1100 FUSE (including 900+ bht ) - 6 month update - repair HT

Dear forum readers,

Sometime back we performed the first stage of repair HT for a patient.

I feel that there are many in a similar position that have been severely scarred over the years by primitive hair restoration surgeries.

6 months after his 1st stage repair HT, the patient is happy with his progress and will be proceeding ahead with further work.

His repair HT relied heavily on body hair, as his scalp donor resources had been severely compromised.

The patient shared some pictorial updates.
I shall post detailed pictures for the benefit of viewers.
Appropriate viewer discretion is advised.

Dr. A

Dear forum readers,

Past relevant history -
The patient underwent numerous hair restoration procedures including,

  • Scalp reductions,
  • Plug extractions and transplants (extractions by shotgun technique),
  • Strip surgeries.

Following are some pictures of the back of the scalp.

The scalp donor area had been rendered unharvestable, even by fue, except in certain locations.

Dr. A

The hair grafts taken from these areas had been used, over the years to recreate a hairline and to fill behind it with the plugs.

Due to the multiple procedures, most of the top and back of the crown consisted of scar tissue.

The hairline and temple areas posed certain problems for the patient.

The temples points had eroded due to hairloss and had also been lifted due to the repeat surgeries.

The hairline was higher at the centre point and sloped downwards on both the sides.

The initial repair procedure was a modest step and consisted of :

  1. Altering the hairline design (creating a central peak and thickening the remainder).

  2. Recreating the temple points.
    The aim of 1 and 2 was to enable the patient to be able to comb his hair back (instead of to the side).

  3. A small BHT session was performed in the empty scar area created post Scalp reduction (as a predecessor to further procedures).

Dear forum readers,
In the 1st stage repair HT for this patient, we used grafts obtained from the thigh, axillary (armpit) and some scalp donor.

Armpit - 325 grafts
Thigh - 576 grafts
Scalp - 213 grafts.

The patient sent us his recent (approximately 6 month post op) picture.

He has noted good growth in all the areas, including the scarred area in the crown.

Despicable. Inhumane.
even pack dogs dont do this to their mates. You must out the doctor’s name. Who were the ones that did this. I shudder to subject myself to any doctor if the end be this. They have virtually eaten bites off this man’s head.


» The scalp donor area had been rendered unharvestable, even by fue, except
» in certain locations.
» Regards,
» Dr. A

I am happy that he can comb the hair back now. That got to be helpful. Keep up the good work, doc.

All to familiar,welcome to my life.
This has been going on for years,it still happens and NOBODY is doing anything about it.In fact,it’s probably getting worse.You only have to look at http://www.torontohairdoctor.com/hair-doctor-training.html to see what little respect some doctors have for their trade.
I strongly suspect that in a previous life some hair transplant doctors were defendants at the Nuremberg Trails.
I admire this guy for having the strength to fight on, wow, what a brave man.
Thanks for giving this guy some hope Dr A. I sincerely hope you can make a positive difference to this victims life.

Im glad this guy can get some help via body hair or whatever method that can help him. Thats got to be rough to live like that, under a hat all the time.

I hope if surgeons can convey any ONE thing to prospective patients it is this: You need to try finasteride for one good year and make sure you dont have side effects from it before even considering a transplant. It you have bad sides…and cant use DHT blockers, then youre risking not having enough hair by a long shot, and risking having an HT-“island” up there with hair in front of nothing. Those old plugs were obviously from either the seventies or eighties, back before proscar and propecia.

I got a translant in the mid-nineties because Id been told about (and read about) finasteride and was under the impression it completely stopped all further loss (incorrect, but it does slow it to a crawl). I wouldn’t have considered an HT without anti-androgens.

I tried to compile some side by side pictures. I think its worth mentioning that the body hair grafts were derived only from the armpits and the thighs.

» Im glad this guy can get some help via body hair or whatever method that
» can help him. Thats got to be rough to live like that, under a hat all the
» time.
» I hope if surgeons can convey any ONE thing to prospective patients it is
» this: You need to try finasteride for one good year and make sure you dont
» have side effects from it before even considering a transplant. It you have
» bad sides…and cant use DHT blockers, then youre risking
» not having enough hair by a long shot, and risking having an HT-“island”
» up there with hair in front of nothing. Those old plugs were obviously
» from either the seventies or eighties, back before proscar and propecia.
» I got a translant in the mid-nineties because Id been told about (and read
» about) finasteride and was under the impression it completely stopped all
» further loss (incorrect, but it does slow it to a crawl). I wouldn’t have
» considered an HT without anti-androgens.

I guess the question now would be to what effect do anti-androgens have on BHT. It appears that the jury is still out as to exactly what DHT blockers are “safe” to take after a BHT surgury.