Alecbaldone, I think you should use a liquid topical PGE2 solution

Alec I think you should get some PGE2 powder and turn it into a liquid topical PGE2 solution.

Below are some links to abstract studies wherein the researchers used a liquid topical PGE2 solution. I think you should get the entire study and inside of the entire study you will likely find a recipe for making a liquid topical PGE2 solution.

» Alec I think you should get some PGE2 powder and turn it into a liquid
» topical PGE2 solution.
» Below are some links to abstract studies wherein the researchers used a
» liquid topical PGE2 solution. I think you should get the entire study and
» inside of the entire study you will likely find a recipe for making a
» liquid topical PGE2 solution.
» Topical prostaglandin analog (PGE2) in vitiligo--a preliminary study - PubMed
» Evaluation of safety and efficacy of topical prostaglandin E2 in treatment of vitiligo - PubMed

Good finds. I’m wondering if this means that PGE2 could also be used to turn gray hairs into their original color.

» » Alec I think you should get some PGE2 powder and turn it into a liquid
» » topical PGE2 solution.
» »
» » Below are some links to abstract studies wherein the researchers used a
» » liquid topical PGE2 solution. I think you should get the entire study
» and
» » inside of the entire study you will likely find a recipe for making a
» » liquid topical PGE2 solution.
» »
» » Topical prostaglandin analog (PGE2) in vitiligo--a preliminary study - PubMed
» »
» » Evaluation of safety and efficacy of topical prostaglandin E2 in treatment of vitiligo - PubMed
» Good finds. I’m wondering if this means that PGE2 could also be used to
» turn gray hairs into their original color.

Roger-that, I will tell you that IronDragon tells me that they are going to produce a PGE2 topical solution. I don’t know how much longer it will take but they are planning to do it.

Also, can you please tell me if D-Cloprostenol is PGF2a? Latisse grows hair by stimulating the production of PGF2a so this means that PGF2a may be an essential PG that is key to hair growth. But getting PGF2a into alecbaldone’s skin presents some problems:

  1. Hairman says that PGF2a has a half life of seconds so a topical solution of pure PGF2a would be impractical.

  2. A chemical that prompts the body to stimulate PGF2a would not be useful for alecbaldone because the PGD2 blocker he is using would prevent a PGF2a stimulator from producing more PGF2a.

Alecbaldone needs to apply PGF2a to his skin in a form that would not be impractical despite PG’s short half life. This is why I’m wondering if D-Cloprostenol is the same as PGF2a. IronDragon tells me that they will be putting D-Cloprostenol on the market very soon. The below link indicates that D-Cloprostenol is a synthetic analog of PGF2a. I think that D-Cloprostenol being a synthetic anaolog of PGF2a means that a liquid topical D-Cloprostenol would solve the problem of getting PGF2a into alecbaldone’s skin. Am I right???

» 1. Hairman says that PGF2a has a half life of seconds so a topical solution
» of pure PGF2a would be impractical.

I dont remember saying that to be honest… in fact, that would surprise me, since bimatoprost is an PGF2a analog which seems to be stable for much longer than that.

» » 1. Hairman says that PGF2a has a half life of seconds so a topical
» solution
» » of pure PGF2a would be impractical.
» I dont remember saying that to be honest… maybe I did, cant say for
» sure… but i right now that sounds surprising to me since if i recall
» correctly bimatoprost is an PGF2a analog which seems to be stable for much
» longer than that.

Well, I think you said it but I’m not 100% sure anymore. In any case it seems like this synthetic version of PGF2a will solve the problem and IronDragon will be releasing it soon. I wish they would hurry up with their PGE2 solution.

I just emailed them and asked them how much longer it will be.

I want alecbaldone to have the best possible chance to regrow hair.

» » Alec I think you should get some PGE2 powder and turn it into a liquid
» » topical PGE2 solution.
» »
» » Below are some links to abstract studies wherein the researchers used a
» » liquid topical PGE2 solution. I think you should get the entire study
» and
» » inside of the entire study you will likely find a recipe for making a
» » liquid topical PGE2 solution.
» »
» » Topical prostaglandin analog (PGE2) in vitiligo--a preliminary study - PubMed
» »
» » Evaluation of safety and efficacy of topical prostaglandin E2 in treatment of vitiligo - PubMed
» Good finds. I’m wondering if this means that PGE2 could also be used to
» turn gray hairs into their original color.

It could mean that pdge2 could cause grey hair by inducing premature differentiation of the melanocytes and there by exhausting the stem cell population.

I suspect we have already seem whatever E2 can or can’t do. Look at Minox users. The drug isn’t the most potent source of E2 but it has been tried by a HUGE group of men over a long period of time.

» I suspect we have already seem whatever E2 can or can’t do. Look at Minox
» users. The drug isn’t the most potent source of E2 but it has been tried
» by a HUGE group of men over a long period of time.

Give me a break Cal.

I am talking about PGE2 added to the PGD2 blocker that alec is using, not by itself as is the case with minox. We have never before in human history seen what adding PGE2 to a PGD2 blocker like alec is using will do.

