10,000 FUSE graft HT - update

We recieved pictures from the patient who underwent 10,000 FUSE grafts about a fortnight ago.
Details of the HT are available at the following link.


Total number of grafts for this procedure - 10,035.

Of these, 3729 were scalp hair grafts
2480 were facial/beard hair grafts and the remainder from chest, abdomen and armpit.

That is roughly 25% from the beard and 37% from the scalp.

The recreated swirl

» We recieved pictures from the patient who underwent 10,000 FUSE grafts
» about a fortnight ago.
» Details of the HT are available at the following link.
» 抚州灼中影视文化发展公司
» Total number of grafts for this procedure - 10,035.
» Of these, 3729 were scalp hair grafts
» 2480 were facial/beard hair grafts and the remainder from chest, abdomen
» and armpit.
» That is roughly 25% from the beard and 37% from the scalp.

» The recreated swirl
» V. For the benefit of the forums. Can you highlight to the best of your knowledge where the beard hair grafts were placed? This will be interesting to see full grown out.


Two weeks out isn’t going to show anyone anything in regards to success. One year is the time to start determining whether the transplant was succesful or now and you know this.

Ive only seen about 4 really “wow” results with body hair, and only one of those was “extrodinary”.

Like girltech or hairtech said, there might be some interleuikin or cytokine that inhibits body hair growth on the scalp still. They certainly cant be placed as closely as head hairs can and their caliber isnt’ as thick USUALLY if they are culled from the legs and arms.

» Like girltech or hairtech said, there might be some interleuikin or
» cytokine that inhibits body hair growth on the scalp still. They certainly
» cant be placed as closely as head hairs can

Is this a theory or when you say “certainly” is there a study or reported evidence about this.

» »
» » Like girltech or hairtech said, there might be some interleuikin or
» » cytokine that inhibits body hair growth on the scalp still. They
» certainly
» » cant be placed as closely as head hairs can
» Is this a theory or when you say “certainly” is there a study or reported
» evidence about this.

yes marco, Cole did a density study with two different orientations and four different densities of hair a while back and found that body hair grew best at about 30 hairs per square cm with saggital slits. Much more hair grew period, not merely yield, over much higher denstities.

Ask Cole about it when you get the chance. Over the long haul (3 years or so, some more of the dense packed BHT’s might grow in of course)

I have a little theory about this and that is a bunch of body hair densely packed anywhere might have a hard time growing because its actually very densely packed on our bodies, but only about a fifth of it is growing on the arms and legs and a third to a forth on the chest. If it all grew at once, hairy men like me, would look like apes. There might be a signalling mechanism between them that disallows other body hairs to be in aganen in close proximity.

OR All that might be wrong and over several years all of it will grow. Mixing body hair and head hair might be the best route to get the most growth over all. Mwamba has stated that he has seen cases where the head hair amongst body hair seems to help the body hair grow. The signalling envrionment between the follicular units is probably profoundly complicated in totality, but they are learning.