5 best foods for Hair growth according to top Dieticians

5 best foods for Hair growth according to top Dieticians :point_down:t2::point_down:t2:

  1. Berries - rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like vitamin C.

  2. Eggs - rich in vitamin B called Biotin that helps hair grow.

  3. Nuts - great sources of protein, healthy fats, biotin and zinc which can help hair growth and prevent hair loss.

  4. Chia seeds - contain zinc and copper, two key minerals for overall hair health.

  5. Avocado - contain vitamin E, an antioxidant that nourishes the hair.

  6. Chickpeas, Lentils, Beans and Peas - you’re looking for a vegetarian alternative to animal proteins, try pulses like chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas.

  7. Pumpkin - full of vitamins C and E that help repair your body’s cells from damage.

You can also consult few dieticians for best advices according to your health and for practical solutions for hair growth from the given link below :point_down:t2::point_down:t2:
