About my hair transplant journey in Turkey

Rob here. I’ve been waiting a long time to get my hair transplant. The treatment took two days and involved 3460 grafts. Vera Clinic doctors worked on my situation.

I’ve been researching patients’ experiences, and now I have my own.

This allows me to thoroughly document my case for your consideration.

I began my surgery with enthusiasm since I had faith in the clinic and their doctors. The first phase of the surgery was done under local anesthetic and was considerably less painful than I thought. Punching, extraction, and placement went easily, with 1771 grafts implanted to the front on the first day.

I experienced little to no pain in the evening, and I took paracetamol pills as directed. I followed all of the post-op instructions, such as applying ice packs to the forehead and massaging it, as well as bathing the transplanted area with saltwater rather than the donor area.

The second day went successfully as well, with 1689 grafts totaling 3460 grafts for both days. I had minimal to nonexistent swelling, most likely because I followed the post-op instructions exactly.

My pals took a lot of pictures before and after the surgery. The Vera Clinic’s employees were actual specialists in their profession. They did a great job, and I felt extremely appreciated.

Well Turkey is becoming very famous in the recent past of few years about hair transplant surgery.