My Opinion of PRP


Thanks Dr. Jones.
I still cannot believe that there is a doctor like you, acknowledging the failures with such clarity and promptness. You are just too good to be true.

Thank you so much.


Thanks Dr. Jones, for testing the PRP, and the pig-bladder extrect powder (forgot its proper name, LOL).

Only through testing in humans will we ever know if some of these extranous measures can have any efficacy in real people, and we have been able to discard PRP off the list of “potentials” through your willingness to test it. Thanks.


Thank you! Your honesty and objectivity is extremely commendable!

many thanks for your honesty,I had asked him some questions and he answered me


» many thanks for your honesty,I had asked him some questions and he answered
» me
» honestly,thakns

Thanks Dr. Jones.

You’re not like Dr. Feller who propably still gets the cash from optimistic patients.

Thank you for your effort, and cander Dr Jones.

If I could ask, have you considered testing Dr Greco’s OroGen Plus in the future?

Dr Greco likened it to PRP with a matrix (where the “matrix” allows growth factors to do their magic). He asked me to picture a bridge that has a span missing in the roadway. You can pour all the cement into the hole, but it will just pass through (ie PRP without a matrix), but if you create a foundation from one span to the other ( matrix) the cement will attach to the foundation and a connection will be made from one end of the defect to the other.


Thak you doc but I have a doubt!
Did you use the PRP with a matrix or without?