Wow! A lot of men are agreeable to shorter lifespans in exchange for more hair

Not a good idea. The longer you hang around, the more likely you’ll be here when a cure comes aling…

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by roger_that[/postedby]
Not a good idea. The longer you hang around, the more likely you’ll be here when a cure comes aling…[/quote]

of course.

My point wasn’t that their thinking is a good way of thinking…my point was merely that a lot more men are having more trouble with hair loss than we realize. I was very surprised to see that so many men would exchange years of their lives to get to have hair longer.

It’s normal to hear 23yo guys say they won’t care how they look when they are 30yo. Many of them regard 45yo as too far away to even think much about.

This sort of years-for-hair question does not tell you much unless you weed out the answers from anyone under about 30yo.

Even then, people will trade 1 year at the end of their life for just about anything. These questions don’t tell us very much until the price for something is up to at least 5 years.

I might consider trading a few years off the end of my life for TOTAL control of my hair for the rest of my life.

No more meds or procedures or financial costs to maintain it - NONE.
No going gray until I want to.
I get total control over the straight/curl, thickness, and color.

That’s a no brainer.

It’s like asking if you’d trade a long life as somebody’s slave for a shorter life as a free man.