1604 grafts HST - Amsterdam 15 May 2012

» You hear that a lot with Gho patients as gc83uk just mentioned himself.
» That’s what I really like about HST. You can get the procedure and not
» worry about looking like a freak for months.

Check this out …

… this Gerard Joling just 1 day after having HST!

Here a few weeks later …

» » You hear that a lot with Gho patients as gc83uk just mentioned himself.
» » That’s what I really like about HST. You can get the procedure and not
» » worry about looking like a freak for months.
» Check this out …
» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hQC3XXhwPM
» … this Gerard Joling just 1 day after having HST!
» Here a few weeks later …
» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k78gJiZKUmQ&feature=related

I like to compare it to this guys 2-3 month result


or this… LOLZERZ


» » » You hear that a lot with Gho patients as gc83uk just mentioned
» himself.
» » » That’s what I really like about HST. You can get the procedure and not
» » » worry about looking like a freak for months.
» »
» » Check this out …
» »
» » http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hQC3XXhwPM
» »
» » … this Gerard Joling just 1 day after having HST!
» »
» » Here a few weeks later …
» »
» » http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k78gJiZKUmQ&feature=related
» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCtko0Ra504&feature=plcp
» I like to compare it to this guys 2-3 month result
» or this… LOLZERZ
» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddlvur0EAmI&feature=player_embedded#!

I found on youtube something much more interesting. Kobren Spencer was discussing the other best treatment and new discovery against hairloss:

I think it was around 2 weeks.
What’s funny is that you can actually use that thing with a procedure from Gho, yet strip doctors and his sorry ass don’t even bother.

Hmmm before Gho, being bald was hard cold truth. With Gho being bald is just an option, trange times. Can somebody enlighten me because i wanna know where and hen Gho will stop? I mean what is he gonna do now? Or what is he aiming for? He even dont give people small transplant sessions anymore (under 1000) but rather go for normal numbers, something a while back would have been not sure.

» I found on youtube something much more interesting. Kobren Spencer was
» discussing the other best treatment and new discovery against hairloss:
» I think it was around 2 weeks.
» What’s funny is that you can actually use that thing with a procedure from
» Gho, yet strip doctors and his sorry ass don’t even bother.

Someone mentioned it on BTT and it’s a great point. With Gho, the traditional risks of a hair transplant are minimized - you always have the option to buzz/shave down. Even the grafts that don’t regenerate, do not create those “white-dot” scars. I’m assuming that’s because of the smaller needle used in HST. Plus if you do decide to shave down, the extra implanted grafts give you that shadow and frame your face better, as we can see with someone like Sneijder who keeps his head buzzed close. No other hair transplant procedure offers this kind of option at all.

» It took a lot of time for the extraction and then put the grafs in the
» receipt zone…
» the procedure started at 7 am and finished 5 or 6 PM…
» i think is really difficult to have more than 1800 grafts in 1 day and also
» it depends of the donor area…
» I didnt settle the amount…they settle the amount depending your donor
» caracteristics.

I see. It seems that it would be difficult for them from a labour perspective to deal with so many grafts in a single day. I’m still not sure if it’s labour or healing which is the dominant factor stopping them from doing so many grafts. It might also be that some grafts are much more suitable for the procedure than others, which Iron_Man seems to suggest, which limits the amount they can extract safely from the donor.

Regardless, it would be great if they did multiple-day sessions - for example, 1.5k grafts in one day and the other 1.5k grafts in the next for a total of 3k grafts, but I’m not sure if HASCI is in favour of something like that. It seems they’re starting to increase the number of grafts so hopefully one day that can be a reality, especially for those of us who need to travel far for a procedure.

What areas did they cover in your recipient damielmillo (temples, forelock, crown)?

» » I was in the closest hotel( in the same street) that they booked for me
» for
» » FREE for the first before night, then i booked another 2 nights more
» » BECAUSE by the instructions they gave me, we must to wait 3 or 4 days
» for
» » washing the grafts and for wearing a cap and i can not go out to the
» street
» » without a cap the first days…it is noticiable.
» » Anyway, the recovery was really suprising and quickly, the donor in 5 or
» 6
» » days is not noticiable for the human eye, all the crusts dissapear at the
» 8
» » or 9 day. You can feel at the 4 or 5 day after in the donor some itching
» » but it is for the donor regrowth.
» » Another great point is that 70-80% of the grafts in the receipt never
» fall
» » down.
» » Iron Man, what do you think about my case? Why do you say that is a
» strange
» » case? can you explain me please? I can see some regrowth in the donor.
» » Thank you
» Thanks man, and im glad that you are satisfied with your op. so basically
» after 3 to 4 days it’s safe to wear a cap and go site seeing and enjoy your
» time in the city, righ ?
» And when did you feel it was safe to go out without wearing a cap and not
» being noticable ? Was it after 8 to 9 days ?
» Thanks again anc i will be sharing my experience as well.

