Have a hard time believing Diamond Dave?Here’s Newsweek…
Results from an independent chemical testing laboratory released last week found a probable human carcinogen, 1,4-dioxane (also known as para-dioxane), in some common children’s shampoos at levels higher than those recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Environmental Working Group, www.ewg.org, a research and advocacy organization that ran the study, estimates that more than a quarter of all personal-care products sold in the United States may contain this cancer-causing agent. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17177813/site/newsweek/
This is not new. I still remember the NO-SHAMPOO regimen some of us did about a year ago. Stop using shampoo aint bringing our hair back. Been there, done that.
» This is not new. I still remember the NO-SHAMPOO regimen some of us did
» about a year ago. Stop using shampoo aint bringing our hair back. Been
» there, done that.
Ipod, did you ever read The Cause of Baldness by Lawrence Cutsinger. I am guessing you didn’t because if you did you would know that it takes much longer than a year to get your hair back. I have been not shampooing for three years now and I still haven’t noticed any regrowth. I am not giving up though. Lawrence says it can take years for the scalp to heal from all the SLS baths it received. I was shampooing for well over 30 years so I know according to Lawrence that my healing time is going to be a long long time and I am talking years. Lawrence didn’t notice his regrowth until year 10 last year. Now his hair is growing so much that he predicts full regrowth in July of this year and a possible appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show since he lives in Chicago I believe.
» » This is not new. I still remember the NO-SHAMPOO regimen some of us did
» » about a year ago. Stop using shampoo aint bringing our hair back. Been
» » there, done that.
» Ipod, did you ever read The Cause of Baldness by
» Lawrence Cutsinger. I am guessing you didn’t because if you did you would
» know that it takes much longer than a year to get your hair back.
Exactly Kramer.
Big Pharma companies love sheeple like Ipod that will continue to use toxic shampoo until they are completely bald.
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