More literature on PGD2 (recent)

Nice read,

Does Prostaglandin D2 hold the cure to male pattern baldness?

AuthorsNieves A, et al. Show all Journal
Exp Dermatol. 2014 Feb 13. doi: 10.1111/exd.12348. [Epub ahead of print]

Lipids in the skin are the most diverse in the entire human body. Their bioactivity in health and disease is underexplored. Prostaglandin D2 has recently been identified as a factor which is elevated in the bald scalp of men with androgenetic alopecia and has the capacity to decrease hair lengthening. An enzyme which synthesizes it, prostaglandin D2 synthase (PTGDS or lipocalin-PGDS) is hormone responsive in multiple other organs. PGD2 has two known receptors, GPR44 and PTGDR. GPR44 was found to be necessary for the decrease in hair growth by PGD2. This creates an exciting opportunity to perhaps create novel treatments for androgenetic alopecia which inhibit the activity of PTGDS, PGD2 or GPR44. This review discusses the current knowledge surrounding PGD2 and future steps needed to translate these findings into novel therapies for patients with androgenetic alopecia. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
PMID 24521203 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Full text: Blackwell Publishing
Citation 4 of 16437

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Nice find shivers20. This review is a nice digestible summary with a good outline of future directions.

Indomethacin and chromoglycate stop hair loss

Link was broken,

“Current work is now focused on demonstrating that in human follicles, already identified GPR44 inhibitors also can reverse the hair growth inhibition by PGD 2 .”


are you confident about it? why?

I have been applying Chromoglycate and Indomethacin for over a year and Im not losing any hair. It definitely stops hair loss but doesnt regrow anything

Alec, maybe this explains why there has been no regrowth for you?

  1. Does PGD 2 inhibition help AGA? While multiple GPR44 inhibitors are marketed, their individual selectivity for GPR44 is quite variable. If optimum GPR44 inhibition occurs, can hair miniaturization be reversed?

a. To patients with AGA this is the only question of concern. Many groups are actively searching for GPR44 inhibitors already. However, there are important issues in designing a therapy which might be effective for AGA. One issue is timing: must inhibition of the pathway being in puberty when circulating androgens increase to prevent any increases of PGD 2 ? Is the inhibition of PGD 2 on hair growth reversible? Although GPR44 therapies are being designed for allergic diseases, their usefulness in AGA might be compromised
if the necessary schedule and delivery are different for inhibiting GPR44 in the hair follicle. The larger the number of candidate compounds to test for GPR44 inhibition in the hair follicle, the greater likelihood of success. If existing candidates for GPR44 inhibition fail to prove useful, the search for new candidates will be more pertinent. Given the likely important locus of expression of GPR44 in keratinocytes, the development of keratinocyte reporter cell lines for GPR44 activity would allow for large scale screening of compounds to inhibit this pathway and provide a pipeline for
potential small molecule candidates.

b. If appropriate GPR44 inhibition can be achieved, the most important of all the above
questions will address the reversibility of AGA in human subjects.