Recovery time is quick. Everyone is different though. After 9 days the crusts in my reciepient were gone in the shower.

Alot of the receipient hairs are growing more a month later. BUT my donor…

Its hard to say because i failed badly with taking pictures. I am keep a close eye because the way the extracted is very different for me. Tight groupings.

Crusts in the donor area were gone after 2 weeks. To be honest, I think they had a really hard to extracting grafts from me, and they took risks. HOWEVER, i am in a VERY unique situation with HASCI that makes me not care if i dont meet 80% regeneration. ££££

Personally, I didnt like the service, and felt they took some risks. At one point they were extracting 2 grafts per second…thats insane. I cant see any white dot scarring (which should be very obvious on me as I have dark skin).

Ill post up pictures of my donor soon.

My recieptient is doing fine in terms of growth, but I think I might have been cheated. I can only see 1 hair grafts so far, which makes me think that they were transecting 2 or 3 hair grafts in a panic to meet 1200 grafts.

Just to be clear, im not saying they do this with everyone, just they found my case very difficult. Also, these are merely suspicions, that I will clear up in the next week or so.

With they way they extracted grafts (large groups tight together), it will be obvious if they have damaged my donor (which was itching big time, do all HT donors itch?).

Anyways, ill update soon. Sorry my case wont provide any scientific-type proof, but at least you’ll see how well HST performed with unorthdox extraction spacing.

» Recovery time is quick. Everyone is different though. After 9 days the
» crusts in my reciepient were gone in the shower.
» Alot of the receipient hairs are growing more a month later. BUT my
» donor…
» Its hard to say because i failed badly with taking pictures. I am keep a
» close eye because the way the extracted is very different for me. Tight
» groupings.
» Crusts in the donor area were gone after 2 weeks. To be honest, I think
» they had a really hard to extracting grafts from me, and they took risks.
» HOWEVER, i am in a VERY unique situation with HASCI that makes me not care
» if i dont meet 80% regeneration. ££££
» Personally, I didnt like the service, and felt they took some risks. At one
» point they were extracting 2 grafts per second…thats insane. I cant see
» any white dot scarring (which should be very obvious on me as I have dark
» skin).
» Ill post up pictures of my donor soon.
» My recieptient is doing fine in terms of growth, but I think I might have
» been cheated. I can only see 1 hair grafts so far, which makes me think
» that they were transecting 2 or 3 hair grafts in a panic to meet 1200
» grafts.
» Just to be clear, im not saying they do this with everyone, just they found
» my case very difficult. Also, these are merely suspicions, that I will
» clear up in the next week or so.
» With they way they extracted grafts (large groups tight together), it will
» be obvious if they have damaged my donor (which was itching big time, do
» all HT donors itch?).
» Anyways, ill update soon. Sorry my case wont provide any scientific-type
» proof, but at least you’ll see how well HST performed with unorthdox
» extraction spacing.

thanks for sharing. I’m disappointed to hear you didn’t 100% like the service, recipient growth, or donor growth. Thats a shame. I hope my experience is better.

» Ill post up pictures of my donor soon.

And from which website or hair loss forum or conventional HT clinic are you going to use the useless photos?

» » Recovery time is quick. Everyone is different though. After 9 days the
» » crusts in my reciepient were gone in the shower.
» »
» » Alot of the receipient hairs are growing more a month later. BUT my
» » donor…
» »
» » Its hard to say because i failed badly with taking pictures. I am keep a
» » close eye because the way the extracted is very different for me. Tight
» » groupings.
» »
» » Crusts in the donor area were gone after 2 weeks. To be honest, I think
» » they had a really hard to extracting grafts from me, and they took
» risks.
» » HOWEVER, i am in a VERY unique situation with HASCI that makes me not
» care
» » if i dont meet 80% regeneration. ££££
» »
» » Personally, I didnt like the service, and felt they took some risks. At
» one
» » point they were extracting 2 grafts per second…thats insane. I cant
» see
» » any white dot scarring (which should be very obvious on me as I have
» dark
» » skin).
» »
» » Ill post up pictures of my donor soon.
» »
» » My recieptient is doing fine in terms of growth, but I think I might
» have
» » been cheated. I can only see 1 hair grafts so far, which makes me think
» » that they were transecting 2 or 3 hair grafts in a panic to meet 1200
» » grafts.
» »
» » Just to be clear, im not saying they do this with everyone, just they
» found
» » my case very difficult. Also, these are merely suspicions, that I will
» » clear up in the next week or so.
» »
» » With they way they extracted grafts (large groups tight together), it
» will
» » be obvious if they have damaged my donor (which was itching big time, do
» » all HT donors itch?).
» »
» » Anyways, ill update soon. Sorry my case wont provide any scientific-type
» » proof, but at least you’ll see how well HST performed with unorthdox
» » extraction spacing.
» thanks for sharing. I’m disappointed to hear you didn’t 100% like the
» service, recipient growth, or donor growth. Thats a shame. I hope my
» experience is better.

