Latisse for scalp hair

latisse for eyelashes is not strong enough to work on the scalp. the active ingredient in latisse is bimatoprost. are there doctors selling a version of bimatoprost that is stronger than latisse yet? I would think that a doctor would put together a higher dose bimatoprost solution together soon since the doctors know that latisse grows eyelash hair in a high percentage of patients.

» latisse for eyelashes is not strong enough to work on the scalp. the
» active ingredient in latisse is bimatoprost. are there doctors selling a
» version of bimatoprost that is stronger than latisse yet? I would think
» that a doctor would put together a higher dose bimatoprost solution
» together soon since the doctors know that latisse grows eyelash hair in a
» high percentage of patients.

don’t hold your breath, even if it works, i suspect it maybe like Rogaine and nothing more.