Alvi Armani / Fue / 1,000 Graft Result

Alvi Armani

The patient below had 1,000 grafts FUE with Alvi Armani for zone 1, the patient is 1 year post op in the after photos:




Very nice artistic hairline but I am not sure he is still going to want that look at 50?

Pats do you have any pictures of old Armani patients from 10 years ago so we can see how these hairlines look once someone begins to age?

Extremely impressed with all the work being showcased from LA.

BHT4ME, this patient had his procedure over 5 years ago with Alvi Armani. You can view his photos here:

I will look for some older examples.

One word for the work done here: superb.

That is a very good result.

» That is a very good result.

Thanks everyone!

How can anyone think this looks good,for heavens sake his hairline is staight across his head,it looks bad now imagine being 50 60 or 70 with that silly hairline,he should have reinforced his existing hairline maybe lower it a mm or 2 but a norwood 0 does not look good,a norwood 1 or 2 hairline would look much better.Typical armani!

» How can anyone think this looks good,for heavens sake his hairline is
» staight across his head,

Mar123, you are certaily entitled to your opinion although it appears that most seem to disagree with you and agree that this is a very nice result.

The design of this hairline was suited specifically for this particular patient.

We specialize in hairline design and creating a hairline that suits the look you are going for. Take these Alvi Armani hairlines for examle:

Some hairlines are going to be straight across

Some will have a bit of a V shape, but still with temple closure

And others might have a bit of a curve to them