Photo updates of repair work -FLASH

Flash has been introduced to the forum previously. He is currently undergoing his 3rd repair session which provided us with an opportunity to take some f/up photos for the forum:

History of several scalp reductions, strip surgeries with disfigurement from scarring, complete distortion of scalp morphology, plugginess, pitting, cobblestoning, severe ridging etc.

He lost his temples and parietal hair in the process as well.

He underwent Tissue expansion, and Z plasty to repair an oblong crown at another clinic.

Since I met him he had undergone:

Phase I surgery (1 year ago):

  1. Removal of plugs and pitting of the frontal area
  2. Addition of ~5000 body hair only to soften the frontal scalp and hairline, cover the ridging

Phase II surgery (4 months ago):

  1. Creation of parietal hair and temples
  2. Partial reconstitution of the crown

A total of ~6000 grafts was used. 790 grafts were derived from the scalp and the remaining 5000+ were derived from the body.

Here are some before and after photos:

Please read Flash’s first introduction plus pre-op photos on this thread:

The sides and temples (Before)

The side and temple at only 4 months

The front/top before:

The front/top at 1 year:

The top Before (plugs, pit and ridging):

The top at 1 year after plug removal and addition of body hair

Front before

Front now (1 year after phase I and 4 months after phase II):

As mentioned earlier, Flash is currently undergoing phase III of IV of his surgeries.

Please read Flash’s first introduction plus pre-op photos on this thread:

S. Umar, M.D., FAAD
DermHair Clinic
Redondo Beach, California
1-877-DERMHAIR (US residents)
Single Follicule Extraction & Transfer (SFET)
Using Head and Body hair

For more SFET-FUE and BHT results go to

Congratulations for taking on such a dificult problem. The temple reconstruction improved things a lot. It is of cause a travesty that he found himself in this situation. The personal and financial cost of the problem and putting it right must be hard. I know how much you empathise with these patients so GOIOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH.

Flash here checking backing in after one year to give an update on my on progress.

I’m back for my third procedure with Dr Umar and I’m continually amazed at my progress. I never thought someone with my severe scalp disfigurement from prior strip surgeries and scalp reductions could be restored to the progress that is taking place now. I believe with Dr. Umar’s skill and talent, that those who had given up hope like myself and have had to suffer through those feelings of depression and despair can now have a whole new outlook on life when it comes to hair restoration. Those who have read my initial story will be hard pressed to find case where someone has gone through more than I have. I know a lot of people out there may feel too embarrassed to see a doctor to try to do something about their condition. However, I can honestly say if there is hope for me, then many of you out there who had given up, Dr Umar can make a dream come true and get you looking the way you never thought possible. I can honestly say I owe Dr. Umar more than just my thanks. He isn’t just in the process of giving me back my hair and restoring a new outlook on life, but giving me back a smile that comes across my face everyday I see new growth that is restoring the shape of my face. One will not find a more caring or dedicated doctor that wants to work to towards your goals. For those who are too embarrassed to attempt to make a change, look at what I have been through and I guarantee that your situation is not worse than mine. Few will not have suffered more physical pain or frustration from empty promises than I have. I’m looking forward to the day where I can post pictures and never again have to wear a hairpiece and enjoy all the freedom that comes from that. While I’m only half way through, the next six months should be really telling and I hope it inspires others who have felt lost or discouraged by their current condition to contact Dr. Umar and see what he can do for you. Dr Umar will do in 2 years what the prior 15 years of botched surgeries could not do. You will never change anything by wishing it to happen and I’m thankful for his skill and compassion as a person everyday. I know how low some people can feel out there in their lives regarding hairloss or botched surgeries, but I’m here to tell you there is hope and I will have Dr. Umar post pictures as my progress continues.


Nothing I like seeing more than someone that was so far gone gaining hope, no matter what the source. Your previous work makes my old minis look like a glass of ice water in the Gobi desert. Sorry for your past problems. Truly.

I have a couple of questions and please, PLEASE do not take these negatively. I would like to know if it would be possible for you to take a photo of your hair that would match your before photo. In other words, your one year photo is styled to your left while your before photo is pretty much vertical. Secondly, where were your 790 scalp grafts placed? Were they concentrated in one particular area or spread evenly amongst the body grafts?

Good luck to you and happy growing.

The temple points look great. It really helps to frame the face - that little area makes such a difference to the overall appearance. Awesome!

I love the idea of breaking it into phases like that. Some docs have started to do that, and I support that approach whole heartedly. It gives the doctor and the patient the advantage to test the patient’s response to growth and different techniques before moving forward with more work.

Good job, Dr. Umar and Flash!


of the 790 scalp derived grafts almost half was applied to the crown work (admixed with body derived grafts) in phase II. The remaining half were distributed amongst body hair grafts in the reconstitution of the parietal and temple areas. Scalp hair was added for camouflage purposes, however the overall result is body hair derived.

The plugs from his prior strip surgeries were placed at a 90 degree angle to the scalp (facing upwards). These thick clumps of pluggy hair tend to point upwards naturally.

In phase I of Flash’s repair most of these poorly angled thick grafts were removed. About 5000 finer body derived single folliclar units were placed at an acute angle facing forward. These tend to lay forward or to the side as they grow out. Without secondary influence, they are incapable of standing erect like the erstwhile plugs would. As you can see from the photos, the hair is now finer and more malleable.

