4135 Zone 1, 2, 3 with Dr. baubac hayatdavoudi in Beverly Hills

Hello All,
Thanks for following my first blog for my first procedure. I decided to go in for another procedure to fill in the native hair that continued to fall. I decided to go back to the Armani clinic since I had a great experience the first time at the Montreal office for the ~3560 graft FUE procedure. This time I went to Beverly Hills location and had it done with Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi. Overall a great experience and was a slightly bigger procedure, extracting and transplanting approximately 4135 grafts in Zone 1, 2, and 3. I had no crown work done since the front zones were so thin that it was recommended we really strengthen the front side of the scalp.
It’s hard for me to say that I would go for another procedure since it’s just a long healing process and it’s physically taxing. I know though, that it’s definitely worth the result.

I hope you all find this helpful in deciding to have a procedure yourselves. Follow me on my blog as I’ll update it monthly. Looking forward to awesome results! http://armaniht.blogspot.com

Hey G35,

I remember your results from your first transplant awhile back. It looked like you were completely bald in the front and got a very nice transformation. But when looking at your Pre- HT2 picks, it looks like you lost alot of that transplanted hair. Your pre-HT1 photos show a completely bald front with really no native hair and the first procedure filled it all in (according to the pics). Can you please clarify whether you think you lost your transplanted hair from the first procedure, because from the pics, that appears to be the case and it certainly doesn’t look like there are 3000+ grafts in your front pre-HT2 pics. I sincerely hope this procedure gets you where you need to be!

Brock Landers

» Hello All,
» Thanks for following my first blog for my first procedure. I decided to go
» in for another procedure to fill in the native hair that continued to
» fall. I decided to go back to the Armani clinic since I had a great
» experience the first time at the Montreal office for the ~3560 graft FUE
» procedure. This time I went to Beverly Hills location and had it done with
» Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi. Overall a great experience and was a slightly
» bigger procedure, extracting and transplanting approximately 4135 grafts in
» Zone 1, 2, and 3. I had no crown work done since the front zones were so
» thin that it was recommended we really strengthen the front side of the
» scalp.
» It’s hard for me to say that I would go for another procedure since it’s
» just a long healing process and it’s physically taxing. I know though, that
» it’s definitely worth the result.
» I hope you all find this helpful in deciding to have a procedure
» yourselves. Follow me on my blog as I’ll update it monthly. Looking forward
» to awesome results! http://armaniht.blogspot.com

Yeah lots of folks think that i lost the transplanted hair but in reality most of the transplanted hair is still there in zones 1 and 2. I wore my hair long and its easy to blend since it’s wavy. I combed the hair up for pre op to show you all the actual progression of loss of my native hair.