350 Graft Removal via FUE 0-12 Months BHR Clinic

Our patient is only 23, he had a previous surgery a year or so ago leaving a totally unnatural design and density in his hair line. The objective was to remove the old grafts giving him back his old natural hair line. Approximately 350 old grafts were removed from the temples.

The procedure was staggered as the right side he suffered an infection and was taking anti-biotic before attempting the removal. The left side was treated first and four months later the right side, so post op pictures are 12 and 8 months respectively.




So the surgery he had with another clinic was only 350 grafts?

Hi ipod,

We are not sure how many were placed, the patient as such was not given a breakdown, probably more than we removed but can’t be sure how many.

I always thought FUE is a scarless removal procedure?

So I wonder how this patient will look like…


Why didn’t these doctors simply pluck out these this hairs?
Dr. Cole says plucked hairs don’t grow back.


» I always thought FUE is a scarless removal procedure?
» So I wonder how this patient will look like…
» http://www.hairsite.com/hair-loss/board_entry-id-100007-page-0-category-2-order-last_answer-descasc-DESC.html
» Why didn’t these doctors simply pluck out these this hairs?
» Dr. Cole says plucked hairs don’t grow back.

Sorry for the intrusion in the thread but I would like to clarify.
Concerning the plucked hair Im not sure about if it will grow in the recipient area but what is sure is that it will regrow in the original area.

Thank you.

If you are going to make an incision into the skin no one can say for sure it will not leave some degree of a mark, some times not visible to the naked eye maybe. Then there is to consider any damage caused by the slit making or placement of the original grafts, ridging, pitting, cobble-stoning for example, removing the graft is not going to be able to take these effects away, they were already present; possibly pitting can be reduced that said as the graft is excised the skin can flatten slightly.

Plucking does not remove the follicular unit, simply the hair, continued plucking could obviously reduce the quality of the hair, like cases of traction alopecia or tichotillomania, and in sever cases can reduce the growth in areas over a long period of time but not really can this be considered an effective method to repair a poor hair line.

I am a little perplexed as to why the patient would opt for removal of the grafts and have permanent scarring on his temples (yes the scaring is visible from the pics) rather than have a small FUE session with a good doc and add more grafts to add density to the temples and remove the plucky look.

Did the patient provide a reason why he chose to do this over a minor FUE session?

Our patient is very young, he made a mistake and now just wants to return to his natural state as much as he can, he has no wish to go back on the HT treadmill at 23 old and especially after his initial experience.

If you look at his hair line before our op you will notice it is not just the “plucky” look but the entire design is wrong, hair direction and orientation is totally unnatural and even if he did decide to continue and have a further conventional sugery then the grafts would still have had to be removed to recreate the natural angle and design of his hair line. In reality the impairment left from the old grafts is very minimal and in person not noticeable unless you really focus on the area, he could have some skin resurfacing possible but at present it is so minor he doesn´t even see himself really.

For our patient as far as he is concerned he can put this all behind him and move on now, enjoying his youth just as he should be at his age.

I think that in that case, Acell sould be used, to help the healing and maybe avoid scars.

» I think that in that case, Acell sould be used, to help the healing and
» maybe avoid scars.

I think acell would not help at all in this case , or in any other case for that matter ,



I think what is important is knowing the situation of the case, Acell, assuming it would do something would possibly only alter pigmentation, it is not licensed for use in the EU (European Union) for use on humans, only animals. A scar is simply that, possibly it can be made to alter some appearance but it is still visible.

The scars were not caused by the extraction of the grafts but by the initial procedure slit making or placement, also it must be taken into consideration he has not properly healed yet, and as said in reality are far from being as visible as in the pictures that were taken in HD situation. IF he wishes , and the fact he has not, he could use something like skin resurfacing, but as the impairment left is minor especially compared to what he has lived with it is something of an non issue for our patient.

Look here is my opinion… These types of cases are difficult. We have had a a several over the last few years that are exactly like this. A reverse FUE. And the difficulty is the fact that the grafts are all over the place in the angles. So it isn’t a normal run of the mill FUE. And to add to that, this isn’t a simple plug redistribution case where you just punch out a large ass plug with a 1.3mm punch. This type of case takes pure skill in using a range of punch size.

The redness and such will decrease over time.

Kudos to Christian Bisanga is this reduction of unnatural and inexperienced clinic transplanted grafting.