Alvi Armani - Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi, Beverly Hills (Surgery June 13th 2012)

» » » How come I don’t see any swelling on your face? I ve seem some guys
» pics
» » » after the procedure and their face swollen up like a melon. Yours seem
» » » pretty normal to me, do you know if the doctor used anything different
» » to
» » » prevent swelling?
» »
» » Hahaha!
» » That’s because I didn’t show you the pictures I took before the end of
» the
» » first week. :wink: My face didn’t swell like a melon, but I had a swollen
» eye
» » for 2 days and my forehead was pretty swollen when I got home after the
» » second day. I flew back from L.A. to Toronto the day after the
» operation.
» »
» » I was told the swelling was due to the anaesthetic draining down your
» head
» » and I believe that. My forehead and eyes were the worst but it was only
» a
» » minor inconvenience, there was no pain related to the swelling. By the
» end
» » of the first week, my face was pretty normal although still swollen
» around
» » the cheeks but by now all the swelling went away.
» »
» » I was prescribed Prednisone by my doctor for 4 days post-op.
» Ah, I thought the doctor did something different that stopped the swelling
» from happening. I like how he designed the hairline for you, not too low,
» hope everything works out to your satisfaction.

yeah, the hairline is unusual for Armani, normally they like to give their patients a full hairline look, personally I like this slightly receding look you chose, I think it’s just more natural.

» yeah, the hairline is unusual for Armani, normally they like to give their
» patients a full hairline look, personally I like this slightly receding
» look you chose, I think it’s just more natural.

Thank you for the comment.
To be honest, this hairline is growing on me by the day.
I really liked it at first, but there was still a part of me that wished for a full hairline but I’m really happy Dr. Hayatdavoudi suggested this one instead. As I remember the conversation, the thing with me is that I have a long face along with narrow and angular features that having a full on hairline just wouldn’t look right but I believe he was correct. Beside, they showed me where my hairline was originally before I started receding and it it pretty much where it is now, so it wouldn’t really look right if they went any lower or fuller than how my head was originally.

I finished week 3 of my recovery last Tuesday, here are some pictures I took tonight. The scabs have been falling very rapidly, I suspect that by the end of week 4 I won’t have many left to scrub off. Usually by the time I wake up, my pillow is covered but it’s ok, I’m happy with that, means that my healing is almost complete and then all I have to do is wait for the results.

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the late post, I was very busy last week.
I’m ending week 5 today although I have yet to post end of week 4 which is where I really washed my head for the first time since the surgery to get all the scabs off.

Here are the pictures just before the wash.

I took roughly about 45 minutes wash my head thoroughly and get all the scabs removed… there was soooo much hair that fell which I’m fine with but I was just amazed by the amount. I will be updating pictures once a month from now on and follow up on the results with you guys.
This is the picture right after the wash.

Ben can you apply Toppik? Seems like it would conceal well now + hide some of your redness.

Hello 44guy,

To be honest, to me it would simply be a waste of money.
I work for the Canadian Forces and I have told my story to many people, most of which are MPB men. They are following my progress as much as I follow them myself so I’m wearing my redness proudly.

Spending years losing my hair, the stage I am at right now is a very minor inconvenient. Beside, it’s been a week since those pictures and I’d say that half the redness went away already.

I might have chose to use Topikk if I didn’t go for the surgery option but I really hope I won’t have to once my hair starts to grow fully.
Thanks for the advice though, are you using Topikk yourself?

Ben, thanks for your reply, your story here makes things that much easier. Im just on the fence money wise rt now. Yes I use toppik. It does help with esteem and covers those shinny spots. Toppik has made my life a little bit less paranoid. Again dont stop with your results. I must say that your communication efforts exceed most stories, because you are verbally articulate. Good luck to you and I hope your hair comes in like a beast!!!

» Ben, thanks for your reply, your story here makes things that much easier.
» Im just on the fence money wise rt now. Yes I use toppik. It does help with
» esteem and covers those shinny spots. Toppik has made my life a little bit
» less paranoid. Again dont stop with your results. I must say that your
» communication efforts exceed most stories, because you are verbally
» articulate. Good luck to you and I hope your hair comes in like a beast!!!

Hey! Thank you so much for the comment, it means a lot to know that my effort at communicating my story wasn’t for nothing.

Toppik really looks like a nice product, I was really amazed the first time I saw it on youtube but by then I was already in the mind set for the surgery so I didn’t really care to try it. Beside, I’d rather have something more permanent, I can’t imagine myself spreading that on my head while I am in the army. I work out usually multiple times a day and I have to wear a headdress most of the time so, it wouldn’t be very effective I believe.

About you and the surgery, I would tell you to consider it. Most people I’ve talked to in real life, they always ask me about the physical pain of the surgery where they don’t understand that the emotional and psychological pain of losing my hair was much MUCH greater than the pain received during surgery. I remember towards the end of week 2, where my hair weren’t falling yet and where the follicles were healed, that my hairline looked the best and I was truly happy with my decision. I’m very excited to go back to that but I know that I am in the waiting period.

If it is something you really want to happen, make a plan and follow it through. I saw the Alvi Armani hair transplant ad when I was 24 and I tore the ad from the newspaper and keep it in my home for the next 4 years, it was on one of my dashboards where I put important stuff, it stayed there reminding me that one day I would go through it. Only when I was 28 (in 2011) that I decided that I would save the money and get it done a year from now. Christmas last year I told my whole family that I would do it and so I was committed. I swore I wouldn’t go back on my word and have them look at my face without the change I promise myself.

So you could do something similar. As long as you don’t set yourself a date, it might happen but if you do set a date, it will happen. Make a plan to save the money, make the sacrifices. Man, I sold my car September 2011 in order to save more money because I knew my finances wouldn’t make it. When I look back on it, I am glad I did, I save tons of money, I biked around all the time which gave me more cardio that now I don’t even think I’ll get a car for another year because I want to pay more on the house. It’s all about the focus and once you have it, not lose it.

Just as a side note, please don’t make my “results” for my surgery the spark to start yours. Like I’ve said already, the surgeons offer us a “service” but it does not guaranty results. I have the absolute faith Alvi Armani in Beverly Hills offered me the “best” service I could have hoped for but now the results are up to me and my body. I am very positive that I will get amazing results (a little bit of positive thinking never hurt) but I know that regardless of what happen, whatever the results may be it was all up to my body to provide. So what I am saying is that maybe my results will be mediocre at best, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying it yourself. A body’s physiology is very different from one person to another and there is no way to know in advance how the results will take.

Thanks again for the comment and hope you get to follow me on my results!
Take care and talk to you again soon!

Hello everyone!

I can barely believe it has been only 2 months since I had my hair transplant although it feels like an eternity past since. Since I had the surgery, I can vouch that my life has changed dramatically and for the best. I remember Dr. Hayatdavoudi told me not to expect any result for at least the first 3 months; I am happy to say that I already do have some results and I am really excited to share them with you here.

During the past month, I had a little bit of complications with “folliculitis”; I was getting some acne like pimples with pus sometimes. Dr. Hayatdavoudi prescribed me some cephalexin for 7 days and it seemed to have done the trick; the pimples are completely gone now as I write this new entry to my blog. As you will notice on the pictures, I still have little bumps on my facial hair line but those have been there since the start and I do not believe they are part of the infection I had.

On with the pictures; I took 2 pictures per areas. One from a bird’s eye view and the other at an angle in order to show the growth because from the top you can’t really notice it that well.

Left Side Top

Left Side Angle

Right Side Top

Right Side Angle

Front Top

Front Angle

Facial Left

Facial Right

I have some results for the facial as well, not as much as the top of the head but considering I have 12x the number of hair transplanted on top compared to the face, it is understandable.

I will keep you guys posted with another entry in a month from now. Feel free to leave a comment or question as I check this page quite regularly and I would be more than happy to share any knowledge I have with you guys.

I forgot to mentioned that after my surgery, I had a talk with Dr. Hayatdavoudi about the psychological changes a man usually undergo after getting this kind of surgery done.

Just to give an update on my personal life.
In the past month, I have set myself some major life changing goals along with changing the way I eat and workout. I already gained 5lbs in about a month and been feeling much better everyday overall.

This surgery is way more than a simple hair fix.

I know your recessed hairline bothered you but you barely had much hairloss. It should look good for a year or two but when the rest of the hair starts to go I hope you will be prepared for it. You’re going to need more surgeries and FUE is not going to be enough because once the techs extract 5,000 + FUE grafts your donor will start to look thin. Good luck. This is just the beginning.
I speak from experience.

Hello Bor83,

I understand what you mean, Dr. Baubac took that into consideration as well as he went further up on the top of the head instead of concentrating only on the receding area.