Well im not saying i dont like it yet. really wish my photo taking was better in that first month. Who knows, might all be fine. Still way too early to tell anything about the recepient, just looked in the mirror and i have shed most of the hairs. so ill have to be patient.

Donor pictures coming up. Ill try my best to correlate the new pics with my crappy old pictures from right after my hst. Ill focus on the small zones where they extracted alot of grafts.

Your donor is looking good mate! Hows your recepient? can you see 2-3 hair grafts? Youve done a much better job than me in documenting things, well done :stuck_out_tongue: good luck

» » Ill post up pictures of my donor soon.
» And from which website or hair loss forum or conventional HT clinic are you
» going to use the useless photos?

And what are you talking about?

» » » I was in the closest hotel( in the same street) that they booked for
» me
» » for
» » » FREE for the first before night, then i booked another 2 nights more
» » » BECAUSE by the instructions they gave me, we must to wait 3 or 4 days
» » for
» » » washing the grafts and for wearing a cap and i can not go out to the
» » street
» » » without a cap the first days…it is noticiable.
» » » Anyway, the recovery was really suprising and quickly, the donor in 5
» or
» » 6
» » » days is not noticiable for the human eye, all the crusts dissapear at
» the
» » 8
» » » or 9 day. You can feel at the 4 or 5 day after in the donor some
» itching
» » » but it is for the donor regrowth.
» » » Another great point is that 70-80% of the grafts in the receipt never
» » fall
» » » down.
» » » Iron Man, what do you think about my case? Why do you say that is a
» » strange
» » » case? can you explain me please? I can see some regrowth in the donor.
» » » Thank you
» »
» » Thanks man, and im glad that you are satisfied with your op. so
» basically
» » after 3 to 4 days it’s safe to wear a cap and go site seeing and enjoy
» your
» » time in the city, righ ?
» » And when did you feel it was safe to go out without wearing a cap and
» not
» » being noticable ? Was it after 8 to 9 days ?
» »
» » Thanks again anc i will be sharing my experience as well.
» Recovery time is quick. Everyone is different though. After 9 days the
» crusts in my reciepient were gone in the shower.
» Alot of the receipient hairs are growing more a month later. BUT my
» donor…
» Its hard to say because i failed badly with taking pictures. I am keep a
» close eye because the way the extracted is very different for me. Tight
» groupings.
» Crusts in the donor area were gone after 2 weeks. To be honest, I think
» they had a really hard to extracting grafts from me, and they took risks.
» HOWEVER, i am in a VERY unique situation with HASCI that makes me not care
» if i dont meet 80% regeneration. ££££
» Personally, I didnt like the service, and felt they took some risks. At one
» point they were extracting 2 grafts per second…thats insane. I cant see
» any white dot scarring (which should be very obvious on me as I have dark
» skin).
» Ill post up pictures of my donor soon.
» My recieptient is doing fine in terms of growth, but I think I might have
» been cheated. I can only see 1 hair grafts so far, which makes me think
» that they were transecting 2 or 3 hair grafts in a panic to meet 1200
» grafts.
» Just to be clear, im not saying they do this with everyone, just they found
» my case very difficult. Also, these are merely suspicions, that I will
» clear up in the next week or so.
» With they way they extracted grafts (large groups tight together), it will
» be obvious if they have damaged my donor (which was itching big time, do
» all HT donors itch?).
» Anyways, ill update soon. Sorry my case wont provide any scientific-type
» proof, but at least you’ll see how well HST performed with unorthdox
» extraction spacing.

Thanks man. Im looking forward to your pics and update. It’s good you didn’t get any white dots scars (that’s a huge advantage).

» My recieptient is doing fine in terms of growth, but I think I might have
» been cheated. I can only see 1 hair grafts so far, which makes me think
» that they were transecting 2 or 3 hair grafts in a panic to meet 1200
» grafts.

