The diabetic patient. Should you transplant?

Hairtech here is an interesting point. When palmitoleic acid levels in the body go up you can be sure insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes will follow in most people. Would it not make more sense to reduce palmitoleic acid levels first as studies have shown when this is done diabetics get better or go into complete remission. So now you are probably wondering how does one reduce palmitoleic levels in the body, very simple reduce all those cheap carbs one is stuffing into their face because the big food processors have convinced everyone that it is very normal while they fill their pockets with gobs of cash and laugh at you when you need to get your feet amputated. Yes very cruel but this is exactly how people need to look at things sometimes in order to bring about change. When you get tired of being screwed over maybe you will get mad enough to say I’m not longer going to be taken advantage of and change will be easy.

Doctors can’t tell you this because they lack knowledge and it does not benefit them for you to be well. Doctors need sick people in order to stay in business. This is not being negative for those that are inclined to always want to put on a happy face. This is reality and you can only make better decisions when you have all of the information and not just some of it.

Sorry guys but you can include beer in the cheap liquid carb catergory and that is why the big ass beer belly is a good sign of insulin resistance and the closely followed erectile dysfunction :frowning:

» Hairtech here is an interesting point. When palmitoleic acid levels in the
» body go up you can be sure insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes will
» follow in most people. Would it not make more sense to reduce palmitoleic
» acid levels first as studies have shown when this is done diabetics get
» better or go into complete remission. So now you are probably wondering how
» does one reduce palmitoleic levels in the body, very simple reduce all
» those cheap carbs one is stuffing into their face because the big food
» processors have convinced everyone that it is very normal while they fill
» their pockets with gobs of cash and laugh at you when you need to get your
» feet amputated. Yes very cruel but this is exactly how people need to look
» at things sometimes in order to bring about change. When you get tired of
» being screwed over maybe you will get mad enough to say I’m not longer
» going to be taken advantage of and change will be easy.
» Doctors can’t tell you this because they lack knowledge and it does not
» benefit them for you to be well. Doctors need sick people in order to stay
» in business. This is not being negative for those that are inclined to
» always want to put on a happy face. This is reality and you can only make
» better decisions when you have all of the information and not just some of
» it.
» Sorry guys but you can include beer in the cheap liquid carb catergory and
» that is why the big ass beer belly is a good sign of insulin resistance and
» the closely followed erectile dysfunction :frowning:

you guys may be interested in this article on Los Angeles Times, cure for type 2 diabetes in 8 weeks, no drugs. This is not the first time I 've heard of this too,

I believe this would work as glycogen would only last a day or so then the body would have to rely on bodyfat for energy and fat regardless of if it is dietary or bodyfat does not require insulin and is a superior source of energy. Thank you for posting the article damraak.

» I believe this would work as glycogen would only last a day or so then the
» body would have to rely on bodyfat for energy and fat regardless of if it
» is dietary or bodyfat does not require insulin and is a superior source of
» energy. Thank you for posting the article damraak.

What I found really interesting is that the test subjects managed to keep the disease at bay even after returning to a normal diet.

“Three months after returning to a normal diet, seven of them (out of 11) remained free of the disease.”

This was published in June 2011, it would be nice if they do a follow up report to see how these test subjects are doing now.

My guess is that normalcy would only last for so long once the patient went back to what they were doing long enough. But this is how weak people are when conditioned fully by those that determine what it is they will be eating. You see it’s not a choice, people sit in front of that boob tube and it just happens and even if they don’t most assuredly their friends and family do and guess what they will be serving up?