Man Dies After Hair Transplant

An anaphylactic reaction is possible, But I doubt it.

Apparently he went in for one of those mega sessions.

Routinely large doses of local anaesthetic with large doses of ADRENALINE must be used for paiin, but importantly, the ADRENALINE is essential to stop bleeding, as it is a vasoconstrictor

So how do you treat an anaphyllactic shock reaction,with ADRENALINE,just as with severe bee sting or peanut reactions,

So I personally feel this highly unlikey, If it was anaphylacsis . the ADRENALINE would have reversed it,

In megasessions, very large doses can cause cardiac arrest . That is what I think happened,

The other explanation is if they over dosed him on narcotics and he went into respiratory arrest

It is tragic. and a miracle that such events are not more common.

Dr Woods

@Dr_Woods apparently this is not the first time, in 2016 a medical student also died from a hair transplant in India.

Let’s walk through this.

A 500 graft, or approximately 1000 hair procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes prep time, including filming and anaesthetic injection

Removing 500 grafts (approx. 1000 hair) takes between 1.5 hours up till 5 hours in the most difficult repair cases with little left over donor and depending upon the complexity of the case, and there are countless variations and you have no idea until you are in there.

I have seen cases that look easy but are incredibly difficult…and others that look hard and I get through

The anaesthetic to get through 500 incisions is about 35 mls of lignocaine 1% with adrenaline 1 in 1000

50 mils of this is the maximum. The half life is approx. 1.5 to 2 hours……but it also can vary with weight, age, kidney function, other medication interaction , gender etc etc

We need the 35mls because we are not rushing this. Each graft is precious and irreplaceable and transection rates must be minimal as well as avoiding scalp shock.

The patient then must take at least 1 hour to drink at least a liter of water, or more, and eat, in order to wash out the adrenaline and lignocaine

Then the insertion process begins …another approx 35mls must be given to control pain and bleeding…under 25 power magnification which is crucial when inserting into a hypodermic slit, even a tiny drop of blood looks like a swimming pool…But pre punching thousands of holes into the receipient area must indeed cause a massive blood bath requiring much greater dose of adrenaline and lignocaine to control the bleeding and allow insertion….what a bloody mess

Machines, drills, etc. most often operated by itinerant inexperienced techs cause immense damage.

The idea that fue is safer than strip is not always true. Strip is localized damage. FUE is GLOBAL damage. Two techs with drills buzzing away can wipe out the donor in 1 hour. It IS a choice between two evils…and I would prefer the scar rather than global donor destruction

In the right hands , FUE is always superior, much safer and gives far greater yield, unfortunately FUE has been hijacked by opportunists

Giving 70 to 80 mls over 8 to 10 hours is pushing it

When I hear of these opportunistic greedy immoral practices offering double, triple to quadruple, that makes my blood boil. They must be giving medically irresponsible amounts of drugs and anesthetic. And it all amounts to a poor result, also potentially placing the patient at risk.

I know what they are up to and how they cover their butts with disclaimers

Those crazy numbers have NEVER been verified. And apart from extremely dodgy and questionable touched up photos it must leave you in extreme doubt

So it’s a FOLLICULAR ARMS RACE…to the bottom…get your head screwed up…at cheaper and cheaper prices

I have seen countless cases of little to no growth, with totally wiped out donor… via FUE

A recent patient had 8000 grafts….with about 500 grafts growing and a wiped out donor to show for it

When we tried to repair, he watched and filmed every graft insertion.

He said “After 8000 previous grafts, this is the first time I actually saw a follicle…not just one, but every one being placed”……how many of you who have gone through the mega-sessions can say this

These mega sessions don’t just NOT provide results consistent with what they’re saying, they destroy donor, and put patients at serious risk

Patients thought I was too expensive …but I know what these other operators are up to… and to make more money I could sell out too… but I never will

That said, my son, Michael Ray Woods is helping and placing grafts, under my supervision, and doing a great job. He has watched and learnt from me since childhood. And in a tough economy less expensive prices are offered…but every clinic on earth uses techs.,.I just have the best.

For those who are aware of the dangers and risks, but cannot afford me to do the entire procedure, I am telling you, you are in safe hands.

I began FUE , BHT etc.

I tried to solve a problem, but I underestimated the greed and corruption of this industry

They have gone crazy…I am the “Dr Woodsenstein”….the monsters are let loose…they are throwing your follicles into the abyss , and if you are not careful, they will throw you into that abyss, spiritually and worst of all, physically.

I was the key note speaker at the IHRP Conference in Vancouver in 2017…and the main message was “MICRO PROPRIOCEPTION” …feeling your way around each and every follicle under high power microscopes….preserve the donor , use hypodermics for placement under high power microscopes , allow the patient to watch ,see, film and count on the monitor…and care for the patient

That’s it

Dr Ray Woods

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Yep, a 22 year old medical student in Chennai, he wasn’t even bald, very sad.

Good post Dr. Woods. What you said makes sense, it was a 9000 grafts procedure, the doctor most likely went nuts with anesthetic that s what caused his death.

Apparently he had symptoms at the 3000 mark, and died a day or so later.