Have you seen extracted grafts in a petri dish, i think Gho separates 1, 2 and 3 hair grafts so you could see how many 1s, 2s and 3 are there.

He claims 2.5 hairs per graft on average and that would mean he cant afford to have too many singles to achieve that average.

Has anyone asked Gho directly if he is splitting grafts(banana split)?

» » My recieptient is doing fine in terms of growth, but I think I might
» have
» » been cheated. I can only see 1 hair grafts so far, which makes me think
» » that they were transecting 2 or 3 hair grafts in a panic to meet 1200
» » grafts.
» Have you seen extracted grafts in a petri dish, i think Gho separates 1, 2
» and 3 hair grafts so you could see how many 1s, 2s and 3 are there.
» He claims 2.5 hairs per graft on average and that would mean he cant
» afford to have too many singles to achieve that average.
» Has anyone asked Gho directly if he is splitting grafts(banana split)?

I saw alot of 1 and 2 hair grafts, and some 3. But that was quite early on in the procedure. Damn, i should have been more nosey.

I did ask directly are they splitting grafts, they said ‘nooooooo no no’.

I do think HST is legit, but i suspect its not for everyone. Ill know when my grafts grow out, very curious to see if there are any 3 hair ones.

One thing i dont understand is that my 3 hair grafts are very widely spaced out, how can they extract it such a small tool? Maybe that was the problem?

the hairs might be spread out but they actualy graft is still small enough to extract, but locating it amongst the 3 hairs was proving difficult? A bit mysterious.

» » I did ask directly are they splitting grafts, they said 'nooooooo no no'. » » I do think HST is legit, but i suspect its not for everyone.

When you say hst is not for everyone, what sort of patient hst wouldnt be suitable for?

If its legit as we all hope it is then I cant imagine someone not being ‘suitable’, no scars and 80% regeneration, how can you go wrong?

Can we get the next candidate to focus on petri dish where gho baths grafts and ask him to give you full breakdown of grafts,(singles, doubles and trips),
and verify visually, also tht can easyly tell how many grafts you getting on everage.
What is the ratio of 1s 2s 3 hair grafts on average patient?

» »
» » I did ask directly are they splitting grafts, they said ‘nooooooo no
» no’.
» »
» » I do think HST is legit, but i suspect its not for everyone.

» When you say hst is not for everyone, what sort of patient hst wouldnt be
» suitable for?
» If its legit as we all hope it is then I cant imagine someone not being
» ‘suitable’, no scars and 80% regeneration, how can you go wrong?
» Can we get the next candidate to focus on petri dish where gho baths grafts
» and ask him to give you full breakdown of grafts,(singles, doubles and
» trips),
» and verify visually, also tht can easyly tell how many grafts you getting
» on everage.
» What is the ratio of 1s 2s 3 hair grafts on average patient?

Patients whose 2 and 3 grafts are spread out. Perhaps someone else could comment on how regular (and highly skilled) HT docs extract 3 hair grafts that are spread out widely in a row?

Anyways, in my case, lets just focus on scarring in the donor, see if there are any big ‘blank’ spots where they extracted big groups of grafts, and how well the receipient grows.

In the case of GC and danmillo you can get more precise % figures of donor regrowth. If you spot alot of 2 and 3 hair grafts on those two guys, all is well…

» »
» » »
» » » I did ask directly are they splitting grafts, they said ‘nooooooo no
» » no’.
» » »
» » » I do think HST is legit, but i suspect its not for everyone.

» »
» »
» »
» »
» »
» » When you say hst is not for everyone, what sort of patient hst wouldnt
» be
» » suitable for?
» »
» »
» » If its legit as we all hope it is then I cant imagine someone not being
» » ‘suitable’, no scars and 80% regeneration, how can you go wrong?
» »
» »
» » Can we get the next candidate to focus on petri dish where gho baths
» grafts
» » and ask him to give you full breakdown of grafts,(singles, doubles and
» » trips),
» » and verify visually, also tht can easyly tell how many grafts you
» getting
» » on everage.
» » What is the ratio of 1s 2s 3 hair grafts on average patient?
» Patients whose 2 and 3 grafts are spread out. Perhaps someone else could
» comment on how regular (and highly skilled) HT docs extract 3 hair grafts
» that are spread out widely in a row?
» Anyways, in my case, lets just focus on scarring in the donor, see if there
» are any big ‘blank’ spots where they extracted big groups of grafts, and
» how well the receipient grows.
» In the case of GC and danmillo you can get more precise % figures of donor
» regrowth. If you spot alot of 2 and 3 hair grafts on those two guys, all is
» well…

at this early stage i can say for sure that the recovery time is brilliant, and alot of recepient hairs are growing already. Huge plus points. Also as im dark skinned, white dots should be obvious. I do now have a microscope camera, so ill hunt around for white dots on the small areas they extracted, should be obvious if anything comes up.

