Acell new particle size for Matristem hair restoration

Acell Matristem for Hair Restoration:

March 16th, 2011

We will be testing a new Matristem particle size that will overcome some of the previous limitations of distribution in Hair Restoration, both Surgical and Medical (Injections with PRP).

The new smaller particles were developed in response to a need by Dr. Hitzig and other researchers to continue to advance the Science of Regenerative Medicine as it applies to hair “cloning” as well as hair loss prevention.

The New Particles of Matristem will be available to Dr. Hitzig immediately!

» The New Particles of Matristem will be available to Dr. Hitzig immediately!

Does it mean I should book a flight now or later?


» Great!!

Why is this great? What does this mean to us? It seems to me that he is injecting the stuff already so it is already getting into the scalp. I would think that changing the size would be more of an issue if the medicine was applied topically and the stuff was too big to get inside the skin but as an injectible it is already getting inside the skin so what is the big deal about changing the size?

» Does it mean I should book a flight now or later?

hehe that is indeed the question Iron_Man :smiley:

» » The New Particles of Matristem will be available to Dr. Hitzig
» immediately!
» Does it mean I should book a flight now or later?

Iron Man if you are going to book an appt with Hitzig please do everyone here a favor and take some very good before and after photos, most of Dr. Hitzig’s photos I have seen make very poor before and after comparison, you can’t really tell if the treatment is working or not.


I am afraid that a bunch of HT surgeons have jumped into bed with the ACell company to exploit this MAGNIFICENT, STATE-OF-THE-ART MARKETING CONCEPT 3.0, without any solid evidence except a few photos from Dr. Hitzig where he SUBJECTIVELY compares before-and-after shots and says “See how much better this looks?” WITHOUT SHOWING HAIR COUNTS!!!

ALL WE WANT IS EVIDENCE! And the only thing that will suffice as evidence is a scientifically-conducted study, using either slick-bald patients or patients with heads shaved, so that we can see any increased density or hair counts, not from a distance (which always offers a subjective view), but up close, so we can actually compare follicle density.

WHY is this so hard to do???

I wasn’t going to bother posting this, but this seems like a good enough thread as any. My at-home dermaroller + acell experiment was a bust. I literally saw no difference.

I have to say, once I got into the thick of it and saw the size of the particles, I realized that as small as they were, they were not going to get very far into the dermaroller punctures. You’d really have to inject those suckers. And i’m not that coordinated nor brave.

I do live in NYC though, so maybe a trip to Dr. Hitzig is in order. If I go, I will certainly document everything. The good thing I got out of all this was that my photo-taking setup worked a charm. I got very clear, completely unflattering, identically lit photos.

» I am afraid that a bunch of HT surgeons have jumped into bed with the ACell
» 3.0, without any solid evidence except a few photos from Dr. Hitzig where
» he SUBJECTIVELY compares before-and-after shots and says “See how much
» better this looks?” WITHOUT SHOWING HAIR COUNTS!!!
» ALL WE WANT IS EVIDENCE! And the only thing that will suffice as evidence
» is a scientifically-conducted study, using either slick-bald patients or
» patients with heads shaved, so that we can see any increased density or
» hair counts, not from a distance (which always offers a subjective view),
» but up close, so we can actually compare follicle density.
» WHY is this so hard to do???

Cooley very clearly in his presentation did even beard and scalp hair side by side and it was easy to see the difference. And he had biopsy photos as well. You can see increased density from plucked hair in Cooley’s photos as well.

I think Cooley is ahead of everyone (Hitzig included) here.

» I wasn’t going to bother posting this, but this seems like a good enough
» thread as any. My at-home dermaroller + acell experiment was a bust. I
» literally saw no difference.
» I have to say, once I got into the thick of it and saw the size of the
» particles, I realized that as small as they were, they were not going to
» get very far into the dermaroller punctures. You’d really have to inject
» those suckers. And i’m not that coordinated nor brave.
» I do live in NYC though, so maybe a trip to Dr. Hitzig is in order. If I
» go, I will certainly document everything. The good thing I got out of all
» this was that my photo-taking setup worked a charm. I got very clear,
» completely unflattering, identically lit photos.

Dr. Hitzig is already injecting so I don’t see how Acell changing the size of the particles will make any difference. The particles already get into the skin since they are injected.