» » I suspect we have already seem whatever E2 can or can’t do. Look at
» Minox
» » users. The drug isn’t the most potent source of E2 but it has been
» tried
» » by a HUGE group of men over a long period of time.
» Give me a break Cal. What’s your IQ: 13?
» I am talking about PGE2 added to the PGD2 blocker that alec is using, not
» by itself as is the case with minox. We have never before in human history
» seen what adding PGE2 to a PGD2 blocker like alec is using will do. Grow a
» brain dude

By the way it was I who made the comment about PGE2 possibly having a very short half-life. I was only extrapolating because PGD2 is known to have a very short half-life, and the molecules are both prostaglandins and quite similar. However I was only speculating, I wasn’t sure.

Hello fellow bald brothers and Mery Christmas. Now I have added minox for almost 3 weeks now and Im not ready to announce yet but “I think” im starting to see some vellous hairs growing in my temple area. Im now just applying the iron-dragon formula once a day since it was a bit hard on the skin and applying minox twice a day. I too am waiting for Iron Dragon to produce a PGE formula to add to my routine. as of now I am still having no hair loss, scalp is a bit itchy, tight, slight sunburn feeling, and no real side effects worth mentioning. The minox stings when i put it on and I am using plenty of “product” across my scalp when applying. I will report any solid evidence of regrowth as soon as I see it, so I want to avoid any confusion. I think i see some slight vellous regrowth but you cant tell it it is coming or going!! we will know more in a few more weeks. I expect to have hair in 2013, we are close. Alec

Hi Alec, Merry Christmas to you too, and thanks for keeping us posted with all the great updates.

I wanted to call your attention to one concern that another poster, Ahab and I had (we posted about it several times in the past few weeks but I don’t think you saw our posts).

You might think this is a nit-picky concern, but I don’t really think so.

I remember when I first started using Minox in the 90’s, I tested my hair loss exactly as you are doing now. I put a piece of white printer paper on the desk each day and rubbed my scalp over it to see how many hairs fell out. I did this before I started using the Minox, and after. I noticed exactly what you’re seeing. Before I had begun using the Rogaine, when I rubbed my scalp, many small and medium-sized hairs fell out… Maybe 100/day. After I started using Rogaine, almost no hairs fell out – it was down to almost zero.

I was really happy. I used the Minox for almost 2 years, rubbing it into my scalp twice a day with the applicator, but all I ever saw growing was some questionable, light peach fuzz at the hairline (back then, I only had recession at the hairline and slight thinning on the crown).

I stopped using Minox. But I later thought about my experience and it dawned on me that maybe the reason it seemed to have stopped my hair loss was that while I was rubbing it into my scalp, I was dislodging hairs that were ready to fall out. These dislodged hairs would then fall from my scalp during the course of the day, but I wouldn’t notice it.

Then when I went to rub my scalp over a piece of paper (usually at the end of the day), and saw no hairs falling out, I interpreted this as the Minoxidil working – preventing hair loss – when in reality, maybe it was the very act of rubbing my scalp with Minox twice a day and loosening all those hairs, which gave me the false impression the stuff was working.

I’m not saying I know this was really happening to me, or that it’s happening to you, but I think it is a possibility we have to be aware of and control for.

Maybe one way of testing for this is to apply the OC/Minox and look for hair loss at the very same time as you rub your scalp over that sheet of paper.

» Hello fellow bald brothers and Mery Christmas. Now I have added minox for
» almost 3 weeks now and Im not ready to announce yet but “I think” im
» starting to see some vellous hairs growing in my temple area. Im now just
» applying the iron-dragon formula once a day since it was a bit hard on the
» skin and applying minox twice a day. I too am waiting for Iron Dragon to
» produce a PGE formula to add to my routine. as of now I am still having no
» hair loss, scalp is a bit itchy, tight, slight sunburn feeling, and no real
» side effects worth mentioning. The minox stings when i put it on and I am
» using plenty of “product” across my scalp when applying. I will report any
» solid evidence of regrowth as soon as I see it, so I want to avoid any
» confusion. I think i see some slight vellous regrowth but you cant tell it
» it is coming or going!! we will know more in a few more weeks. I expect to
» have hair in 2013, we are close. Alec

@ Roger That, you make a good point and I’ll try to be aware of my total hair loss or gain. When I tried minox 10 years ago, after about a month I grew velous peach fuzz for about a month, it never matured then fell out. Same thing with Duteresteride. Both grew peach fuzz along temple, never continued growth, then just fell out. So far I feel good about the PDG2 blockers, can definitely tell my scalp feels differently.

I think that rather than using hair fall to measure growth, just take consistent pictures in clear, bright light. These forums speak of bald men lost to insanity counting hairs! :slight_smile:

» I think that rather than using hair fall to measure growth, just take
» consistent pictures in clear, bright light. These forums speak of bald men
» lost to insanity counting hairs! :slight_smile:


Hair counts are pretty unreliable. Too many variables. Inconsistency, sheds for all sorts of reasons, physically knocking out the hairs at other times of the day, etc.

The addition of Minox raises the bar for what a PGD2 fighter must do to prove itself. I will assume the gains are due to the Minox alone unless the results are pretty unprecedented.

» I think that rather than using hair fall to measure growth,

I think he’s using hair fall to measure hair loss, and using hair loss as a proxy to measure if the drug is working.

As jarjarbinx says, regrowth is a “different biochemical task” than stopping hair loss.

Different task, I agree, but they are connected, because you it stands to reason that you need to arrest hair loss before you’ll get much growth.

» The addition of Minox raises the bar for what a PGD2 fighter must do to
» prove itself.

True, but it also lowers the bar (we hope) for what it must do to actually grow hair.