2200 FUE hairline repair/plug removal - 24-month results by Patrick Mwamba, MD

This patient had three surgeries prior to coming to Dr. Patrick Mwamba in Brussels, Belgium. The hairline and frontal third had five-millimeter punch grafts resulting in an unsightly appearance. As years passed and subsequent hair loss occurred, the frontal scalp revealed obvious effects of the early plug procedure. The sheer volume of the plugs caused cobble-stoning and ridging on the frontal scalp. Repairing the hairline and removing plugs is a complex process that can require more than one session.

Dr. Patrick Mwamba treated the patient by removing some of the plugs and transplanting approximately 2200 FUE/FIT grafts to improve naturalness and increase density. Rebuilt with naturally occurring follicular unit grafts, the hairline was slightly lowered, and the temple peaks were redefined with fine hair grafts to proportionately balance the face. The goal of the patient has been met. These are the 24-month results. The hair line repair results are best with MYWHTC and Dr. Patrick Mwamba

Here - Free hair loss recommendation from Dr. Patrick Mwamba

Here - Free hair loss recommendation from Dr. Patrick Mwamba

His hairline still looks pluggy


From the text in the post:
“Repairing the hairline and removing plugs is a complex process that can require more than one session.”

Fixing plugs while conserving existing donor hair should take multiple passes. Unfortunately this is an inconvenience for the patient, but a necessity.

I was in a similar situation and I think it took 4 passes with a local doctor in Atlanta before people quit staring at my hairline.

Generally speaking, you will be much better off if you can remove all of the plugs from the hairline area. Practically, most people can’t go through that process and go to work because it will be very detectable. This patient would probably look better if he combed his hair to the side instead of styling it straight back.