Roxithromycin new study , sept 2008

» i am not using it now. The reaons is that the powder of the crushed pills
» does not dissolve in alcohol very well. I might try to use some DMSO, but
» that would mean getting a lot of other things into my blood than just the
» active ingrediant…filler…coating…etc… not sure if this is safe long
» term.
» I still have some un-used RULID pills, might try again at some point.

But the drug itself dissolves pretty well in ethanol and a little acetone.

From a patent:

“Surprisingly, the roxithromycin solubility in methanol is low in comparison to other common alcohols, namely ethanol and isopropyl alcohol, or even to other common organic solvents such as acetone.”

Your combination of ethanol and PPG should do well IMHO. What you are seeing is probably the filler.

thanks for the info…yeah i thought it might be only the filler but i was not sure. I will filter out the powder that is floating then, and try again.
At least the drug has been tested in humans and is safe so even if it does not work no harm will be done.


If you are going to filter out the “filler”, it may be wise to use more tablets than required to make a certain concentration. There is no way of knowing that some of the drug is not bound to that filler that you are filtering out. Typically, the drug is mixed with the filler to make a homogenious mixture.

actually, i don’t even need to filter out anything…it does not leave any residues really, when applied to the skin. if you shake it well, it seems dissolved ok for a few seconds…but after a while quite a bit of white powder accumulates at the bottom.

I have a 0.001 gr. electronic balance…i could weight the pills , then try to weight the powder removed by filtration of the ethanol mix to see how much gets really dissolved.
Since we know the actual weight of the active drug per pill, and the weight of the drug+filler.that could be a small project if i get bored this week-end.
those pills are relatively cheap and cheap to send by letter-post.

THe other thing in thois whole experiment which is not yet clear…is it 5% or 0.5% ?

I emailed the guys at the university in Japan on this, but never got any reply .

» El_d:
» If you are going to filter out the “filler”, it may be wise to use more
» tablets than required to make a certain concentration. There is no way of
» knowing that some of the drug is not bound to that filler that you are
» filtering out. Typically, the drug is mixed with the filler to make a
» homogenious mixture.

Yes, I always put a little more in there to avoid that possible problem.

Yes Elduterino, it would be nice to know the .5 or 5 percent answer but the OP showed it was 5 percent. The results showed about one-half had experienced benefits. Wasn’t that the same basic result with 0.5 percent?