Advice and the bosley / ICX partnership


well, i know this isn’t a very contructive post in the HM aspect but for piece of mind humour me, im 23 yr old male, about nw3 but very thin up top and its starting to look bad… Ive been going to an acupuncturist for 2 years and its helped stop / slow down the hairloss but it hasnt turned the corner for me… I have some $ saved up I could probably rectify the situation by butchering my head with a couple strip procedures… I wanted to wait for HM but it seems that with the reading and reserch ive done that its a good 5 years away… i could bite the bullet now and maybe be slightly satisfied… and then thicken it up once the HM technology has advanced onto the market in a few years time… i just dont really want to spend my 20s bald and waiting…

part 2…

reading through ICX’s latest release, it said they recieved a milestone 200,000 payment option from bosley, does this mean that the partnership may already begun? or whats the significance of this payment and icxs need to find a partnership?