Dr Arslan: Sapphire Hair Transplant in Turkey / Afro Hair

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant/ Dr Arslan Musbeh

Patient Age: 31

Norwood: 4

Grafts Number: 2300

2 days post-op

Method: Micro FUE /Extraction: Punch 0,75mm/Incision with special sapphire blades

PRP: One Session after Hair Transplant

Left side / Before HT

Frontal side / Before HT

Back side / Before HT

Left side / 2 Days post-op

Frontal side / 2 Days post-op

Back side / 2 Days post-op

Healing can be this good in just 2 days?

We use Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Method.
The incisions on the scalp made with a sapphire blade are much slender comparing to the incisions made with standard instruments. The result can be accurate clean and minimal scalp trauma which speeds the healing and lessen scarring.

I don’t think the donor photos were included, you probably thought the crown photo was the donor photo.

Here the donor area 4 days post-op