A note about logging into Hairsite

This is off-topic in one way, but not in another (since it involves logging into Hairsite to make a comment).

When I just went to log in, I was alerted to the fact that I was, by default, being logged into an unsecured (http) version of the site. Fortunately, I was able to simply type in “https” and access the secured version. Given the rampant problem of hackers stealing customers’ info from websites (even secure websites), I figured this was something for people (and Hairsite) to be aware of so they could take steps to address it. :slight_smile:

RichH, thanks for pointing that out. We will share this with the developer immediately.


Thanks, Hairsite. I just logged in today and it is still a problem.

Secured login is now enfored on all users including login via social media accounts.