Alzheimer breakthrough but no baldness cure yet

Check out this article: Reversal Of Alzheimer's Symptoms Within Minutes In Human Study | ScienceDaily

Reversal Of Alzheimer’s Symptoms Within Minutes In Human Study

ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2008) — An extraordinary new scientific study, which for the first time documents marked improvement in Alzheimer’s disease within minutes of administration of a therapeutic molecule, has just been published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation.

Clearly hairloss will be the last frontier in medicine. Once hairloss is cured medical research will be over.

» Check out this article:
» Reversal Of Alzheimer's Symptoms Within Minutes In Human Study | ScienceDaily
» Reversal Of Alzheimer’s Symptoms Within Minutes In Human Study
» ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2008) — An extraordinary new scientific study, which
» for the first time documents marked improvement in Alzheimer’s disease
» within minutes of administration of a therapeutic molecule, has just been
» published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation.
» Clearly hairloss will be the last frontier in medicine. Once hairloss is
» cured medical research will be over.

If you were given the power to choose one disease to magically cure, what would it be? Would baldness be your choice?

Baldness. No question. The amount of psychological suffering it has caused me and how it has negatively impacted every aspect of my life, there is no doubt that is what I would choose. Even if I were to get cancer the following year, I wouldn’t regret making that choice. At least I would have had one good year as an adult.

Cancer/end thread

You can have your cancer cure. I’ll take the baldness cure every time.

» Cancer/end thread

Cancer FTW as well. But there are few diseases I’d rather seen cured than baldness. I’m not bald, and though I know I’m thinning, no one else can tell. But I know in a few years I’ll be hurting if there isn’t a breakthrough soon.

I wouldn’t choose baldness. I didn’t mean that.

I meant that at this pace baldness will be the last one to be cured.
Don’t you think that alzheimer looks way more complicated to cure than baldness?

Where have you seen that within minutes people experience a big improvement in baldness? Not even in months or years.

I don’t want other diseases to be cured later but I WANT BALDNESS CURED NOW!!!

» Cancer/end thread

Regarding cancer you might want to look at the following videos in :

  • A world without cancer
  • Dr Beck. Suppressed medicine.

It seems that cancer has been cured long time ago but big interests don’t want to lose all the money coming from it.

If you believe there can’t be such huge lies look at this video:
-9/11 Mysteries.

About science manipulation read about Henry Moray who found the way to produce 5.000 Watts out of the vacuum and he was shot, not allowed to patent it. His machine was documented by many researches, engineers, …

The list of manipulations is as long as the milky way.

It should be noted that the Alzheimer’s “treatment” (not a cure) involves a pre-existing drug that has been approved long ago for treatment of inflammation in other areas of the body. So, they didn’t have to invent something from square one and jump thru all the regulatory hoops just to be able to study it. It was already on the shelf.

» It should be noted that the Alzheimer’s “treatment” (not a cure) involves a
» pre-existing drug that has been approved long ago for treatment of
» inflammation in other areas of the body. So, they didn’t have to invent
» something from square one and jump thru all the regulatory hoops just to
» be able to study it. It was already on the shelf.

Hi, yes, it wasn’t a cure for Alzheimer but the guy reverse symptoms and regained memory in 10 minutes. Nothing remotely closely has been found for hairloss. Nothing at all.

I am must surprised and feeling that baldness for some reason is taking longer than much more complex diseases.

Baldness cure NOW please!!!