» » »
» » » »
» » » » I did ask directly are they splitting grafts, they said ‘nooooooo no
» » » no’.
» » » »
» » » » I do think HST is legit, but i suspect its not for everyone.

» » »
» » »
» » »
» » »
» » »
» » » When you say hst is not for everyone, what sort of patient hst wouldnt
» » be
» » » suitable for?
» » »
» » »
» » » If its legit as we all hope it is then I cant imagine someone not
» being
» » » ‘suitable’, no scars and 80% regeneration, how can you go wrong?
» » »
» » »
» » » Can we get the next candidate to focus on petri dish where gho baths
» » grafts
» » » and ask him to give you full breakdown of grafts,(singles, doubles and
» » » trips),
» » » and verify visually, also tht can easyly tell how many grafts you
» » getting
» » » on everage.
» » » What is the ratio of 1s 2s 3 hair grafts on average patient?
» »
» » Patients whose 2 and 3 grafts are spread out. Perhaps someone else could
» » comment on how regular (and highly skilled) HT docs extract 3 hair
» grafts
» » that are spread out widely in a row?
» »
» » Anyways, in my case, lets just focus on scarring in the donor, see if
» there
» » are any big ‘blank’ spots where they extracted big groups of grafts, and
» » how well the receipient grows.
» »
» » In the case of GC and danmillo you can get more precise % figures of
» donor
» » regrowth. If you spot alot of 2 and 3 hair grafts on those two guys, all
» is
» » well…
» at this early stage i can say for sure that the recovery time is brilliant,
» and alot of recepient hairs are growing already. Huge plus points. Also as
» im dark skinned, white dots should be obvious. I do now have a microscope
» camera, so ill hunt around for white dots on the small areas they
» extracted, should be obvious if anything comes up.

Well, i am pretty sure that they are not splitting hairs…i could see how they put in the petri dish all my 1,2 and 3 hairs grafts. The recovery time is incredible. They give me the advice to do at least 2 or 3 procedures more…
They always say that you will not see any scar and after several procedures you can still get a buzz cut.
Here 2 pictures of my receipt zone the day of the procedure.


Thanks danielmillo, so at least 2 or 3 more which means you could also go for way more. Wow this is impressive given the facts that you said about yourself that you have a NW4 5 thinning pattern. I congratulate you, especially when someone can see that you have a huge area to cover.

Can it be that Gho is actually going for everyone to be a NW2 with the ability to ear hair long and to have a Wesley Sneijder buzz cut if wanted. Cause to me it seems that it doesnt matter what kind of Norwood someone is (NW6 or so) Gho still goes for initially NW2, which is actually quiet good because it will suit everyone.

Hair splitting is highly unlikely because it would be pretty obvious in the recipient area and you simply couldnt reharvest in the donor area again if you would split.

If my calculations are correct, danielmillo in your case if you would have done a traditional transplant, it would be impossible for you to get one done and thre additional more right? Cause by that point your donor would be too weak. Really freaky that Gho is saying " Ah come back for at least two or three more" the key ord is at least, which means afterwards just go for it if you like

» Thanks danielmillo, so at least 2 or 3 more which means you could also go
» for way more. Wow this is impressive given the facts that you said about
» yourself that you have a NW4 5 thinning pattern. I congratulate you,
» especially when someone can see that you have a huge area to cover.
» Can it be that Gho is actually going for everyone to be a NW2 with the
» ability to ear hair long and to have a Wesley Sneijder buzz cut if wanted.
» Cause to me it seems that it doesnt matter what kind of Norwood someone is
» (NW6 or so) Gho still goes for initially NW2, which is actually quiet good
» because it will suit everyone.
» Hair splitting is highly unlikely because it would be pretty obvious in the
» recipient area and you simply couldnt reharvest in the donor area again if
» you would split.
» If my calculations are correct, danielmillo in your case if you would have
» done a traditional transplant, it would be impossible for you to get one
» done and thre additional more right? Cause by that point your donor would
» be too weak. Really freaky that Gho is saying " Ah come back for at least
» two or three more" the key ord is at least, which means afterwards just go
» for it if you like

Yes, he did a NW2 like Sjneider hairline on me, i really like this hairline, is the most natural, i really dont like a NW1 or 0 hairline.
I will need another procedures for sure, but in this time i am trying to maintain what i have hehe…they offer me to have another procedure on March 2013…i will se how is my evolution.