1000 FUE PRP to major hair loss on frontal hairline and temples - 12 months

This female patient came to My World Hair Transplant Center in Brussels to add symmetry and balance. From the 12-month results comparison photo below, you can more clearly see where the growth has thickened patient’s hairline and temple regions. The growth has significantly added more balance to the patient’s feminine appearance. The new hairline and temple regions are more aesthetically satisfying to the patient. The angles and locations of the temple peaks are also very appropriate for this particular patient.

The procedure was 1000 FUE (FIT) hair grafts and platelet-rich plasma. FUE in Belgium and Brussels is what we refer to as FIT. With experience and artistry, Dr. Patrick Mwamba and team have excellent abilities to consistently deliver aesthetically pleasing results.

Le centre MYWHTC
73 Rue Defacqz
Bruxelles, Belgique 1060

Le centre MYWHTC offre à ses patients les meilleures solutions chirurgicales pour la perte de cheveux. Avec les meilleurs chirurgiens du monde et son personnel hautement qualifié, la clinique MyWHTC offre la technique ultra moderne d’isolation folliculaire (FIT) ainsi que la transplantation d’unité folliculaire (FUT) ou technique de la bandelette ou STRIP.



Gio Macatti