What percentage of hair must be lost for it to become noticable?

I have heard that, by the time hairloss is noticed, a certain percentage of hairloss has occurred. Does anyone know the figure? I have heard 50%, but no reference to an actual study is ever given. 50% sounds high.

» I have heard that, by the time hairloss is noticed, a certain percentage of
» hairloss has occurred. Does anyone know the figure? I have heard 50%, but
» no reference to an actual study is ever given. 50% sounds high.

39.34 Percent

The point when you “notice it” is debatable.

If you’re 21 and hair loss totally isn’t on your mind, then you might take a hell of a long time. You might get down to as little 50-40% before you finally stop shrugging at the difference and get it through you head that a bunch of hair is permanently gone. (In my own case I noticed that there was a difference as early as 19-20. But I was 23-24 before I stopped assuming that it was just neglect/abuse/styling and really started worrying about MPB.)

Once you’ve already noticed that you’re losing hair, the next area of loss will probably be noticed by you right away. You’ll probably pic it out when you’ve still got 60-70% of it left.

If by “notice” you mean how it looks to other people?

Well, if we’re talking about just looks, not how it feels to the touch, then you could probably get by with 50-60% of the original hair.

And it partly depends on the location. The center of the crown and the frontal hairline need more than average.