With that said, the men of my family in general has pretty much the same hairline as I used to before the operation; hopefully my hairline won’t recede any further than that which would be great but like you said, it is a possibility.

How long is that going to take though? 3, 5, 10 years+ or not at all, who really knows? At least I will be enjoying my new hairline for a while longer and if another operation is necessary, I have no problem with that. My donor area still has a huge supply, I cannot even tell the difference from after my first surgery and I have a big supply on the side of the head as well (not sure if that hair is usable though for transplant though).

Personally, I rather have a thin donor area with plenty of hair on top than no hair on top and a huge donor area.

I rather not focus on something that may or may not occur and focus on my current results, there are profile on this site of guys without a single hair on top of their head and now they’ve got a perfect hairline; there isn’t any reason where I, who isn’t even close to be as bad as they had it, couldn’t get this right with just one try.

Thank you for your comment though, please keep visiting my page for the next few months and see the result.

» Hello Bor83,
» I understand what you mean, Dr. Baubac took that into consideration as well
» as he went further up on the top of the head instead of concentrating only
» on the receding area.
» With that said, the men of my family in general has pretty much the same
» hairline as I used to before the operation; hopefully my hairline won’t
» recede any further than that which would be great but like you said, it is
» a possibility.
» How long is that going to take though? 3, 5, 10 years+ or not at all, who
» really knows? At least I will be enjoying my new hairline for a while
» longer and if another operation is necessary, I have no problem with that.
» My donor area still has a huge supply, I cannot even tell the difference
» from after my first surgery and I have a big supply on the side of the head
» as well (not sure if that hair is usable though for transplant though).
» Personally, I rather have a thin donor area with plenty of hair on top than
» no hair on top and a huge donor area.
» I rather not focus on something that may or may not occur and focus on my
» current results, there are profile on this site of guys without a single
» hair on top of their head and now they’ve got a perfect hairline; there
» isn’t any reason where I, who isn’t even close to be as bad as they had it,
» couldn’t get this right with just one try.
» Thank you for your comment though, please keep visiting my page for the
» next few months and see the result.
» Ben

It will occur- just reality. I used to think like you when I got my first HT’s. It doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing but best to assume you will need more work eventually and prepare. Also don’t judge results of online photos. You’d be surprised if you saw some of those patients in the real world.

Hello Bor83,

I understand what you mean, men in our condition can’t complete escape our fate; for the moment at least I’m very excited to see how this HT will turn up to be.

If I feel like a second HT is necessary I will make sure to get it in proper due time but that is still quite a while from now so I’d rather not focus on that for the moment.

How many HTs did you get yourself? Looks like at least 2 from your previous message; how did they turn up? Are you happy with your results?

What happened to your pictures ?

» What happened to your pictures ?

I deleted them on my ImageShack account by mistake. Sadly you cannot edit post on this site so I had to repost them. Hopefully you noticed them when you scrolled down.

I will be posting my 3 month post-op pictures in 2 days; make sure to come back and check them out!

Hey guys,

Sorry if this is a little bit late. Here are the pictures for my post 3 months. At this stage, I should have about 10-15% growth in the new area. Personally, I really like it so far and I can’t wait to see what it will be like when everything comes out!

As always, feel free to leave a comment or question and I will answer as soon as possible.

Hello everyone,

Yesterday marked my 4th month post-surgery so here are my photo update.
I’m very happy so far, my hair transplant should be at 20% regrowth so I’m very optimistic about my results.

I’ve also put up some facial hair pictures since I skipped it last month. Remember that for the facial, only about 250 grafts were transplanted in a small region on both side so if you take that into consideration I’m happy with the results so far. It might be hard for you guys to tell but I can tell every single that didn’t use to be there.

As always, if you have a question or comment pleas feel free to post.
Thank you for checking up on my post.

It will be interesting to see how your facial hair turns out. We all know what happens when transplanting body hair to the scalp, since the donor for your facial grafts came from the back of your head, I wonder if they will grow long just like scalp hair.

I am surprised how well your face healed considering what it looked like right after the procedure.

Hi Ben

Thanks just went through your story ,thats a nice amount of grafts you got placed , your 4 month pictures look cool but hang tight because the ride is just starting , your going to have a awesome result everything looks right on track , and great stuff about how your feeling about yourself with training and life in general , this is what its all about my freind and thank you for sharing part of your life with us , going to be watching for your updates keep the positivity

