to use it (Video)

Judge yourself, i think it clearly shows why i am right with Acell itself not so be useful

Little hint (they hit randomly and not on the follicles)

» Judge yourself, i think it clearly shows why i am right with Acell itself
» not so be useful
» Little hint (they hit randomly and not on the follicles)

Is it just me or does Dr. Prassad (or whatever his name is) not appear to be very talented at placing grafts… it didnt seem as though he was doing the most brilliant job in placing in those grafts…

I love how Hitzig speaks so matter of factly about stems being “recruited” to the site and forming more progenitor cells and protecting the follicles. I would like to see one shred of evidence that his PRP/Acell treatment can accomplish that.

And again with the “vaccine against baldness” talk. WTF??

Hitzig, if you read this thread…hair counts and detailed photographic evidence will be your only selling point. Until you provide them…this is all psuedoscience.

» I love how Hitzig speaks so matter of factly about stems being “recruited”
» to the site and forming more progenitor cells and protecting the follicles.
» I would like to see one shred of evidence that his PRP/Acell treatment can
» accomplish that.
» And again with the “vaccine against baldness” talk. WTF??
» Hitzig, if you read this thread…hair counts and detailed photographic
» evidence will be your only selling point. Until you provide them…this is
» all psuedoscience.

I think that the before and after pics he has produced has established that Acell + PRP can grow some hair, but those same pics also establish that Acell + PRP does not grow enough hair. He is getting maybe 15% - 20% new hair and that is not enough for most of us here. He needs to augment this Acell + PRP treatment with new agents and more of the same agents.

He tells us that there are the correct WNTs in the treatment but where is the proof of that? I feel like Dr. Hitzig is saying that Acell + PRP is already the same thing as Histogen and I do not believe that. In my view Histogen has already proven more effective than Acell + PRP and that means that Acell + PRP is lacking in some of the things that Histogen has or else Acell + PRP would be as effective as Histogen. Duh!

I don’t know what Histogen has that Acell + PRP doesn’t have but I do think that Dr. Hitzig needs to find out and then he needs to add those things to Acell + PRP so that it is basically the same as Histogen.

» » I love how Hitzig speaks so matter of factly about stems being
» “recruited”
» » to the site and forming more progenitor cells and protecting the
» follicles.
» » I would like to see one shred of evidence that his PRP/Acell treatment
» can
» » accomplish that.
» »
» » And again with the “vaccine against baldness” talk. WTF??
» »
» »
» » Hitzig, if you read this thread…hair counts and detailed photographic
» » evidence will be your only selling point. Until you provide them…this
» is
» » all psuedoscience.
» I think that the before and after pics he has produced has established that
» Acell + PRP can grow some hair, but those same pics also establish that
» Acell + PRP does not grow enough hair. He is getting maybe 15% - 20% new
» hair and that is not enough for most of us here. He needs to augment this
» Acell + PRP treatment with new agents and more of the same agents.
» He tells us that there are the correct WNTs in the treatment but where is
» the proof of that? I feel like Dr. Hitzig is saying that Acell + PRP is
» already the same thing as Histogen and I do not believe that. In my view
» Histogen has already proven more effective than Acell + PRP and that means
» that Acell + PRP is lacking in some of the things that Histogen has or else
» Acell + PRP would be as effective as Histogen. Duh!
» I don’t know what Histogen has that Acell + PRP doesn’t have but I do think
» that Dr. Hitzig needs to find out and then he needs to add those things to
» Acell + PRP so that it is basically the same as Histogen.

Yeah, acell hasn’t shown anything even close to what Histogen produced from their first trial. All the acell photos are very, very poor quality. Along with after photos that “for some reason” have longer hair, different combing styles and lighting. It’s impossible for anyone other than Hitzig to say that there is any growth what-so-ever from the photos.Histogen at least was quantitative in their approach and you can see the new growth.

Hitzig has made so many claims about acell the list is hard to keep track of. He’s reminding me of the fra-uds who come around here and advertise their latest “stem cell” treatment…hair stemulating complexes etc… They keep up on the research and know all the right buzz words which will stimulate interest in their product, but, have absolutely nothing to back up thier claims. Acell, does have some backing in that it’s shown utility in limiting scar formation…but, their is no supporting evidence for it’s hair growth capabilities. That docs are jumping ahead and charging patients absurd amounts of money for a “baldness vaccine” is down right criminal and probably deserves to be investigated by an outside consummer protection type agency.

» Judge yourself, i think it clearly shows why i am right with Acell itself
» not so be useful

Yeah, plopp, especially for the hairline …

plopp plopp …