My dr rogers strip scar shaved, what a mess

This is what my strip scar looks like when my head was shaved, Thanks dr rogers.
It makes me want to cry looking at that, what a f@@king mess

Dr cole placed some grafts into the scar, but im not sure its going to hide it, Im thinking of maybe a scar revision, but im not sure if the scar is to low?

btw my scar was never a ‘pencil thin line’ it was this wide straight after the HT with rogers.

dr rogers is one of the UK’s best HT docs apparently:rotfl:

» This is what my strip scar looks like when my head was shaved, Thanks dr
» rogers.
» It makes me want to cry looking at that, what a f@@king mess
» Dr cole placed some grafts into the scar, but im not sure its going to
» hide it, Im thinking of maybe a scar revision, but im not sure if the scar
» is to low?
» btw my scar was never a ‘pencil thin line’ it was this wide straight after
» the HT with rogers.


How many grafts did you have via strip? How did Dr. Rogers close the strip area? (sutures or staples?) Have you considered getting a revision with tricho via H&W?

» Haggis,
» How many grafts did you have via strip? How did Dr. Rogers close the strip
» area? (sutures or staples?) Have you considered getting a revision with
» tricho via H&W?

I had 2 strips with rogers for a massive 600 grafts, sutures were used to close the strip. ive recently had 2800 fit grafts with dr cole and i got some of these were placed into the scar to see how well they grow, but im thinking a scar revision may be a better option

» This is what my strip scar looks like when my head was shaved, Thanks dr
» rogers.
» It makes me want to cry looking at that, what a f@@king mess
» Dr cole placed some grafts into the scar, but im not sure its going to
» hide it, Im thinking of maybe a scar revision, but im not sure if the scar
» is to low?
» btw my scar was never a ‘pencil thin line’ it was this wide straight after
» the HT with rogers.
» dr rogers is one of the UK’s best HT docs apparently:rotfl:

I think the scar grafting will definitely help.

The most difficult thing to conceal is a change of direction. This happens when the top of the strip wound and the bottom edge of the wound are brought together. Sometimes the angles of the hair don’t match up very well. Sometimes the hairs below the scar end up sticking straight out or to the side.

Here’s an forhair . com/hairtransplant/topic786 . html


This patient had a good scar grafting result, but the change of direction still exists. You can see it real well in the shaven pic.

I hope these examples help to give you an idea of what to expect. :slight_smile:

» I had 2 strips with rogers for a massive 600 grafts,

Your havin a laugh.

At least you are in good hands now. I think a good scar revision would be better but that’s just instinct. I mean at 600 grafts you must have laxity left surely. Very best of luck.

I love FUE. I mean I love it with all my heart… but this needs a revision and a closure with someone who has consistent “pencil” line scars. Rose/Harris/Cooley/Shapiro all have been noted for ledge/tricho/and just plain consistent great closures… Not that I am telling you to do anything or go to any particular doctor… just looking at the raised scarring… grafting it, IMO will never be able to get great angles because of the shear largeness of the scar and it is raised. It would help… but to get rid of that… and you have no history of keloid scarring then I would revise it with a reputable doctor and later on if there is a scar larger than a pencil then graft it. It looks like someone closed it hap hazardly

» » I had 2 strips with rogers for a massive 600 grafts,
» Your havin a laugh.
» At least you are in good hands now. I think a good scar revision would be
» better but that’s just instinct. I mean at 600 grafts you must have laxity
» left surely. Very best of luck.

yes 600 grafts, i cant remember the exact amount but its around that amount, might be less. no good dr would even do 1 strip for that amount these days, at least the scar is only around 12 cm long, imagine if it had been from ear to ear looking like that:-(

Im going to give it a year and see what the scar looks like with the grafts that dr cole placed into it, i was against having ANY more strip work done when i visited dr cole. and also i didnt want a scar revision done when my entire head was shaved.

It looks like someone
» closed it hap hazardly

someone who didnt know what the f@@k they were doing!

hi jessica, yes i think the grafting will help, im going to look at it again in about 12 months to see how it looks.

» » This is what my strip scar looks like when my head was shaved, Thanks dr
» » rogers.
» » It makes me want to cry looking at that, what a f@@king mess
» »
» » Dr cole placed some grafts into the scar, but im not sure its going to
» » hide it, Im thinking of maybe a scar revision, but im not sure if the
» scar
» » is to low?
» »
» » btw my scar was never a ‘pencil thin line’ it was this wide straight
» after
» » the HT with rogers.
» »
» »
» Haggis,
» How many grafts did you have via strip? How did Dr. Rogers close the strip
» area? (sutures or staples?) Have you considered getting a revision with
» tricho via H&W?

Thats not even that bad, ive seen tons of scars that look worse than that. If you grew your hair out it would hide it just fine. You should see a pic of another guy i saw on a different hair loss site, his scar must have been 2.5cm wide.

» hi jessica, yes i think the grafting will help, im going to look at it
» again in about 12 months to see how it looks.

12 months is a good time frame, but if you like, you can send me pics as an update as often as you can. Also keep in mind that if you want some one to evaluate your progress in person, Dr. Mwamba is nearby in Belgium. He has been working with Dr. Cole for many years, and would be glad to meet with you.

Also in Belgium is Dr. Devroye and Dr. Bisanga.

Dr. Bisanga is a very well respected 0.75mm punch with great results physician.

» Thats not even that bad, ive seen tons of scars that look worse than that.
» If you grew your hair out it would hide it just fine. You should see a pic
» of another guy i saw on a different hair loss site, his scar must have
» been 2.5cm wide.

Yes my scar is fine, dont know what im worried about

It also crossed my mind that possibly you did not have the laxity in the area for a revision, but I find that hard to rationalize with only 600 grafts done. But if the strip was taken too wide, there may have been too much tension in that segment of scar.

If you do not get good growth through the scar, then possibly consider a revision with a trico or double-closure method. Some docs might also recommend staples.

Also, I took a very close look at your pic, and the scar appears a little raised. Is that true?

I wish you the best with the re-growth!

» It also crossed my mind that possibly you did not have the laxity in the
» area for a revision, but I find that hard to rationalize with only 600
» grafts done. But if the strip was taken too wide, there may have been too
» much tension in that segment of scar.
» If you do not get good growth through the scar, then possibly consider a
» revision with a trico or double-closure method. Some docs might also
» recommend staples.
» Also, I took a very close look at your pic, and the scar appears a little
» raised. Is that true?
» I wish you the best with the re-growth!

hi gillenator, yes the scar is slightly raised, it looks more raised in that pic though as i think they had just started to anesthetise the area