Alvi Armani - Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi, Beverly Hills (Surgery June 13th 2012)

» It will be interesting to see how your facial hair turns out. We all know
» what happens when transplanting body hair to the scalp, since the donor for
» your facial grafts came from the back of your head, I wonder if they will
» grow long just like scalp hair.

I’m guessing the facial hair could grow very long, but since I need to shave every morning for work; I doubt I will ever find out how long it can go.

I really did the facial hair part just because I wasn’t happy with my natural look, I wanted to have a facial hair line more full. I know I could never grow a decent beard but at least, even now, I like my facial hair line better. To me, just this little amount of hair showing so far, are making quite a difference. But I know more will come out soon.

» I am surprised how well your face healed considering what it looked like
» right after the procedure.

Thank you for your comment; as you go take a look at the pictures that were taken even only 2-3 weeks after my surgery, my facial had already healed very quickly. I can tell there are still little bumps here and there but I suspect that eventually some hair will come out of those areas.

» Hi Ben
» Thanks just went through your story ,thats a nice amount of grafts you got
» placed , your 4 month pictures look cool but hang tight because the ride is
» just starting , your going to have a awesome result everything looks right
» on track , and great stuff about how your feeling about yourself with
» training and life in general , this is what its all about my freind and
» thank you for sharing part of your life with us , going to be watching for
» your updates keep the positivity
» Cheers
» Dazzster

Thank you Dazzster for your comment.
Yes, I’m very excited for the months to come; I wonder how fast my progression will be and how well it will all come out.

I’m glad you appreciated the efforts I put into my story. I didn’t want to be just another one of those guys that put up their pictures where you never really see their face. At least this way people can see the full progression of the operation and the modification it made to my life.

About training and life in general, I ran my first half-marathon 3 weeks ago; it was quite an experience as I had never ran more than 10km in a single session in my life before. Many co-workers are very impressed with the results so far and I’m trying to convince a few of them to get it done as well.

I really want to shave my head to a #2 or #3 to show the progression more easily but I’m just finally able to style my hair again when I go out so I really don’t want to do it.

Thanks again for your kind words,


I have to say, I can already see quite a difference at 4 months.


4 months]

Thank you for the sum up Pat and you are right, I’m very impressed by the results so far when you look at it like that. :slight_smile:

» Thank you for the sum up Pat and you are right, I’m very impressed by the
» results so far when you look at it like that. :slight_smile:

They look great! And 4 months is only the beginning!

Hello everyone,

Here are my end of 5th month pictures.
I cut my hair to a #4 about 2 weeks ago because I wanted to be able to see the results a little better. I didn’t want to have a false sense of happiness just because my hair was getting longer and covering more area than I thought it actually did.

I’m really happy to see my results so far, it is great to still notice new hair coming out.

In this one, I just wanted to show the look in a normally lit room instead of taking the pictures right under a light bulb.

No facial pictures this month as I just shaved and it is rather hard (even for me) to notice the difference when I shave but I can still see and feel the hair as the new hair is quite softer than my normal facial hair are.

As always, feel free to leave any questions or comments.
Thank you.

Hello everyone,

I would like to apologize for the delay, the holidays has been extremely busy and with a little bit of procrastination, I was able to not post my 6 months picture but wait no further, here they are.

Now, I will be posting my 7 months pictures in just a few moments.

As of tomorrow, it has been 7 months since my hair transplant and I have to say that I’m very happy with what has happened so far.

As you can, there is a considerable difference between months 6 and 7; it might have a lot to do with the fact that I decided to let my hair grow a bit but I’m very happy so far.

The only concern I have is that it is very easy to see through my hairline so far but I have hope that more hair will grow out and fill it in more. If not, I might consider another surgery but only for the front hairline.

Even the facial hair is coming out nicely and are more noticeable.

Thank you very much for taking the time to see my profile and feel free to leave a comment.

As always, leave a question if you have one; the best way to know if this procedure is for you is to get as much information as you can.

Hey Ben!

Things are looking great for you! You still have 5 more mths. I notice you still have redness; Do people notice it? I was wondering if people will keep looking at my hairline and ask what is going on??! What type of cap are you wearing? it looks good and could be a good consealer if I get a transplant.

kudos and gluck

Thank you for the comment.

About the redness, to be honest I didn’t even notice myself. No one ever mentions it either, after the 4th month people couldn’t even tell I had surgery and beside not many are even aware that such surgery exist so they don’t think that way. I’d say the first 3 months for me was the most noticeable but after that no one had a clue; I’m also 6"1’ so I guess that not many people can look at me from above. Another point, the redness is only noticeable because I’m standing right under some heavy neons; otherwise if I’m just outside or in a normally lit room, you can’t tell.

I’m guessing you are talking about the gray cap picture, that’s the cap they gave me after the surgery and I wore it when I went outside. Since I had surgery in the middle of June I had to wear something every time I went outside during the summer. I liked the cap, especially during the first month because it did not sit heavily on the top of the head and doesn’t rub the hair when you put it on unlike a baseball cap would. So if you get that from your clinic great, otherwise I would strongly suggest a squared cloth that you can fold in two and attach around your head to cover properly.

