had an explosion in knowledge that will lay the groundwork for future discoveries, however, within the next 5 years, in my opinion it is unlikely. Even with things as simple as hair, these experiments take a long time to run, with many stops and starts and failures. One clinical trial failure can doom a promising firm. People on this forum don’t seem to grasp that.

If you have enough hair, and your loss rate has stabilized, an HT can be a good solution, I’d check out some of the better known FUE doctors like Bisanga, Feriduni etc. Also look at respected FUT clinics like HW etc. There are risks involved, but you only live once, and you have to take a decision. Getting an HT is a big risk, but in a sense, not getting one can be a risk too, and that decision can depend on where you are in life.

In my opinion, if you’re married and in your 40s or above, just buzz down and forget about hair. If not, then it may be decision time. (I am in the same boat btw)

I know everybody on this forum disagrees with this post, but this is all IMO.

» If you have enough hair, and your loss rate has stabilized, an HT can be a
» good solution, I’d check out some of the better known FUE doctors like
» Bisanga, Feriduni etc. Also look at respected FUT clinics like HW etc.
» There are risks involved, but you only live once, and you have to take a
» decision. Getting an HT is a big risk, but in a sense, not getting one can
» be a risk too, and that decision can depend on where you are in life.
» In my opinion, if you’re married and in your 40s or above, just buzz down
» and forget about hair. If not, then it may be decision time.

Can’t agree more!

after all the hypes over all these years, fin n minox are still the best in business in maintaining what you have. And fut/fue Hair transplant still remains the solution…

» If you have enough hair, and your loss rate has stabilized, an HT can be a
» good solution, I’d check out some of the better known FUE doctors like

Do not listen to this guy spreading nonsense and do not get a HT.

There is no such thing as hair loss stabilized. People who are horse shoe bald continue to bald as even their horse shoe gets thinner and thinner each year.

Its something this guy just refuses to comprehend.

There isn’t a HT doctor out there who will lay out the truth like I’m laying it out because they’re in it for the money - another thing this guy does not understand.

» I said new and better treatments will start hitting the market in months
» (bimatoprost) to 2 years. Experts said “less than 10 years” and I do
» believe that months to 2 years is “less than 10 years.” So the
» experts are not contradicting what I’m saying. I’m saying within 2 years
» and they are saying within 10 years and 2 years is within 10 years.

Let’s not start with self-obvious statements like “2 years are less than 10 years”. The question is what usually happens around us with well-defined deadlines. You are probably aware that they are often missed or at best the products are delivered in the very end of the period. Why a vague deadline (10 years or so) for such a complex task, like safely multiplying hair and make it grow on a bare head, would not be missed?

» Experts don’t want to sound overly optimistic. They’re being needlessly
» over cautious.

Do not we hear the same thing for 10-15 years now, that the cure is 5 years away? And each new year the same thing all over again and still nothing? The experts are not needlessly cautious, they are realists.

» Why do you say this? The experts did NOT say that a cure will come in 10
» years; they said a cure will come WITHIN 10 years. That could mean
» tomorrow. Within 10 years means any amount of time inside of 10 years. The
» could mean months. It could mean a couple years. You don’t have to take it
» all the way to the furthest possibility.

See my previous comments.

» Some of these new breakthrough treatments are going to be
» very good treatments. I can tell by their results so far.

And what is the evidence to support this opinion?

» I disagree. I think they have said that they are growing hair in all
» regions of the scalp.

If they succeeded growing new hair in completely bald skin, then the increase rate would be nearly infinite per cent. But it is not. It is a finite difference, meaning that there was already hair.

Look, I much want to believe but I don’t see enough evidence.

» Vox, my time frame comes from common sense. And my time frame is correct.

Coming from common sense does not necessarily imply that it is correct in such a complex problem, for the solution of which we had only failures over and over for so many years. I hope you can understand the difference.

One question: what the term “phase 1/2” means for Histogen? Aren’t there two well distinguished phases 1 and 2?

» I think that we will be out of this mess in 2 years or less.

As I said, I want to believe that you are right. All this vicious circle of false hopes and promises is really tiring.

» There is no such thing as hair loss stabilized. People who are horse shoe
» bald continue to bald as even their horse shoe gets thinner and thinner
» each year.

I think I am stabilized. I am in the terminal state of NW6-7 and my hairline (gasp! ha ha!) has not changed since many years now. In fact I had some very sparse hair growing back again (making no difference at all of course regarding the bald look), but this is certainly diet related. And yes, I buzz them down alone at home (~0.5 cm). This is one of the “benefits” of being bald, no more need to go to the hairdresser.

» There isn’t a HT doctor out there who will lay out the truth like I’m
» laying it out because they’re in it for the money - another thing this guy
» does not understand.

I saw lately two victims of such practices: two young men, about 30-35, with advanced baldness, NW4-5, and a juvenile hairline that resisted like a fortress. Obviously they had a HT years ago and while the baldness pattern progressed much in the meantime, the transplanted hair remained intact in the hairline. Ugly as hell. I felt much more comfortable being completely bald as I am with very short hair. I was pity them as real victims of irresponsible surgeons.