Acell follicle regeneration and response to PRP/Acell injections

We placed 2500 grafts to the frontal and top areas of this patient in 5 and ½ hours.

The patient also had early thinning throughout the top of the scalp. We treated the entire scalp with PRP and Acell.

Prior to surgery we evaluated his cross sectional trichometry in 4 locations including the front, top, Crown, and donor area. Prior to surgery he had 76% loss at 14 cm above the glabella, 65% loss 18 cm above the glabella, and 45% loss 24 cm above the glabella.

5 months after his hair transplant and Acell/PRP treatment, his hair loss at the 8 cm above the glabella was 52% (prior to surgery there was so little hair at 8 cm that we could not measure his the hair loss percentage). The loss at 14 cm above the glabella was 35%, the hair loss at 18cm was 47%, the hair loss at 24 cm was 0%. The area at 24 cm was treated almost exclusively with PRP and ACell. This shows that Acell and PRP can have a profound affect in some individuals and may influence area with less hair loss initially to a greater degree.

Following surgery we treated the donor area with Acell. At the 5 month mark we counted the number of extraction sites. We counted extraction sites. We found that 61% of all extraction sites regenerated hair follicles. The Acell reduced the diameter of hypopigmentation and the degree of hypopigmentation, but Acell, did not eliminate hypopigmentation. It is unclear why some extraction sites did not regenerate hair. Furthermore, Acell does not seem to work this well in all patients. We feel that the minimal depth approach we use improves the potential for follicle regeneration.

Other methods of FUE use a much deeper full thickness extraction method, which removes all the stem cells. Acell cannot induce follicle regeneration when a full thickness extraction method is used. Similarly, a strip is a full thickness excision and this removes all the stem cells too. This is why Acell does not result in any follicle regeneration following strip surgery.

Interesting results.

I don’t know if you have seen gc83uk’s pictures, who had a procedure with Dr. Gho, but the extraction points were marked and compared to see if there was any regrowth:

If you could do a similar analysis for your ACELL/PRP FUE procedures, that would go a long way in proving that donor regrowth is possible with ACELL/PRP. Please keep us updated on this. I’m sure many of us would be very excited to see conclusive proof of donor regrowth, especially in the hands of a renowned surgeon like Dr. Cole.

I have not seen the photos before, but I’m happy when a patient can get two for one. Of course, you need growth in both areas (donor and recipient) to have two for one.

We are seeing some interesting things with Acell. Hypopigmention is smaller in diameter and there is some regrowth. Frankly, this was a tough case to compare because the hypo pigmentation was minimal, which means it was similar in color to the natural skin.

Not everyone is responding this well to the ACell. That’s the troubling part. So far the response has been positive in almost all patients, however. we are working on some ways to improve the response, but as always, it will take time to see if the changes prove beneficial.

The Acell approach is a little different than what Dr. Gho is doing. Dr. Gho is purposely bisecting follicles. i’m not as big of a fan of that simply because the yield will be less with bisected follicles. Still, i think many patients are pleased with their results and that is the main thing.

Hi Dr. Cole,

I think a lot of people on this forum are really intrigued by the prospect of regenerating hair follicles in the donor area.

Have you developed any protocols for documenting this phenomenon? This seems like the kind of discovery (even at 30-60% consistency) that could really improve the candidacy of younger patients and patients with more advanced baldness.

Do you think this is something you will be able to offer to all of your patients in the future? Are you confident that this could be a game-changer, or is that being overly optimistic?

Thanks for your time and willingness to advance the profession!

Here are more after photos from this patient including a post-op shaved donor area shot (close-up)


Dr Cole

Dr Gho guarantees yield of over 95% or so I think…

He baths grafts in some magic juice and maybe that is the secret…

Would you be paying him 50k to learn technique so you dont have to do your own research which could take some time to match HST,

Its not much to pay and im sure you would make a lot of $$$ by becoming the first clinic in the states who offers HT with over 80% donor regrowth and over 95% recepient.