Thanks again for your comment and I hope I was able to answer your questions correctly, please feel free to ask anything else you wish to know.

Good luck to you too!

P.S.: When are you planning your surgery?

Also, here are some new pictures I took today after I cut my hair.

Ben, as always thanks for prompt reply! Your current hair cut makes all the difference; looks great!

To answer your question about my turn in HT, I have nothing planned… but I can tell you that my vanity stops me from swimming, windy places are a bummer and bright lights I stay away from.I carry a spare cap in my car. I’m on the cusp of getting a HT, it’s a matter of finance and other priorities.I can’t believe that i’m actually nervous what people would think,when its me that is not happy with my appearance. I would speculate that I would need 3,500 grafts in zones 1.2 and 3

have a good day!

I feel your pain man, not a day went by without me thinking about my hair loss before my HT. I’m still a little bit concern about my hair loss but if I need another HT down the road, I’ll deal with that when the time comes.

As for you and your HT, I’m not sure if I mentioned this before but in October 2011 I sold my Jeep because I knew that if I wanted to get this done in mid-2012 I had to save up more. I sold my car, bought a bicycle in October (which is just before winter in Canada). I biked all the way through winter, spring, summer and I recently just got a new car again; just to show that the pain of my hair loss was bigger than that of having to bike in the cold for almost a full year.

I can tell that this is has much of a big deal to you that it was to me so my advice to you is to do whatever is in your power to make this happen, as soon as possible. Think of it as the longer you wait the longer you are tolerating that pain needlessly; when I tell people my story, they usually can’t believe everything I’ve been through just to make it happen but they have no idea of the pain I had living with how I was then.

So my advice to you… Downgrade on expense, find alternative means of transport, get a second job, eat home all the time, pass on things you would normally do that cost you money, skip a vacation… There are plenty of ways for you to save up, I had half the money for the surgery and I had to loan the other half but I swore to myself that I would pay it back within a year and that’s what I’m doing now, it’s almost over and I’m very happy I took the financial hit. To be honest, I’d have a house right now if not for the surgery but I’d be miserable in it so I’d rather stay in my apartment and be happy, the house can wait.

Anyway, going off topic here but bottom line is: If it means as much to you as it did to me, find ways right now to make it happen as soon as possible. Make a plan, a real plan with a date by which the operation WILL BE DONE and see to it that you make your deadline.

Feel free to let me know of your progress, I’m making you accountable here sir.

Looking great Ben29. When were these taken, at the 5.5 month mark?

Hey Pat,
I took these the same day I posted them so the 20th of January. Just a bit past 7 mths.

Hey Ben,

I know no matter what the excuse is if somebody wants something bad enough they will work for it. I will make provisions to that goal tks!

I would like to ask you some questions:

  1. Do you feel your currently satisfied?
  2. My hairloss is a bit more severe than your was. I have very low body hair lol… so I cant take too much from their. I will be relying 98% on donor area, do you feel Dr H is capable without body hair? again I would think 3,500 would make me about 70% back to normal.
  3. Other doctors are learning the artist skill would you stay with Armani group?
  4. How much were your payments if you dont mind asking?

I’ll gladly answer your questions.

  1. Do you feel your currently satisfied?
  • I’m currently verify satisfied with the surgery. I must admit though, I was hoping that it would look a little more “full” on the hairline. My hairline right now a still quite see-through and I do hope that in the next few months it will get thicker. I’m not in a position to determine if the surgery wasn’t 100% successful or if it is currently the way it should be but ask me again in 5 months. :wink:
  1. My hairloss is a bit more severe than your was. I have very low body
    hair lol… so I cant take too much from their. I will be relying 98% on
    donor area, do you feel Dr H is capable without body hair? again I would
    think 3,500 would make me about 70% back to normal.
  • My 3500 grafts were taken from my donor area only. I’m not sure if I understand your question properly but if he did that for me he sure will be able to do the same to you.
  1. Other doctors are learning the artist skill would you stay with Armani
  • I’m very very satisfied with the service I received from AA. I do not know what other clinics look like but I have to say that if I did receive another surgery from another clinic, my bar will be very high. It is something I might consider if my condition doesn’t improve, I wish for a more fuller hairline so I might go in again for a touch up only on the hairline area so I’m thinking like 500-800 grafts. I had to fly from Eastern Canada to L.A. in order to get the surgery done but since the next one will be smaller, I might decide to go local somewhere in the Toronto area but if I was to do another big major surgery (3000+ grafts) I would go with AA again.
  1. How much were your payments if you dont mind asking?
  • Sadly, I do not feel comfortable talking about this online but I’ll say that from the service received I am happy with the price I paid for.

Can’t wait to hear about your own surgery so get me a date asap. :wink:

Hello Albardmark,
Referring your message below…

Could you clarify please? I have no idea what you are talking about…

» There are other factors that some doctors select the software. One is
» marketing. They use the software as a advanced system to attract sufferers
» to their workplace. That is a good business purpose to buy the software,
» but a dreadful purpose if your values are greater.

Hi Ben I have followed your progress closely. Last I heard you were at about the 8 month mark and you were concerned about the lack of density and were considering a second procedure. what happened and do you have any recent pics that you can post?