I have added some photos showing a shorter hair cut in both the before and after views. This should render combing less relevant a factor in assessing the result.



I hope this helps.


S. Umar, M.D., FAAD
DermHair Clinic
Redondo Beach, California
1-877-DERMHAIR (US residents)
Single Follicule Extraction & Transfer (SFET)
Using Head and Body hair

For more SFET-FUE and BHT results go to

The side and temple at only 4 months

The front/top at 1 year:

The top at 1 year after plug removal and addition of body hair

Front now (1 year after phase I and 4 months after phase II):

Thank god for the advancements in the hair transplant industry.

this is a dream…wel done Dr. Umar for saving this patient from his past horror.surely he does not have the density that other patients have but finally he looks normal with thin hair.

This is an amazing result. The temple points restoration is amazing. Congrats to both Dr. Umar and flash.

The repair was scheduled to be completed in 4 phases using body hair primarily:


Phase I Repair
This was completed in June 2006 (1 year ago). Here, the majority of the egregious plugs were removed. Some follicles salvaged in the process were redistributed. About 150 head hair was also extracted and used up. Almost 5000 body hair derived from the chest, abdomen and back were added to the frontal scalp, hair line and temples to soften and redefine the overall appearance for a more natural look:



Phase II Repair

This was completed in January 2007 (4 months ago). Here, over 5000 body hair (BHT)derived from the chest, abdomen, back and pubic areas were utilized to reconstitute the parietal area (sides of the head) as well as the temple points and frontal hairline. The crown was also visited in this phase for the first time. 790 scalp derived hair was utilized in the mix of body hair. About half of the 790 head grafts were applied to the crown and the remaining half were applied in the mix of body hair to the side and temples as well.


S. Umar, M.D., FAAD
DermHair Clinic
Redondo Beach, California
1-877-DERMHAIR (US residents)
Single Follicule Extraction & Transfer (SFET)
Using Head and Body hair

For more SFET-FUE and BHT results go to

Donor healing

Chest, abdomen and upper back at 4 months after 2nd harvest

S. Umar, M.D., FAAD
DermHair Clinic
Redondo Beach, California
1-877-DERMHAIR (US residents)
Single Follicule Extraction & Transfer (SFET)
Using Head and Body hair

For more SFET-FUE and BHT results go to


Flash had undergone several scalp reductions and strip transplants with disfiguring consequences>The foregoing photos depict the following:

Poor angulation: Pluggy hair pointing upwards
Severe pitting
Severe ridging
Severe disruption of scalp morphology:
The crown became oblong shaped
Disruptive displacement of all hair angles
Parietal hair drown to the vertex resulting in an empty sides and temples
Stretched strip scars with hair loss that resulted in decimated head donor areas

“Flash” resorted to wearing a hairpiece specially designed to cover the side, the oblong shaped crown.

Poor angulation: Pluggy hair pointing upwards, Severe pitting, Severe ridging

Stretched strip scars with hair loss that resulted in decimated head donor areas:

Severe disruption of scalp morphology from scalp reductions: The crown became oblong shaped; Disruptive displacement of all hair angles; Parietal hair drown to the vertex resulting in an empty sides and temples


Before visiting my clinic, Flash had his oblong shaped crown reformatted at another clinic by balloon tissue expansion and Z plasty. The foregoing photos depicts the end result of this procedure which in essence laid a better foundation for continuing Newgrowths repair journey using mostly body hair.

Z-Plasty scars:


The back of the head after Z Plasty


The top after Z-plasty. The new crown is depicted:

S. Umar, M.D., FAAD
DermHair Clinic
Redondo Beach, California
1-877-DERMHAIR (US residents)
Single Follicule Extraction & Transfer (SFET)
Using Head and Body hair

For more SFET-FUE and BHT results go to

They say that justice is blind. Well this proves it but not in the way that we would like. It is amaizing that there is no legal recourse.

OMG, very graphic. This is not someting I want to do in the summer months, look at his arms, i can’t even wear t-shirt with my arms looking like that. People are gonna think I have some uncurable skin disease or something.

» OMG, very graphic. This is not someting I want to do in the summer months,
» look at his arms, i can’t even wear t-shirt with my arms looking like
» that. People are gonna think I have some uncurable skin disease or
» something.

Arms??? I don’t see pics of his arms being shown in the post.


this is the epitomy of evil in cosmetic procedures

My suggestion is that you actually BackUp and SlowDown to take a second look . The healing in the pics from what I see is impeccable as usual with Dr Umar’s extraction sites .

17,000 BHT grafts by Dr Umar

» OMG, very graphic. This is not someting I want to do in the summer months,
» look at his arms, i can’t even wear t-shirt with my arms looking like
» that. People are gonna think I have some uncurable skin disease or
» something.

That is why I did mine in December to allow for healing and not getting much exposure to sun for a few months. The pics look much worse than they will in a week or two. They are still in the “raw” stage and will become more faint over the coming weeks/months.

This is the picture I was talking about, You can’t wear anything short sleeved after the surgery, that is a problem for me in the summer.

The sites heal very quickly . This is an immediate post op pic that you are referring . Within 4-6 weeks after the procedure the sites heal with little to no notice visually. I had 1000 grafts taken from my right arm . I went back to work 1 week later wearing short sleeves with nothing but slight redness like a mild sunburn . Keep these things in mind.

17,000 Body Hair Grafts By Dr Umar