» Dr. Hitzig is already injecting so I don’t see how Acell changing the size
» of the particles will make any difference. The particles already get into
» the skin since they are injected.

Maybe dispersion underneath the skin to other follicles ? Who knows

» » Dr. Hitzig is already injecting so I don’t see how Acell changing the
» size
» » of the particles will make any difference. The particles already get
» into
» » the skin since they are injected.
» Maybe dispersion underneath the skin to other follicles ? Who knows

Well it could becasue smaller parts or particles diffuse through membranes fast and wider.

The problem right now is, that you only get hair around the injection sites but if you you can make it diffuse faster and wider you dont needle the whole head for maximum “yield”

Anyway its really frightening how fast stuff goes right now, i really cant remember that we got news in regards of hm or acell two years or one year before.

And we have only march so far, man i was under the impression to save my money in two years, DAMN it :slight_smile:

If you walk into this thread thinking Acell is working and it’s the answer for us, then this news probably works to bolster that idea.

If you walk into this thread thinking that the HT docs & Acell makers know this stuff won’t help, and they’re just trying to find a new way to rip people off, then this news works to bolster that too.

Me? Well, I suspect Acell probably was developing a micro-sized particle for numerous different applications and decided to pitch it to the HT docs while they were at it.

I think these sorta-reputable HT docs are doing what they’re always doing. They’re not going out of their way to sell total snake oil. But if they’re gonna fool around with something that MIGHT work, and if patients are willing to pay money to let then try it on them, fine. The docs are ready to take the money any chance they get.

Reply from Dr. Hitzig (emailed to us from Dr. Hitzig’s clinic):

"With a smaller particle size, we will have less “jamming” in the finer size needles we prefer to use to inject the ACell suspension. Larger particles jam the needles commonly in the higher concentration of product we choose to employ. Finer needles allow us to inject closer together. We therefore can create more micro-wounds with the finer needles which then allows better ACell distribution and more hair “remodeling.
Thank You
Dr. Hitzig”

» Reply from Dr. Hitzig (emailed to us from Dr. Hitzig’s clinic):
» "With a smaller particle size, we will have less “jamming” in the finer
» size needles we prefer to use to inject the ACell suspension. Larger
» particles jam the needles commonly in the higher concentration of product
» we choose to employ. Finer needles allow us to inject closer together. We
» therefore can create more micro-wounds with the finer needles which then
» allows better ACell distribution and more hair “remodeling.
» Thank You
» Dr. Hitzig”

I like Dr. Hitzig. I have a lot of admiration for Dr. Hitzig no matter how this all turns out. He knows we are sick of hairloss and he is trying to ameliorate the problem. He’s pushing the envelope. There are a lot of hair loss specialists trying to find a breakthrough treatment for hair loss but if I had my druthers it would be Hitzig who gets into medical history for making the biggest strides. I feel this way because he contemplates hair, he thinks about us, and he has intensely focused his intellect on how to make Acell as good as it can be. He is thinking about all the small, and big, details to try to make Acell reach its’ greatest potential. I hope it works out that Acell is a big revolution in the treatment for hair loss. I hope this happens as much for us patients as for Dr. Hitzig because then he will be rewarded with not just money, but also recognition, for all of the racking his brain he is doing to try to cure the darn thing (hair loss). I’m pulling for him as much as I’m pulling for us who need a new/better treatment. He’s a very intelligent man and he’s really focused so I am going to keep my fingers crossed because a very smart man (Dr. Hitzig) is putting a major intellectual effort into trying to make a cure happen via this Acell stuff.

Please keep thinking about it Dr. Hitzig because you may really be onto something if you can just work out all of the bugs and turn Acell into the best possible treatment that it can be. You are making progress but you have to figure out every possible way that you can tweak the treatment (Acell + PRP) because the fact that you are getting some hair regrowth shows that it may be possible to get more regrowth if you can just come up with the exact right things to add to the Acell and PRP. Don’t stop!

» I like Dr. Hitzig. I have a lot of admiration for Dr. Hitzig no matter how
» this all turns out. He knows we are sick of hairloss and he is trying to
» ameliorate the problem. He’s pushing the envelope.

I agree, he is trying different avenues and should be commended even though the results are ho hum.