

Does anyone have noticed if twins lose hair in the same pattern and speed as each other ?

Thanks for your input

» Hello,
» Does anyone have noticed if twins lose hair in the same pattern and speed
» as each other ? yes, of course…propecia even has pictures of one twin who uses it and another who doesn’t on their website (or used to anyway).
» Thanks for your input

» Hello,
» Does anyone have noticed if twins lose hair in the same pattern and speed
» as each other ?
» Thanks for your input

Here is a link on the Propecia Website to a video featuring identical twins:


Extremely poor quality video. Internet videos with this much unnecessary compression are very annoying to me. Anyway, it looks like the brother that uses Propecia has a 1" diameter lock of hair growing out of the center of his bald spot.

Right I know about the propecia twin study…but what about a twin study with no propecia…are we all assuming they have identical baldness ?

hmm…I would like to see pictures of twins if they ALWAYS have same hair loss or not, without drugs or treatment .Anyone ?

I would assume that the majority of them would have the same degree and pattern unless they were not raised in the same environment. We know that environmental factors play some role in the extent or the degree of progression but how much is an interesting question. I don’t think it would be that dramatic; at most one twin would probably have a little less noticable degree of thinning but I think they would both show around the same age and without intervention would progress at the same rate and eventually end up with the same amount of loss.

» Hello,
» Does anyone have noticed if twins lose hair in the same pattern and speed
» as each other ?
» Thanks for your input

I know a set of twins that do not have the same hair at all, one is balding and the other one has a full head of hair.

» I know a set of twins that do not have the same hair at all, one is
» balding and the other one has a full head of hair.

Are they real twins ?