Ghos clinic is booked a year in advance, thats something to think abt

Fascinating, does Dr. Cole only use PRP/Acell in conjunction with a hair transplant? Can I simply choose to have PRP/Acell without hair transplant?

moopookoo, If i would Dr. Gho i would hire you immediately :slight_smile: you sound very convincing…

NeverAgain, the answer is yes, we do PRP/Acell either in conjunction with hair transplant or without…we do a stand alone PRP/Acell treatments on patients with thinning hair (miniaturization of the hair) and they have to come back after a year for more treatment. Many of them report that the hair and the color is stronger, the shedding stops.
With hair transplant the patients report super fast healing, faster hair growth. overall we see a greater results then ever with 50-60% regeneration of hair growth in the donor area.

» moopookoo, If i would Dr. Gho i would hire you immediately :slight_smile: you sound
» very convincing…
» NeverAgain, the answer is yes, we do PRP/Acell either in conjunction with
» hair transplant or without…we do a stand alone PRP/Acell treatments on
» patients with thinning hair (miniaturization of the hair) and they have to
» come back after a year for more treatment. Many of them report that the
» hair and the color is stronger, the shedding stops.
» With hair transplant the patients report super fast healing, faster hair
» growth. overall we see a greater results then ever with 50-60% regeneration
» of hair growth in the donor area.

Yes, we do Acell and PRP without hair transplant. We had one patient whose coverage went over 100% with Acell and PRP. Unfortunately, I don’t think it works on 100% of the patients. Acell in extraction sites has worked to varying degrees on all patients. i’ve not seen it reach 95% yet though. I’d love to visit Dr. Gho in Maastricht. That’s a big wow from me.

» i’ve not seen it reach 95% yet though.

Actually that is not what Dr Gho is claiming with HST, he claims to consistently deliver 80% regeneration in the donor area - still pretty d**n good if true :slight_smile:

» » i’ve not seen it reach 95% yet though.
» Actually that is not what Dr Gho is claiming with HST, he claims to
» consistently deliver 80% regeneration in the donor area - still pretty d**n
» good if true :slight_smile:

Sorry, i’m just quoting an article he wrote. Then no one really knows what he is doing. Ok.

» Then no one really knows what
» he is doing. Ok.

no one wants to know either apparently.

these are very good results however.

I wish the best for this research it will only help baldies worldwide even more than BS HM companies promise.

Dr. Gho says “I can make the hair grow again in donor”.

Dr. Cole says "Interesting but no. I will train doctors and say that my scars are hypopigmentation. The scar is the four letter word.

Dr. Gho says “I am now making hair grow again in donor”

Dr. Cole says “I have been making my own formula for a long time in secret” so that he can say look at me too I can do this and know everthing. I know everything and know doctor can do a thing that I have not done.

Why is every thing that is new not new to Dr. Cole? Look at his posts and why this is everyone laughs at Dr. Cole in Europe. Dr. Gho has the real stuff!

» » » i’ve not seen it reach 95% yet though.
» »
» » Actually that is not what Dr Gho is claiming with HST, he claims to
» » consistently deliver 80% regeneration in the donor area - still pretty
» d**n
» » good if true :slight_smile:
» Sorry, i’m just quoting an article he wrote. Then no one really knows what
» he is doing. Ok.

Excuse me, but you can’t compare results examined in SMALL but well controlled studies (100 to 150 well controlled extracted grafts per subject) with results in daily practice (1000 to 1500 fast extracted grafts per subject) – and YOU know this.

But don’t worry, Dr. Cole – a HST follow up study with a larger patient group (100-200) is on the way; in this case rather a controlled study and results from daily practice.

And after publication of THIS paper and results, the few papers about FUT and FUE can be rather considered as anecdotal pseudo-scientific studies in the medical literature - in comparison. Because after 50 years of “modern hair transplantation”, until today, no patient out there really knows about the outcome of the just well marketed “Golden Standard” (FUT) or FUE. And finally, the so-called “Golden Standard” can be rather considered as “Cheap Standard” thereafter.

» Yes, we do Acell and PRP without hair transplant. We had one patient whose
» coverage went over 100% with Acell and PRP. Unfortunately, I don’t think
» it works on 100% of the patients. Acell in extraction sites has worked to
» varying degrees on all patients. i’ve not seen it reach 95% yet though.
» I’d love to visit Dr. Gho in Maastricht. That’s a big wow from me.

