Unusual problem fixed by Dr Angela Woods Campbell

From the milestone website. "New from Milestone Scientific, SafetyWand is the revolutionary answer to the federal legislation* requiring safety engineered devices for dentists. The unique auto-retracting design shields the needle while you’re not using it.

SafetyWand is safer and lighter than a traditional syringe and is operated with one hand. The pen-like grasp provides optimal ergonomics allowing maximal tactile control. And, the best news is that SafetyWand is part of the CompuDent computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery system.

CompuDent with SafetyWand is ideally suited for all injections and procedures and is easier to handle, easier to anesthetize and is now SAFER than ever.

It’s just easier and SAFER - Period."

I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but the freezing injections are NOT tiny pin pricks. I have had some, especially in areas close to the nape of the neck, areas close to the ears and in areas where there was scar tissue from previous surgeries where I honestly believed that I was going to crack a tooth biting down to endure the pain. They aint “tiny pin pricks” and you need a whole bunch of them to last through a typical surgery.

one thing doctors won’t tell you is how painful it is when they give you the anaesthesia.

Well. yeah. Most of them have never been injected to the extent of their patients.