Amann - 6000+ grafts (FUHT + FUSE + BHT)repair : 5 mth update

Patient nicknamed Amann had recieved an unaesthetic, pluggy hair transplant from some other clinic. Apart from the unnatural appearance of the plugs, his scalp donor had also been severely depleted. He underwent a corrective hair transplant at our clinic using scalp, beard and body donor hair (6000+ grafts). 5 months after his procedure, Aman is happy with the progress and no longer needs to wear a cap.

Before pictures

After 5 months pictures

Beard donor area (before extraction picture)

Beard donor area (5 months after extraction picture)

Dr. A

Could you show any shots of the top and crown after. Thanks

Its hard to compare photos when the pre-op is practically shaved and the post-op is grown out. But you already know that.

The after results just dont look right.

» Its hard to compare photos when the pre-op is practically shaved and the
» post-op is grown out. But you already know that.
» The after results just dont look right.

Yes, it would have been nice to see before photos (with the original plugs grown out).

But this notwithstanding, I think his results are excellent (natural), as they should be with 6000 + grafts.

He must be absolutely thrilled, Dr. A. How much did this procedure cost?

» Its hard to compare photos when the pre-op is practically shaved and the
» post-op is grown out. But you already know that.
» The after results just dont look right.

Yeah it’s better but the after results still look pluggy.

Yes considering its only five months its very good more growth to come i would be happy with that , how much did it cost please

» » Its hard to compare photos when the pre-op is practically shaved and the
» » post-op is grown out. But you already know that.
» »
» » The after results just dont look right.
» Yes, it would have been nice to see before photos (with the original plugs
» grown out).
» But this notwithstanding, I think his results are excellent (natural), as
» they should be with 6000 + grafts.
» He must be absolutely thrilled, Dr. A. How much did this procedure cost?

Dear the natural,
The patient used to keep the plugs buzzed and covered with cap to avoid questions about them, so we do not have pictures of the plugs grown out. However, even in the buzzed down picture, the pre op situation is visible.
Cost details are available at

Dr. A