I really hope you do go to the Netherlands one day and look into the HST procedure. I’m sure a lot of people in the hairloss community would be very excited and interested in something like that.

As one of the leading FUE surgeons out there, you would be in a much better position than most to evaluate the merit of Gho’s claims.

If those claims do in fact turn out to be true and you can get consistently high donor regeneration in conjunction with high recipient yield, then it would be very exciting to see what a surgeon like yourself would be able to do with that technology. I’m sure there would be many more patients willing to get a hair transplant if a procedure with minimal scarring and high donor regeneration was offered.

» » Yes, we do Acell and PRP without hair transplant. We had one patient
» whose
» » coverage went over 100% with Acell and PRP. Unfortunately, I don’t
» think
» » it works on 100% of the patients. Acell in extraction sites has worked
» to
» » varying degrees on all patients. i’ve not seen it reach 95% yet though.
» » I’d love to visit Dr. Gho in Maastricht. That’s a big wow from
» me.

» I really hope you do go to the Netherlands one day and look into the HST
» procedure. I’m sure a lot of people in the hairloss community would be very
» excited and interested in something like that.
» As one of the leading FUE surgeons out there, you would be in a much better
» position than most to evaluate the merit of Gho’s claims.
» If those claims do in fact turn out to be true and you can get consistently
» high donor regeneration in conjunction with high recipient yield, then it
» would be very exciting to see what a surgeon like yourself would be able to
» do with that technology. I’m sure there would be many more patients willing
» to get a hair transplant if a procedure with minimal scarring and high
» donor regeneration was offered.

No offense but if I were a doctor in hair loss research I would find Dr. Gho’s claims very interesting and as well as his science. I would pay the 50k just to learn from Dr. Gho and maybe it will help into my research.

50k for the research of a doctor whos been working on HM since the 90s and who will be revealing EVERYTHING to you, even his secret special sauce which IMPROVES the yield according to his SMALL STUDY on a “article” is a small pocket change for a doctor.

So a doctor does 3 nice big scars per day, each scar is worth what? 5k? depending on the size of the scar, the biggest the scar the more money. 3 big fat scars = 15k.

that’s COULD be a week salary for good “FUT” doctors. Small pocket change.

But they rather:

even with the evidence that we have brought.

I think two things come out of this for me:

(1) Dr Cole deserves credit for trying to investigate and move HT’s forwards (he was also an early adopter of FUE), most HT doctors are prepared to do sod all and keep raking in the cash using old methods.

(2) We have another well known HT doctor who claims regeneration is not just a freak occurrence happening to the odd follicle - this very significantly reduces the strength of the claims (which have been getting weaker recently anyway) that Dr Gho’s HST is a $cam.

Has Dr. Gho published pics of his hair restoration procedures? I mean pics of a norwood 5-6-7 becomming a norwood 1-2? I am seriously asking this question…not being sarcastic. If he has, I missed them. If he hasn’t…why not??

» Dr. Gho says “I can make the hair grow again in donor”.
» Dr. Cole says "Interesting but no. I will train doctors and say that my
» scars are hypopigmentation. The scar is the four letter word.
» Dr. Gho says “I am now making hair grow again in donor”
» Dr. Cole says “I have been making my own formula for a long time in secret”
» so that he can say look at me too I can do this and know everthing. I know
» everything and know doctor can do a thing that I have not done.
» Why is every thing that is new not new to Dr. Cole? Look at his posts and
» why this is everyone laughs at Dr. Cole in Europe. Dr. Gho has the real
» stuff!

Generally speaking Dr. Cole seems to have more credibility than Dr. Gho. Dr. Cole usually backs up his claims pretty well and his reports are more scientific and well presented with photos. With Dr. Gho it’s like pulling teeth trying to get some decent before and after photos from him.

» Generally speaking Dr. Cole seems to have more credibility than Dr. Gho.
» Dr. Cole usually backs up his claims pretty well and his reports are more scientific
» and well presented with photos. With Dr. Gho it’s like pulling
» teeth trying to get some decent before and after photos from him.

Which scientific reports?

And WHICH science??