Thinking of getting a transplant

You look to need 2500-3000 grafts in the frontal region for restoration of your hairline/temples- Personally I would not be concerned with the crown based on the pics I see . You have excellent hair quality. I would work my efforts on the frontal area and I think you would be very pleased once the hairline is recreated.

17,000 body hair grafts + 2000 scalp hair grafts by Dr Umar

What are your goals vivace67? I see you are on meds, has that been holding your crown??

My goal is to improve improve my hairline. I’ve been on Propecia for close to 9 years and it’s done the job well…I go through “shedding” phases once in a while and the hair comes back, but the hair line recedes ever so slightly… at this time I’m cautious of a HT as I don’t know the extent of my hair over the next 10 years. I don’t want to be a slave to hair transplants… I may just get a super buzz cut instead of a HT… one of the richest guys in Canada, Jim Balsillie, is bald and he’s trying to buy, unsuccessfully, a NHL hockey team, instead of getting FUE.

By the way, I won’t be contacting Armani after seeing some before (wet hair)/after (dry hair) Armani HT pictures. If doctors can’t be transparent (no pun intended), their credibility is tarnished. Great doctors don’t need to subtly (or explicitly) solicit services on message boards.

» What are your goals vivace67? I see you are on meds, has that been holding
» your crown??

I believe it’s fair to say that Dr. Armani’s clinic is not soliciting services on message boards/forums. They are simply providing beneficial information to prospective patients and to individuals who have had HT procedures in the past. These forums helped me significantly when I was in the decision making stage. In fact, the pictures posted by the different doctors/clinics weighed heavily on who I ultimately decided to book my procedure with. I wanted to see proven results and there are only a handful of doctors out there who consistently raise the bar in this industry and provide stellar results time and time again - Dr. Armani being one of them. Making an educated decision when it comes to a HT is extremely important. In my personal experience with the Armani clinic, Integrity came first and was never compromised. My individual needs were assessed, taken into consideration and a collective decision between the doctors and myself was made. Realistic expectations were laid out by Dr. Armani and phenomenal results were achieved. Anyone who is currently considering having a HT should most definitely include the Armani clinic on their list of potential providers.

My individual results -

Advice: don’t use regular Rogaine, use the foam. That is the best invention since Propecia.

“I believe it’s fair to say that Dr. Armani’s clinic is not soliciting services on message boards/forums.”

This is a very true statement. If others feel that they are soliciting, then I would imagine that the same argument holds for any other clinic who regularly posts on this forum. Then again, there are a lot of hypocrites on this board who look upon Dr. Armani with disdain while looking at other clinics who post here through rose-colored glasses.

As for the original poster vivace, you will not find a better surgeon than Dr. Armani out there who suits your current situation. I suggest that you set up meetings with one or more of his patients in person so that you can see for yourself that he really does do some excellent work and has nothing to be non-transparent about. Good luck with your decision.

do you use foam for both the crown and temples? why do you think it’s better?

» Advice: don’t use regular Rogaine, use the foam. That is the best invention
» since Propecia.

I’m not not to consider a HT in the immediate future as i need to assess the diminishing effects of propecia… also, I’m thinking of getting a very short hair cut and see how it looks… at this time it’s silly to have a visible receding hair line with my current hair length… i’m on vacation for 3 weeks so it may be a good time to try it…still not sure if i’ll do it though…

» “I believe it’s fair to say that Dr. Armani’s clinic is not soliciting
» services on message boards/forums.”
» This is a very true statement. If others feel that they are soliciting,
» then I would imagine that the same argument holds for any other clinic who
» regularly posts on this forum. Then again, there are a lot of hypocrites on
» this board who look upon Dr. Armani with disdain while looking at other
» clinics who post here through rose-colored glasses.
» As for the original poster vivace, you will not find a better surgeon than
» Dr. Armani out there who suits your current situation. I suggest that you
» set up meetings with one or more of his patients in person so that you can
» see for yourself that he really does do some excellent work and has nothing
» to be non-transparent about. Good luck with your decision.

Hi, Vivace67,
i hope I can contribute something to this theme.
First let me tell you something about me. I am 49 years old, German, live near Munich. I take Proscar (1/4 per day and Minoxidil 5 % twice a day) since 2004.
My situation was, as you can also see on photos, I have posted, bald on area 1 and 2 and thinning hair in area 3 and 4. I started in 2004 with HT, after a long period of inner struggle with myself and researching to find a good and serious surgeon. I am an electrical engineer and was 20 years working for a big company as a sales manager. Pleas believe me, that I can judge about advertisement and coomercials. But in this world, you have to be present in all medium. Because other people judge in other ways: They say, if anyone is not present in different medium, he can not be good, because it seems having not enough money for advertizing. I don’t judge the quality of surgeons due to their advertisement, I judge after the work they have done.
For me I can say, I know Dr. Armani and the Armani clinic since 2004. My first HT was in August 2004. He was always honest to me, says what can be expected, and I always felt to be in good hands. In 2004 he created a new hairline, what was the biggest transformation, for a 44 years old guy who already lost the complete hairline. After that I decided to improve also the zone 3 and 4 and additional give these zone more density. Until this point of time I can say, Dr. Armany always met my expectations.
I would never have taken a trip from Munich to Toronto 4 times, if I could find a surgeon of this quality in every country. Without doubt, he is one of the best HT surgeons in the world.
If you have any other question, ask me. Eyeryone has to find his way, for me it was the right way to do the HT. I don’t regret any minute or any Euro.

» Hi, Vivace67,
» i hope I can contribute something to this theme.
» First let me tell you something about me. I am 49 years old, German, live
» near Munich. I take Proscar (1/4 per day and Minoxidil 5 % twice a day)
» since 2004.
» My situation was, as you can also see on photos, I have posted, bald on
» area 1 and 2 and thinning hair in area 3 and 4. I started in 2004 with HT,
» after a long period of inner struggle with myself and researching to find a
» good and serious surgeon. I am an electrical engineer and was 20 years
» working for a big company as a sales manager. Pleas believe me, that I can
» judge about advertisement and coomercials. But in this world, you have to
» be present in all medium. Because other people judge in other ways: They
» say, if anyone is not present in different medium, he can not be good,
» because it seems having not enough money for advertizing. I don’t judge the
» quality of surgeons due to their advertisement, I judge after the work they
» have done.
» For me I can say, I know Dr. Armani and the Armani clinic since 2004. My
» first HT was in August 2004. He was always honest to me, says what can be
» expected, and I always felt to be in good hands. In 2004 he created a new
» hairline, what was the biggest transformation, for a 44 years old guy who
» already lost the complete hairline. After that I decided to improve also
» the zone 3 and 4 and additional give these zone more density. Until this
» point of time I can say, Dr. Armany always met my expectations.
» I would never have taken a trip from Munich to Toronto 4 times, if I could
» find a surgeon of this quality in every country. Without doubt, he is one
» of the best HT surgeons in the world.
» If you have any other question, ask me. Eyeryone has to find his way, for
» me it was the right way to do the HT. I don’t regret any minute or any
» Euro.

Ernst, 4 trips half way around the world to have it done right is quite a story. I am thrilled for you and how your journey has turned out.