I hold out little hope for their curcumin analog. Topical antiandrogens are not the answer, IMO.
I wonder if there’s a way to get ahold of this stuff early, early as in right now? Could we get it made?
» I wonder if there’s a way to get ahold of this stuff early, early as in
» right now? Could we get it made?
» »
I don’t know, but like you, I tend to grow a lot of hair back with anti-androgens. However, I don’t use any because I don’t do well with the systemics. A good topical would be a good thing for me, but darned if I’m going to wait 5 years for the thing to clear the FDA.
Androscience was working with a curcumin ingredient.
In hamster flank organ tests, curcumin was more potent at inhibiting the androgen-dependent growth TOPICALLY than even gamma linolenic acid, and was second only to topical ECGC in inhibiting flank organ growth. Topcial ECGC also inhibits angiogenesis though (new blood vessel formation) and that might have had something (or not) to do with its success.
Curcumin almost certainly doensn’t have this effect internally, and whatever chemical therein must get broke down in digestion. Whatever they are foolin’ with via curcumin, they will have to find a way to not make it stain topically. Just handling curcumin makes ones fingers very yellow, and it is hard to get off.
A good effective 24-hour topical receptor blocker would be a way to avoid hairloss altogether if they could synthesize one that didn’t have internal side effects, didn’t stink (spiro), and didn’t have to be put on several times a day.
I’d rather just have HM hair that was DHT-resistant myself (like everyone else IM sure). C’mon ICX.
» I’d rather just have HM hair that was DHT-resistant myself (like everyone
» else IM sure). C’mon ICX.
Hmm not me, i’ve got DUPA so HM is more then likely useless for me.
I need topical or Oral medication to regrow my hair.
ANd here’s to this company for trialing something, if it’s better then what is on the market i’d be happy with that.
Aswell as NEOSIL which seems to promote hair growth and make terminal hairs.
Propecia, this one and NEOSIL could turn out to be quite a combination(Fingers crossed).
What is DUPA?
» What is DUPA?
Diffuse Un-patterend Alopecia.
Means no permanent zone. Lose hair on sides and back of head aswell. So if I got HM done with hair from back of head, more then likely it will also be affected by the DHT and thin/fall out.
» I’d rather just have HM hair that was DHT-resistant myself (like everyone
» else IM sure). C’mon ICX.
Hopefully it will be as simple as 1 visit to intercytex & you can move on with your life.
Pills/lotions that have to be taken/applied every day only remind you of your hairloss.
» » I’d rather just have HM hair that was DHT-resistant myself (like
» everyone
» » else IM sure). C’mon ICX.
» Hmm not me, i’ve got DUPA so HM is more then likely useless for me.
» I need topical or Oral medication to regrow my hair.
» ANd here’s to this company for trialing something, if it’s better then
» what is on the market i’d be happy with that.
» Aswell as NEOSIL which seems to promote hair growth and make terminal
» hairs.
» Propecia, this one and NEOSIL could turn out to be quite a
» combination(Fingers crossed).
What is the difference between DUPA and age related thinning? I see older guys that have MPB and some that don’t (And I’m not talking about senile alopecia or whatever its called). They all seem to have thinned in all areas of the scalp including the so-called safe zone. These are usually guys in their mid 40’s and 50’s that I noticed. I would think by that difinition, everyone has DUPA it is just a matter to what degree- no?