
Hello all,

I wanted to know if anyone here ever tried some form of Steroids and particularly a steroids drug called “Prendisone” that doctors prescribe sometimes for hairloss.

Thanks for answering me.

Finasteride and dutasteride used to treat AGA are steroids and they are effective.
But prednisone is a different steroid and may not be helpful in treating AGA and may even worsen it.

But it is used to treat other types of hair loss like Alopecia areata

» Hello all,
» I wanted to know if anyone here ever tried some form of Steroids and
» particularly a steroids drug called “Prendisone” that doctors prescribe
» sometimes for hairloss.
» Thanks for answering me.

I was prescribed Predisone when I had had a colitis flare-up. My hair was growing about 5 times faster and I had to get a haircut almost every 10 days! It didnt bring back all my hair, but it was simply amazing.

The only problem with pprendisone is that you cant take it for long periods of time as it’s not good for you…