2535 Grafts Via FUE with Dr. H. Rahal

Patient History

This patient is 37 years old and started experiencing hair loss at 26 years of age. He underwent a previous FUT / strip procedure with a different clinic in Montreal in 2011 giving him approximately 1000 grafts to the frontal zones.

Family History of Hair Loss

On the paternal side, men experienced advanced degrees of balding and could be classified anywhere between a NW4 and a NW5A. On the maternal side, men experienced advanced thinning classified as high as a NW6.

Hair Loss Medication

The patient has tried finasteride for approximately 1 year but stopped due to side effects. He has been using Rogaine (minoxidil) for approximately 5 to 6 years and has undergone 4 PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatments with Dr. Rahal between 0 and 16 months.

Number of Grafts / Hair Count Breakdown

Procedure - FUE

Number of Grafts - 2535

Number of Hairs - 5747

Zones Treated - 1, 2, 3, 4 (see attached diagram)

Single Hairs - 364

2 Hairs - 1283

3 Hairs - 735

4 Hairs - 153

Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.2

Recipient Graft Density - 39 FU/cm2

Recipient Hair Density - 88 hairs/cm