Anaphylactic shock is instant. They happen fast, and people must be injected with adrenaline immediately to save the life…thats why people allergic to bee stings carry an EPIPEN when out alone hiking etc its an instant easy plunger administering adrenaline

Now when I hear of 3000 grafts iin a day , well I call BS

No one has counted, filmed observed any of this hoax

The only reason more people havent died from 3000 graft procedures is simple…You are not getting 3000 intact viable grafts…they punch a heap of holes, the majority transections and useless…then pre punch holes for insertion,but nowhere near 3000 viable grafts are inserted

The Doctors know it , and to avoid death and tragedy , they give the appropriate anaesthetic, which can only safely deliver 500 Plus grafts…approx 1000 hair…but calling it 3000 sucks in the bargain seeking suckers

Dr Ray Woods

Dr. Woods , any chance the doctor never asked for blood work and properly screened the patient before agreeing to do 9000 grafts? The poor guy could have existing conditions that made him not suitable to go under the knife in the first place.

BTW, do you ask your patients to submit blood work prior to the procedure? What do you look for in the blood work? Had you ever rejected a patient because of his blood exam results?

the most important thing in medicine, is

History, past medical conditions, family history, examination, and careful observation.

Your heart may be full of plaques , blockages, and stenosis…a walking time bomb

But the the blood work comes back perfectly normal

If doctors could predict, there wouldnt be hundreds of thousands droppimg dead suddenly from cardiac arrest every year.

I just assume there are hidden occult diseases that no one has picked up or realised

hence, play it safe, and give safe doses of lignocaine and adrenaline

Pushing it beyond that is russian roullete

I adhere to the most fundamental principles of medicine,

I do blood work when I suspect a problem or my gut tells me something is not right.

Since 1989, I have never had a problem

I have refused patients because of medical history and my personal observations

Its medicine., art, intuition , experience, observation, and yes, blood work when I deem necessary

Dr Ray Woods

[quote=“Dr_Woods, post:12, topic:28856, full:true”]

the most important thing in medicine, is

History, past medical conditions, family history, examination, and careful observation.

I adhere to the most fundamental principles of medicine

Actually, the ability to listen to the patient is the most important asset a real doctor possesses. As you said, there are occult, mysterious disorders and diseases that arent medically detected whose symptoms patients complain about yet are turned away by doctors who erroneously chalk it up to the patient’s psychology.

Of course med history, exams, etc are very important. But not listening to patients will lead you to miss important clues to effective treatment.

If you refuse any patient who is suffering or in pain YOU are no doctor.

Your posts are becoming more and more bizzare, Dr. Woods never said about turning away patients who are in pain, where did you get that from?

btw go ahead flag me to admin for once again exposing your BS


I’m reporting you up again.

If a patient is suffering and in pain, the last thing he needs is a HT
He needs specialist medical treatment or an ambulance.

I realise avos holes good intentions, but think about it… his post is so stupid many must be scratching their heads,not too hard within 10 days of a HT,

Dr Ray Woods

I admit I misinterpreted your comment. But saying that a comment is stupid outright shows how respectful you are as a doctor.

NoMeds made a perfectly reasonable observation regarding your post,

your response was aggressive and bordering on threatening, and that deserves no respect

But forget this

A man died after a HT.
That is what this is about,And my sincere condolence to his family.

He had problems at the 3000 plus mark…the reason I have become involved is because I have never seen anywhere near that number create yield in a single session.

The amount of adrenaline, even for 1000 grafts is pushing the dangerous point.

I believe the numbers are bogus…and if anyone honestly tried anywhere near those numbers there would be many more deaths.

Some years ago a woman walking past my surgery was stung by a bee…almost immediately her breathing and circulation shut down…she had minutes to live…and its called anaphylactic shock…
I gave adrenaline to save her life and it worked instantly…but the adrenaline caused a heart beat irregularity so she spent several hours in hospital under observation until it settled.

The amount of adrenaline , even for a thousand grafts is scary…remember, thats 2000 punches in your head in one sitting

too much adrenaline is toxic and deadly…and if a doctor is running a production line, he walks out of the room…trying to deal with a heavily bleeding head the techs give dangerous amounts of adrenaline…luckily, I believe the numbers quoted are bogus. They are far far less. Otherwise deaths would be much more common.

Dr Ray Woods

He was a fifth year medical student, you would have thought he was smarter than that, the clinic looks like a real dump and he likely did very little research. While death is a rare occurrence, being butchered is not, unfortunately for that young kid mentioned above, he paid the ultimate price for trying to save money.

The med student didn’t go to a clinic, he want to a salon that does hair transplants according to the website !!! OMG

I created a monster…they are popping up everywhere…people are dying or being disfigured based on this non invasive…no strip…thousands of follicles a day LIE

God help me… how do I fix this…My Website tells the story as do hundreds of posts

The website is still there but undergoing reconstruction

its about “feel”…micro proprioception …and years of trial and error and being careful and not going for quick easy bucks from day one…but that is a hard sell to a fundamentally corrupt greedy and and often evil industry

Dr Ray Woods

And another poor soul died on the table in a mega session somewhere in spain
Just a few days ago
look it up and say a prayer

Dr Woods

OMG, why are these tragedies popping up everywhere all of a sudden !

Yep, in Spain, it is also suspected that the death might have something to do with anesthetics