To HairSite, Topical Spiro

Question To HairSite

Hairsite, you have referred many times to topical spirolactone as a good topical and has triggered my curiosity.

I have tried to create topical spiro by smashing pills soluble with alcohol but I saw that the powder was not well absorbed from the skin. The only way I succeeded was via direct injections in the skin with spiro soluble in water.

Do you have any suggestions?

PS: Have you seen any improvements using topical Spiro?

Every person is different. If you have tried everything else with no results, topical spiro is worth a shot.

From my experience, spiro tablets dissolve very easily in alcohol/propylene glycol mixture. I used to put spiro tablets into topical minox and they dissolved in no time.

There might be some residues (the white stuff) due to the coating of the tablets, you can ignore that.

That said, I am not a doctor. That was just my experiment.

spiro’s solubility in alcohol is around 1.5%

thanks you guys!

I am trying to confiqure what to do! :surprised: