ACell Update - Sept 2011

Here some comments from guys (ignore the useless psycho-parrot in between) in an other thread, who got ACell/PRP injections, which can protect further hair loss “like a vaccination against flew” :expressionless:

Someone else who got any sort of ACell treatment or has something to report?

You loser start threads only to mock me, my oh my you are a bigger moron then i imagined.

Btw you should quote PVT in full some months ago he had hair growth in his scar tissue from strip i guess :slight_smile: but yeah this doesnt fit your psychotic profile

» Btw you should quote PVT in full some months ago he had hair growth in his
» scar tissue from strip i guess …

So, why don’t YOU quote PVT’s post in full you mention?

Oh, and the latter in red is everything what a psychiatric loser like you is able to do - simply due to 1) his lack of knowledge and 2) being psychiatric and paranoid …

Everything a psychiatric loser like YOU can do has always been just “an IronMan bitch” and an IronMan stalker and finally IronMan’s PARROT - you psychiatric loser.

If it makes you feel better then i am gladly your biatch :slight_smile:

Anyway what were you saying again?

» Anyway what were you saying again?

The same what I say since years - that you’re a psychiatric loser.

Just in case you can’t read it correctly …


btw - didn’t you get mother’s milk as a baby so that you have to suck on my nipples today? :smiley:

we haven’t been able to replicate anything close to the results from those original reports

Ok, if so, I wonder how long Rassmann will place ACell’s logo on his blog …

Wow a new low, you coming after my mother. Very classy of you. Anyway what did you say? I always lose the point of your postings when i read your stuff, its so boring and useless.

» … you coming after my mother.

I know, you can’t live without my nipples anymore …

» » … you coming after my mother.
» I know, you can’t live without my nipples anymore …

Nah its ok insult my mother, that shows what you as a MAN, a REAL MAN are made of. You can be proud of yourself i guess, i wont hit that low because it has nothing to do with parents.

You need help

» » » … you coming after my mother.
» »
» » I know, you can’t live without my nipples anymore …
» Nah its ok insult my mother, …

Wie ich schon sagte, halt einfach deine selten dumme Fresse, du geistig verkrüppelter Wichser.

» » » » … you coming after my mother.
» » »
» » » I know, you can’t live without my nipples anymore …
» »
» » Nah its ok insult my mother, …
» Wie ich schon sagte, halt einfach deine selten dumme Fresse, du geistig
» verkrüppelter Wichser.

You keep repeating yourself :slight_smile: time for medication i presume. Wait what was your talk again i just didnt listen :smiley:

» You keep repeating yourself :slight_smile: time for medication i presume. Wait what
» was your talk again i just didnt listen :smiley:

Yep, I can definitely see this.

Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your posting privileges.

» Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your posting
» privileges.

Ignore him guys, almost everything he said in the past was not coming true, he even said Gho wont increase his graft count :slight_smile: but he did and IronMan directly phoned Gho and stalked him.

But Gho replied " Hey Austrian man just leave me be, we rejected you and we dont wanna hear from you anytime again"

» Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your posting
» privileges.

You’re right - I’ve already reported this f u c k i n g loser …

» » Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your posting
» » privileges.
» You’re right - I’ve already reported this f u c k i n g loser …

And i say Thank you very much but it wont repair your scars and it wont make you younger :slight_smile:

» » » Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your
» posting
» » » privileges.
» »
» » You’re right - I’ve already reported this f u c k i n g loser …
» »
» »
» And i say Thank you very much but it wont repair your scars and it wont
» make you younger :slight_smile:

At least BANNING such a useless loser like you would definitely repair HairSite.

» » » » Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your
» » posting
» » » » privileges.
» » »
» » » You’re right - I’ve already reported this f u c k i n g loser …
» » »
» » »
» »
» »
» » And i say Thank you very much but it wont repair your scars and it wont
» » make you younger :slight_smile:
» At least BANNING such a useless loser like you would definitely repair
» HairSite.

I dont think so, because you are here with your antics so, naaaaaa. And this forum is not pathetic btw, i think its beginning to develop itself into something really good (we see this in Dr As thread about the Woods criticism)

And right now, if i have to be honest, there are only three idiots around, IronMan, SpanishDude and me (at least to some people) i can live with that but IronMan is invited when i got my HST done, i will gladly take him with me, but he rejected it :frowning:

» » » » » Lol, this forum is pathetic. I thought Hairsite restricted your
» » » posting
» » » » » privileges.
» » » »
» » » » You’re right - I’ve already reported this f u c k i n g loser …
» » » »
» » » »
» » »
» »
» » »
» » » And i say Thank you very much but it wont repair your scars and it
» wont
» » » make you younger :slight_smile:
» »
» » At least BANNING such a useless loser like you would definitely repair
» » HairSite.
» I dont think so, …

hmmm, I can count 10 different HairSite users who think so. That is RECORD!

Well then, name them. And there is one restriction, those guys have to only wish to ban me and not also you as well :slight_smile:

And IronMan, still 10 people at hand, btw with what kinda things do you work with all the time on a hair loss board? What has this to do with anything. The only person to be banned here should be i dont know, nobody.